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So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters useless)


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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel


I believe it's critical to the balance of Imbuing to spread the ingredients out, and not have all the top tier, high-class item properties be at the mercy of a small group of easily exploited items, that, through demonstration over the years, have appeared in far more number than should ever be possible to create in the game, and, at this point, are a resource we cannot balance in a new system.

To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods.
Was a joy to read. I think alot of games out there today are so desperate to be original. They impliment complicated, over thought monstrous systems that make little sense and are even less fun.

UO is packed to the brim with originality. And while no system is overly complicated, there are thousands of variations to choose from. making the game as a whole very complicated. But for whatever you wish to enjoy on any certain day... well it isnt too hard to get into. From this I think you have (and we all enjoy) a game that truly fits casual vs. powergamer playstyles (and all variations in between). There is nothing you cant accomplish with a reasonable amount of effort.

Imbuing looks to be shaping up into a system that will fit in nicely with so much other content in game. In fact the entire expansion adds a little bit for everyone but not too crazy in any one area. So much old was given depth. So much new was added. This expansion smoothes out a lot of bumps AoS created.

Any way awesome reply! ermm... t-hunting... anything good happening there?


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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that's what you wanted me to admit. Yes, I was behind this!

I believe it's critical to the balance of Imbuing to spread the ingredients out, and not have all the top tier, high-class item properties be at the mercy of a small group of easily exploited items, that, through demonstration over the years, have appeared in far more number than should ever be possible to create in the game, and, at this point, are a resource we cannot balance in a new system.

To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods.

Admittedly, it's 11:00 PM on the day of launch, so you know I'm all eager to go and defend our work! I'll have more details about this and what the plans are moving forward :)
I was only mad cause I thought it was a peerless type sitch. If its just like acid slugs, then thats perfectly cool with me.


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Some examples:

Mana Regen - Top End Ingrediant - Seed Of Renewal
Mage Armor - Top End Ingrediant - Abyssal Cloth
LMC - Top End Ingrediant - Essence Of Order
LRC - Top End Ingrediant - Faery Dust
All Skills - Top End Ingrediant - Crystalline Blackrock
Faster Casting - Top End Ingrediant - Essence Of Achievement
Hit Chance - Top End Ingrediant - Essence Of Precision
Damage Inc - Top End Ingrediant - Crystal Shards
FCR - Top End Ingrediant - Essence Of Diligence
EP - Top End Ingrediant - Crushed Glass
DCI - Top End Ingrediant - Essence Of Singularity

So, all the crafters professions (who could fish for pearl, or mine for gems, or LJ for amber) are useless and need turned into Warriors/Mages/Tamers to get these things from monsters? Unless I am missing something, this was an extremely bad move and is gonna set ALOT of crafter's off.

:thumbdown::thumbdown: Two thumbs down on this move.

Has it been confirmed that those ingredients, Seed Of Renewal, Abyssal Cloth, Essence Of Order, Faery Dust, Crystalline Blackrock, Essence Of Achievement, Essence Of Precision, Crystal Shards, Essence Of Diligence, Crushed Glass and Essence Of Singularity ONLY come as hunting drops and not also from other gathering ways, perhaps mining and chopping wood or fishing exclusively in the new Stygian Abyss Lands ?

If they have been designed to only come as hunting loot drops then I agree with you, it was a very poor design decision and yet another crafters' BAD nerf to deter real crafters to play this game some more.

If instead DIFFERENT ways besides hunting have been designed to obtain these ingredients including non-hunting ways which are crafters' friendly then I see no problem.

So, it depends.

Anyone has more informations on how to get those rare ingredients ?


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

You know the more I think about this the worse it gets. What happened to imbuing leveling the playing field for new players and the non rich? These ingredients are going to be exactly like the peerless ingredients, expensive and hard to get for the casual player. So much for there being another option besides runic made armor...

Well, I shutter at the thought that that concern.

Not only this would WIDEN the gap between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots" in the game thus not helping to level the playing field in favour of a more balanced out and lively PvP, making it actually a WORSE and a LARGER GAP, but it will show, at least to me, what might be the actual policy of the Developing Team of this game in this regards.

If things are like reported it does not look good to me, not at all.............


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I wouldn't bet on it.

(also remember ... these only apply to the top 10% of a property ... you can still make a 5x90% item and that's nothing to sneeze at)

But the point is, that if only those who are fitted the best (i.e. have the best items and most money) can get the ingredients to make it up for that 100% best imbuing, it will STILL be these "Having" players who will keep, maintain and firmly hold the upper hand in PvP against the "Having Nots" who do not have the items or the wealth to be able to secure those ingredients that can allow them to make it for 100% imbued items which will help them level out and close their GAP for a more balanced out PvP.

That is, those who can will STILL stay up there having a upper hand against those who cannot.

The playing field was not levelled and the GAP is still all there.........


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Mmm, no, not really. We specifically made sure these ingredients were easily available enough without completely flooding the market. It's definitely not something like having to kill a Peerless to get the highest level ingredient.

Additionally, many of the high-end versions will be added to crafting as well.

Well, I see hope in this comment.

Perhaps things are not as bad as they look ?

From what I seem to understand the design is not yet finished and "other" ways to gather those high end rare ingredients that do NOT require necessarily hunting will be added ?

If so, and hoping this design addition comes soon, possibly, then I see no problem.


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I thought imbuing was going to be a great boost for resource gatherers which are basically the crafters of the world. What was the thought process behind changing it?

I think, and if it is so it is admirable and I congratulate with the designers, that they wanted to design a way for crafters to aquire high end ingredients without though letting scripters have a field trip at it.

So, gathering those high end ingredients will need to be not like ML ones that required Peerless fighting BUT also not something easily scriptable.

A middle ground making it viable for crafters but not scriptable.

My opinion, though, I have no clue about their set goals.


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

So what you're saying, if I understand correctly (sorry for being slow, just bear with me ;) ), is that those mob-drop ingredients will have gatherer-obtainable equivalents in the near future?
Yessir, very near future

A plea, if I can.

I am in favour to allowing crafters be able to get those items via gathering resources but I am NOT in favour of scripters having a field trip getting them.

Can you please have some brilliant ideas to still allow crafters to get them through gathering but without letting scripters be able to collect them 24/7 without any limit ?

Perhaps putting up a CAP -per ACCOUNT- of how many such resources can be gathered per day that is reasobale with any average player who plays like even 2 or 3 hours daily all devoted to gather them but does not play 24 hours a day 7 days a week gathering them ?

Or some other brilliant idea which let the game play be possible for real players playing gathering resources crafters but leave out from it the scripters.

Thank you.


Always Present
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Who cares if you have 15dci over 13dci, or 50 over 45. Do you get the hint? It doesn't really matter.

In PvM certainly it does not matter but in PvP any and all minor advantages can result in winning a fight and not losing it.

Levelling out the playing field ain't important to PvM but is VITAL, IMHO, for a lively and challenging, fun playing PvP.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Tailors can get hides without getting one-shotted by fire demons with 130 breath damage. Tailors can get hides without the slayer thing in the middle of the Abyss crashing the 2D client whenever you go near him making it impossible to get your corpse back. Tailors can get hides ...
Paragon ancient wyrms or the center of the valor spawn are probably also not going to go well for the tailor. It does require some amount of tactics to choose your battles carefully and maneuver around. There are going be things you have to avoid.

(I will grant you that the abyss is not the most friendly place to try to recover a corpse, so it's easy to get a bad first impression on your first mistake; it's new and different so I can't fault you for being nervous, but it's not as bad as it first looks)

Anyway, I've said my peace ... it's not impossible that I could be wrong, but I would prefer people actually try to get to know the area and understand how the abyss works before passing judgment - it's not like other dungeons.


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Show me the run of the mill crafter template for slaying skeletal liches.
Perhaps with a lot of time, no other spawn to deal with, and alot of luck my crafter could eventually bring one down. Just one mind you. Then I'd need to slay 9 more just to get 1 ATTEMPT to craft something. Ack I failed! Go back and slay 10 more.

This is BS and you know it.

As far as the circle someone mentioned. Warrior sells ingredients to crafter, crafter sells item to warrior, rinse and repeat. Everyone here knows the crafter gets the shortend of that stick. Why? Because the warrior doesn't need the crafter. The warrior can outift themselves with top notch gear from farming Doom. They can then control champ spawns for scrolls. The warrior has an unending flow of income. In the meantime if the crafter wants to make something meaningful they have to bow to the wishes of the warrior. That is NOT balance.

Salya Sin

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Ok... I have been totally INSANE with excitement for this expansion. Yesterday... I bought 4 upgrades so my favorite people and I could all go play. We warmed up with our usual... then rallied the guild to make a group run of the Ter Mur trek.

OMG! WHAT A FRICKEN BLAST! And I didn't die once... that is saying something. We had one brief surprise attack by some unfriendly blues that we thought were just lingering NPC's... WRONG... other than that... it was no worse than collecting bone. Ok... maybe a bit harder... but WOW! I have not had that much fun in a long time! AND I LOVE THIS GAME! Everyone who went with me was so dazzled and excited we didn't want to stop!

That said... I do have to ask... Each player has about 6 character slots I believe... ARE ALL OF THEM CRAFTERS? Have you NOT ONCE branched out? Do you really think that this game should be based entirely on the fact that YOU DO NOTHING BUT FILL YOUR SLOTS WITH CRAFTING CHARACTERS? I have a mule character... she couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper sack full of holes... but she's GM'd running! On the other hand... I have friends in the game... and other characters that I can run on to get/help with items needed. DO YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS IN THIS GAME? Have you asked ANYONE to help you? Have you even GONE TO THE ABYSS?

The developers spent FOREVER building this world in our image... they've tried to give everyone a piece of what they want... but there is NO WAY to please everyone (all I wanted were the Fairy Dragons to be tameable). I think so many of you have become so locked in this ME ME ME idea of things... that you've forgotten how to play. Give it a chance before you start screaming for changes... and nerfs and demands for whatever it is you thought you wanted. For gods sake... it hasn't even been live for ONE WHOLE DAY! Shame on you!

Draconi! LOVE IT! THRILLED I BOUGHT IT! HAVING A BLAST! Can't wait to dig deeper! Can I have my Fairy Dragon? MUAH! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

the 4th man

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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Have you tried?

edit: ok, a crafter with *no* combat skills will run into a problem completing the quest to get into the abyss ... but the difficulty threshold on the ingredients I've seen is about on par with getting hides.
Completeing the quest IS a problem. That is why alot of us haven't had the chance to look for the new resources. The final key area is being camped for a robe, off a spawn that is dead before you can target it.

I know Tim said it is going to be buffed up.....that still won't stop the steady eddies.

I'm all for having my warriors go for ingredients, as long as they are realistically obtainible, and I don't need an army to get them.

Maybe today I can get at least one character into the Abyss.........
( I understand the one posters aggravation and desire to get a refund)


Lore Keeper
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Chaga Mushrooms spawn on the ground at Abyssal Infernal champ spawn in Fel.


Grand Poobah
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I'm really enjoying reading the posts and tears of those who spent mils buying up all the white pearls, ecru citrines, etc, etc.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Show me the run of the mill crafter template for slaying skeletal liches.
I probably can't do them even on my best warriors. *hint* *hint*


Lore Keeper
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

popps, that's real nice. Like 7 posts in a row. Ever heard of the 'edit' button? Besides, what do you care about PvP anyway? I'm fairly sure you don't even PvP let alone play the game..


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Why is this thread still going? Draconi said that crafters would have a way to gather, using normal gathering skills, everything necessary for imbuing in the near future. End of thread.

And P.S., the drops that are used in the system now are *ridiculously* easy to get. You don't even have to go into the abyss -- most of it just drops from random mobs around Ter Mur, and you get loyalty while you farm.


Grand Poobah
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I'm really enjoying reading the posts and tears of those who spent mils buying up all the white pearls, ecru citrines, etc, etc.

Was thinking that exact thing.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I'm really enjoying reading the posts and tears of those who spent mils buying up all the white pearls, ecru citrines, etc, etc.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Show me the run of the mill crafter template for slaying skeletal liches.
I probably can't do them even on my best warriors. *hint* *hint*
OR Paroxy, OR Mel, OR DH, OR Trav, blah blah blah.

There are ooodles more required ingredients you CAN get as a crafter or low level warrior or mage now. Go play.


Stratics Veteran
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Dear Draconi,

I am hoping what you say happens very soon. The part about crafters being able to create top tier items.

Last night I finally went with some dear friends on an adventure. To the place you get the third key for a robe. All of our group got that key except me. My elder archer is not good enough to compete with all those pets and evs.

A fair chance maybe? A kind soul took pity and gave me a cloak. Course I had to recall out and not enter the abyss.

Waiting was no option, players just kept coming. ( was almost 2 am ) I could not make the 1 of 3. Ya I have a mage. That is not the point. Point is, I hate hunting...

Anyways Sir I think the problem with this imbue change is dun dun dun... the previous imbue guaranteed crafters something fun to do. Your new version does not. Maybe it will be, maybe not.

I really want to add this in and NOT create a new thread. Hugs to whomever created the platinum dragons and the Vollum! Thanks! :) and chicken coop!

Tina Small

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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Dear Draconi,

I am hoping what you say happens very soon. The part about crafters being able to create top tier items.

Last night I finally went with some dear friends on an adventure. To the place you get the third key for a robe. All of our group got that key except me. My elder archer is not good enough to compete with all those pets and evs.

A fair chance maybe? A kind soul took pity and gave me a cloak. Course I had to recall out and not enter the abyss.

Waiting was no option, players just kept coming. ( was almost 2 am ) I could not make the 1 of 3. Ya I have a mage. That is not the point. Point is, I hate hunting...

Anyways Sir I think the problem with this imbue change is dun dun dun... the previous imbue guaranteed crafters something fun to do. Your new version does not. Maybe it will be, maybe not.

I really want to add this in and NOT create a new thread. Hugs to whomever created the platinum dragons and the Vollum! Thanks! :) and chicken coop!
I used a legendary archer and did at least 2/3rds of the damage to a shade of Tyball and didn't get a cloak either. That's how it goes.


Babbling Loonie
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Chaga Mushrooms spawn on the ground at Abyssal Infernal champ spawn in Fel.
And for those that don't like Fel, they also spawn in the small passage between the main antechamber of the Tomb of Kings and the entrance to the Abyss.

Lord Frodo

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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I'm really enjoying reading the posts and tears of those who spent mils buying up all the white pearls, ecru citrines, etc, etc.

Was thinking that exact thing.
Me too.

What is funny is I ran across an IDOC that everybody cleaned out. Found a chest full of all the ECT ECT ECT. LOL "Pack train" and it is in my house now. If they only knew about SA back then. TY IDOCers.

Troll The T Hunter

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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Beastmaster Don't put the cart before the horse Draconi has said a few times now I qoute:

"To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods."

You seem to have a problem reading.


Lore Keeper
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Beastmaster Don't put the cart before the horse Draconi has said a few times now I qoute:

"To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods."

You seem to have a problem reading.
Nope, they have problems with not everything being handed to them on a silver platter. To think you actually have to do something to gain something, how horrendous!


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

I'm really enjoying reading the posts and tears of those who spent mils buying up all the white pearls, ecru citrines, etc, etc.

Was thinking that exact thing.
Where did you see that gems aren't worth anything for imbuing? I thought they were still part of the middle tier imbuing up to 90% (I think that's it)?


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Beastmaster Don't put the cart before the horse Draconi has said a few times now I qoute:

"To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods."

You seem to have a problem reading.

The horse WAS before the cart then Draconi decided to change it all at the last minute. He decided to implement various methods. That's fine, most crafters can live with that. But what you are overlooking is the fact he didn't decide to add the fighting methods at a later time. Instead, he withdrew the gathering methods to a later time and implemented the fighting methods now.

If you're going to wade into a topic get your history right.


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Where did you see that gems aren't worth anything for imbuing? I thought they were still part of the middle tier imbuing up to 90% (I think that's it)?
He's just trolling to get a further rise out of me. Nowhere did anyone mention buying ingredients except him. He also mistook my outrage for tears. It took like 36 posts in this thread last night before Draconi ever answered the original thread topic question. And then he acted like he was surprised that we wanted to hear that answer.

I've followed the additions to this game long enough to figure out who has a hand in what, most of the time.

Nastia Cross

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Beastmaster Don't put the cart before the horse Draconi has said a few times now I qoute:

"To avoid hurting the little guy, we've stuck with the jewel and rare ingredients for the middle tiers, and we're going to make the top tier ones also available through various resource gathering and crafting methods."

You seem to have a problem reading.
Nope, they have problems with not everything being handed to them on a silver platter. To think you actually have to do something to gain something, how horrendous!
No where in this thread did we say we wanted anything handed to us. Quit trolling, thanks.

Frey Wavestrider

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Changing the ingredients will affect crafters greatly and cause and imbalance. My wife has a crafter with 0 combat skills. She did not need them with original list, everything was obtainable by her. Telling her she will be able to get them by other methods with a vague timelines is not acceptable. If you changed the ingredients then all other changes should have been in place. Including any crafting quests to get the high level ingredients. It is about balance and unfortunately this expansion is appearing to be very unbalanced in certain aspects. Most crafters are just that crafters with no combat or very little combat skills. So, now, like with Peerless, guilds with high end combat skills will control them. Those that say just make a warrior, well some people just craft that is all they want to do to enjoy the game and they should be able too. Also, if on siege, that can get very expensive I would suspect.

Stupid Miner

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Well, I shutter at the thought that that concern.

Not only this would WIDEN the gap between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots" in the game thus not helping to level the playing field in favour of a more balanced out and lively PvP, making it actually a WORSE and a LARGER GAP, but it will show, at least to me, what might be the actual policy of the Developing Team of this game in this regards.

If things are like reported it does not look good to me, not at all.............
Then it's probably a good thing that this feature will do exactly the opposite of what you were concerned it might do. The high end ingredients for imbuing are being made obtainable by *anyone.*

Only Draconi is posting reliable information, so you can ignore other people's speculations. Skim the thread and read his posts thoroughly, don't skim them. If you don't understand what he's saying, read them again until you do.


Lore Keeper
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Changing the ingredients will affect crafters greatly and cause and imbalance. My wife has a crafter with 0 combat skills. She did not need them with original list, everything was obtainable by her. Telling her she will be able to get them by other methods with a vague timelines is not acceptable. If you changed the ingredients then all other changes should have been in place. Including any crafting quests to get the high level ingredients. It is about balance and unfortunately this expansion is appearing to be very unbalanced in certain aspects. Most crafters are just that crafters with no combat or very little combat skills. So, now, like with Peerless, guilds with high end combat skills will control them. Those that say just make a warrior, well some people just craft that is all they want to do to enjoy the game and they should be able too. Also, if on siege, that can get very expensive I would suspect.
Magery for summoning EVs and you can easily get ingredients. There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

Shamus Turlough

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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Like miner said... ONLY Draconi is posting RELIABLE information. Do not BELIEVE what other people say until you TEST it YOURSELF.

Stupid Miner

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Changing the ingredients will affect crafters greatly and cause and imbalance. My wife has a crafter with 0 combat skills. She did not need them with original list, everything was obtainable by her. Telling her she will be able to get them by other methods with a vague timelines is not acceptable. If you changed the ingredients then all other changes should have been in place. Including any crafting quests to get the high level ingredients. It is about balance and unfortunately this expansion is appearing to be very unbalanced in certain aspects. Most crafters are just that crafters with no combat or very little combat skills. So, now, like with Peerless, guilds with high end combat skills will control them. Those that say just make a warrior, well some people just craft that is all they want to do to enjoy the game and they should be able too. Also, if on siege, that can get very expensive I would suspect.
Since it appears you don't want to read-through Draconi's posts, I'll help you:

So what you're saying, if I understand correctly (sorry for being slow, just bear with me ;) ), is that those mob-drop ingredients will have gatherer-obtainable equivalents in the near future?
Yessir, very near future
Note that "very near future" is not vague at all. Devs are very cautious about posting misinformation, it's why they don't usually give a whole lot of specific examples. Since Draconi worded his message strongly and clearly, you can reliably induce that he truly means exactly what he wrote.

Most crafters are just that crafters with no combat or very little combat skills. So, now, like with Peerless, guilds with high end combat skills will control them. Those that say just make a warrior, well some people just craft that is all they want to do to enjoy the game and they should be able too. Also, if on siege, that can get very expensive I would suspect.
Can she cast energy vortexes? If "Yes," she can obtain most if not all of these ingredients.
If "No," who cares? She'll be able to obtain the ingredients through crafting anyway.


Stratics Veteran
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Those that say just make a warrior, well some people just craft that is all they want to do to enjoy the game and they should be able too. Also, if on siege, that can get very expensive I would suspect.
What about the warrior that just wants to make war? That is all they want to do to enjoy the game. Should it be that warriors rely on crafters to supply then with weapons and armor while crafters only rely on warriors for their gold? These days this scenario is rare.

I'm sorry. I enjoy crafting mainly as well. The argument that crafting should be at the top of the food chain in the economy... completely self-reliant is far from correct.

Up and until now crafters have dropped the ball in their duties. A well stocked group of vendors offering a variety suitable arms & armor for all general play styles (melee/archer/mage), is a rare find. Why is simple. Generating these goods has been all but completely reliant on RNG. Runic dupers/script monkeys have ruled the roost since they day they were introduced.

So now high end mats can be farmed en mass by midland warriors wearing midland gear crafted by crafters. Crafters can choose to become midland warriors and farm mats too with little more effort than mining or LJ (and with the current abysmal state of RNG resource gathering all I have to say is thank god). Or crafters that only want to craft could buy these easily obtained resources from midland warriors who only want to make war. I did this w/peerless. I have only been in one peerless fight. But somehow I managed to buy peerless mats, make stuff and sell what I made for a tidy profit. It isn't hard to do. And there are still fragments to obtain. These can be obtained through non combat means as easily (if not easier) as any warrior can farm them.

Up and until now resources have been plentiful. Easier to find on vendors anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the resources were scripted. It is really the only option given the RNG nerf. So why make rare gems the high end ingredient? You don't get double rare gems in fel (that I can remember). If rare gems were the high end mat I could see armies of scripts blissfully whacking away at the "roll the dice" trammel mountainside keeping the gems and tossing the ore on the ground. Hell no.

Though the change was last minute, I doubt the thought process behind it was. It was a perfect curve ball thrown at those who used beta to try and get ahead when the expansion went live. And why doesn’t that make sense? Doesn't it make sense that a new skill introduced in an expansion actually rely on items obtained in that expansion? At least for a little while. And that exactly what Draconi has told us. It will change soon... very soon.

Troll The T Hunter

Seasoned Veteran
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Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

"he withdrew the gathering methods to a later time and implemented the fighting methods now."

So what? Is waiting really that big of a deal?


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

No I haven't tried. I don't intend to try it tonight. I don't have time to run all over creation tonight looking for it. And I'm not in the mood for any flippant remarks, even from a moderator.

The point I made, and you ignored, was that we still have to slay things for ingredients. My crafter will not be equipped to wade amongst an evolving spawn to get a handful of batnuts or whatever they come up with. It didn't have to be this way. A conscious choice was made to change it to this. And Draconi won't man up and admit he was behind it.
Wait, what? You sir, are rude. And also, how did your crafter obtain barbed hides? With that kind of attitude, how does your crafter even obtain spined hides?

Anyways, I just wanted to jump in and give a warm round of 'THANK YOU's. .
First, let me start by saying, I am a 10 year vet, die hard pvp-er/pvm-er/rp-er/crafter. . . Almost everything UO has to offer, I try to take advantage of, and I truly still adore this game.

(to whom it may concern)

That said, SA is awesome, folks. I won't lie, im a pretty skeptical player and I value nostalgia. I was excited and curious, but frankly.. and no offense, I thought that I would be mildly disappointed with a few aspects.. (namely, the gargoyles) All I can say is, wow.. Just wow. Im blown away, and I love everything.

So, thank you, for your hard work.
Thank you, for trying to accommodate so many different people. (some people seem to think you guys
are working for a select few individuals *cough*)
Thank you for putting so much time and dedication into this thing that we all love.
Thank you for the stygian abyss.
The gargoyes look sweet. Some say they are skinny, I say they are 'wirey'.
Love them.
Love you guys.

Thank you.


Thank you.

imbuing is fine. they'll change it and make it even better. its a great idea, and it was executed well. HANG THE DISSENTERS!


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

That said, SA is awesome, folks. I won't lie, im a pretty skeptical player and I value nostalgia. I was excited and curious, but frankly.. and no offense, I thought that I would be mildly disappointed with a few aspects.. (namely, the gargoyles) All I can say is, wow.. Just wow. Im blown away, and I love everything.

So, thank you, for your hard work.
Thank you, for trying to accommodate so many different people. (some people seem to think you guys
are working for a select few individuals *cough*)
Thank you for putting so much time and dedication into this thing that we all love.
Thank you for the stygian abyss.
The gargoyes look sweet. Some say they are skinny, I say they are 'wirey'.
Love them.
Love you guys.
Thank you.


Thank you.

imbuing is fine. they'll change it and make it even better. its a great idea, and it was executed well. HANG THE DISSENTERS!

yes thank you so very much. My husband and I are enjoying the new exspansion.
Don't let these people that complain for the sake of complaining get to you Draconi.
I bet they would complain if you gave them a million dollars all in one dollar bills.

Frey Wavestrider

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Magery for summoning EVs and you can easily get ingredients. There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
For a crafter with imbuing, tailoring, tinkering it is, pure crafting templates reach over 800 skill points very quickly. Not everyone stones skills. Some people just work them on a character and play that character as a pure crafter. If you don't more power to you but people should not need gm magery to get ingredients.


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Also do you only have crafters on your account??? You can't go hunt the stuff you need with a tamer or warrior.

Frey Wavestrider

Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

Since it appears you don't want to read-through Draconi's posts, I'll help you:

Note that "very near future" is not vague at all. Devs are very cautious about posting misinformation, it's why they don't usually give a whole lot of specific examples. Since Draconi worded his message strongly and clearly, you can reliably induce that he truly means exactly what he wrote.

Can she cast energy vortexes? If "Yes," she can obtain most if not all of these ingredients.
If "No," who cares? She'll be able to obtain the ingredients through crafting anyway.
I did and did not respond until I did. My point is that if the change was made it should have included the new quests not in the near future. It should have all been done at once. The balance of the game for crafters was destroyed and now a vague in the near future does not help. Next publish, next week crafters may feel they are being listened too. I know Draconi is busy but perhaps this a case where the changes should have been held off until later.


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

HAHAHA sounds to me like scripters is what got the short end of the stick this time, are you an angry scripter beastmaster?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

You know the more I think about this the worse it gets. What happened to imbuing leveling the playing field for new players and the non rich? These ingredients are going to be exactly like the peerless ingredients, expensive and hard to get for the casual player. So much for there being another option besides runic made armor...
You seem nice, and I got screwed too. We pretty much all did, but you had to know they weren't going to let us do it the way they said they would. They pretty much never do that.

Think of it like this. No matter how much they screw us we always win.

If they made us circumsize sheep to get the ingredients there'd be a big-azz pile of bow-legged sheep within 48 hours.


Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

What's a facist?
That's a person who's been trained by experts in how to make faces. It's a 4 yr degree I think. :pint:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: So who's idea was it to change Imbuing's top end ingrediant?(Making crafters usel

But the point is, that if only those who are fitted the best (i.e. have the best items and most money) can get the ingredients to make it up for that 100% best imbuing, it will STILL be these "Having" players who will keep, maintain and firmly hold the upper hand in PvP against the "Having Nots" who do not have the items or the wealth to be able to secure those ingredients that can allow them to make it for 100% imbued items which will help them level out and close their GAP for a more balanced out PvP.

That is, those who can will STILL stay up there having a upper hand against those who cannot.

The playing field was not levelled and the GAP is still all there.........
The rich honestly get richer EVERYWHERE.

Here's a tip for you guys. Get rich! It's easy.