I said I'd stop discussing in this thread and I like part of what you're saying ma'am. But for a lot of people running faction arties, it's not simply just an orny, or just a cc.. it's combination of many artifacts used in a lot of cases. I should know, I've imbued TONS of suits for pvp'ers on Atlantic in the past, now it's not so much in demand any more. I've had to imbue around those faction arties, and usually get request for "can you imbue around these 3 pieces?" And they come stand by me, I add it up, and say sure, and make them a damn good suit, and get paid for it usually pretty well. So when you say it like that, it makes it seem like yeah you got a good point, which you do, but in more cases than a few, it's not simply just 1 faction arty with additional bonuses that is the problem.
*Slight quick ninja edit* Also, another glaring problem that is hot and on topic of the faction items, is people don't use them for their intended purpose, which is for pvp and faction fighting. They were at points spamming in general chat that they wanted to buy some punkte from someone who'd let them kill them, for gold to just buy their way up in rank to get those items. They didn't want to pvp or care for factions at all. They just wanted to abuse a system which may have originally been put in for a good cause but was easily exploitable, then take their new doodads and go play in tram rulesets.