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[Discussion] some rare will be dismiss in this idoc on great lake


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
You ever notice more people like playing the lotto when the jackpot reaches near a billion? That's this IDOC compared to the other weekly millions lotto
I don't think it was neccessarily more people, I saw about as many as you do on a good EM hunt or whenever a good EM item is visible. I think many cranked up the number of accounts they were running though, if they have 30 they brought 30 so to speak. Certainly enough that you could move before it fell and instantly not at all after the scripts kicked in.

Perhaps a little more fear of actually getting into trouble for scripting is in order, where'd Mesanna go on that front anyway?

Haha, I know, maybe the devs can re-code the packhorses so that they get spooked when an idoc falls and will no longer accept items, run off in fear instead. This would clear up some lag since they'd be useless thus there would be no point to bring them. Just an idea, more actual people would stand a chance at *something* too with player characters only able to hold a fraction of the weight vs what a team of packhorses can move.
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Chump Thumper

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I don't think it was neccessarily more people, I saw about as many as you do on a good EM hunt or whenever a good EM item is visible. I think many cranked up the number of accounts they were running though, if they have 30 they brought 30 so to speak. Certainly enough that you could move before it fell and instantly not at all after the scripts kicked in.

Perhaps a little more fear of actually getting into trouble for scripting is in order, where'd Mesanna go on that front anyway?

Haha, I know, maybe the devs can re-code the packhorses so that they get spooked when an idoc falls and will no longer accept items, run off in fear instead. This would clear up some lag since they'd be useless thus there would be no point to bring them. Just an idea, more actual people would stand a chance at *something* too with player characters only able to hold a fraction of the weight vs what a team of packhorses can move.

People would simply wait to summon the pack horses with crystal ball till it drops


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
you can't place after falling, it shouldn't be too hard to make packhorses ignore you when in that area too.

Just an idea.


Hi all :) I just wanted to say that though I don't even have any programs I got about 1/2 dozen of the big items. I just kept dragging bars into my pack horses bag and after like 30 seconds some of the stuff I dragged appeared on my horse. Good luck, have fun all :)