I agree with the disappointment but that seems to be the norm of late... everything is a big ass grind... boring grindy and NOT fun... the sounds of the new "event" are grind, grind, grind your life away gathering sand, spend ages grind out making the bottle go have 10 to 20 min of "fun" gathering up souls and turn the few of them in for Meh rewards... and grind grind grind away again..... Does NOT sound fun to me. Sounds epically boring and grindy like most everything else in game is turning into.
And people wonder why I complain a lot. Because the "fun" is being systematically destroyed and turned into a boring grind only rewarding those who cheat... and those of us who don't have 24/7 to grind and grind some more are left with less and less to do... and more and more of the game is focused on Solo gameplay..... which IMO if I wanted to play Solo I'd play a Solo game.... like Skyrim.... or something of that nature not an MMORPG...
I'm grumpy and complain because I'm sick of seeing the game I used to love so much whittled down into a boring cash grab grindfest. I'm tired of watching my friends quit... tired of seeing things I enjoyed ruined... and tired of having to deal with constant bugs.
Once upon a time I used to rock things... used to be I could loot super fast... incredibly fast... but the DEVs saw fit to destroy the EC looting so now I can't loot a damn thing anymore at EM Events... hell can't even get the public corpses to open anymore without crashing the client half the time and if I do manage to get it open all the crap in there is jumping about so much you can't even see WTF your looking at since it's perpetually in motion and you can't even try to pick anything up..... so yeah I'm grumpy and I complain a lot.... they have taken away pretty much all the fun from the game and made it near impossible to play without grinding, cheating, or just giving up doing anything but deco... and even there you find constant bugs... deco all you like but when you can't see half the stuff you are working with it kills that fun too...
If I had to go back to playing in the CC and keeping sheets to tell me what is the caps and all that crap and having to go plug in all pet lore stuff into some website to check if the pet is worth taming or not I'd rather quit.
I don't want to have to work and do complicated math and all that crap to play a game .... I want to play the game to relax and get away from doing all that complicate crap I have to do all day long at work...
So yes.. I complain. I miss the simpler times in UO. When there was an abundance of players actually playing.. not afk scripting. When what was "fun" was gathering with friends and doing things as a group.... not going off all alone.