Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel
A plea, if I can.
I am in favour to allowing crafters be able to get those items via gathering resources but I am NOT in favour of scripters having a field trip getting them.
Can you please have some brilliant ideas to still allow crafters to get them through gathering but without letting scripters be able to collect them 24/7 without any limit ?
Perhaps putting up a CAP -per ACCOUNT- of how many such resources can be gathered per day that is reasobale with any average player who plays like even 2 or 3 hours daily all devoted to gather them but does not play 24 hours a day 7 days a week gathering them ?
Or some other brilliant idea which let the game play be possible for real players playing gathering resources crafters but leave out from it the scripters.
Thank you.
Seriously OH HELL NO!!!
Bad Popps! Bad!
You guys are getting scripter and farmer confused.
See a lot of us don't need scripts to farm. We actually hit the freaking buttons 8 million times. We're obsessed, and its worse than that. I agree we need therapy, but I'm too busy FARMING to go get some therapy.
Popps I know you're secretly really rich. No one that can get a freaking herder to 100 could possibly be poor in uo.
The only thing I'm fairly certain of in uo is that they are not going to limit resouce amounts on accounts. It would be a programming nightmare. For example let's put counters on everything that won't cause a bit of lag right?
If they honestly wanted to catch people that were cheating here's what they would do. They'd look at the amount of hours an account played automatically. That's an easy thing to track without lag. Accounts that are being played over 18 hours a day should be flagged.
Then, they'd have a report printed to see how the accounts were being paid. 5+ accounts being used 15-20 hours a day would need inspection. Accounts paid by cash, etc being used 15-20 hours a day would need inspection. They could catch thousands of these accounts very quickly with this method.
It's not hard figuring out how to catch scripters and cheaters, but every time you catch one you have less money that month. It's much more cost effective to leave them alone and get paid imo.
Now everyone dance