omg i hate people that just expect you to res them then go and whine when you don't.
Have you considered that James doesn't have the ability to res? He is a thief, I doubt he can res you. Also, there is a frikin healer within 3 screens of anyplace on the moonglow island, why would you expect someone to stop- take their time and resources- to res you when you can go do it yourself?
Good god, this is where siege is a 'vetern shard'- its for players that actually *try* to play. I'll give you gold, I'll give you equipment, I'll direct you to NEW where they can provide you with anything and everything you need to get started- but the second you EXPECT any of that behavior from me, I'll tell you to get the F out of my face and off our shard.
Good riddence. Please don't come back.
[/ QUOTE ]
I picked Moonglow because many people tout Siege as the last place in UO to find the COMMUNITY that existed pre Trammel. What better place to test this than during prime time at an event?
What did I hope to see? I had hoped to see the population of Siege banding together to participate in a shard wide event. What did I expect? A killing floor with PK's attacking everything in sight. . Mission accomplished.
Now, I'm sure I just picked a bad time and the population of Siege WILL get together in brotherhood to either save or destroy Moonglow, after all, that's what I'd expect from a veteran shard.
As for expecting a res, yes. Yes I did. I mean the PK who killed me had my baidaids to res me with.
I can't count how many posts I've seen here from "honorable" old school Siege PK's who kill for the thrill of combat, happily res the fallen, strike up conversations with their enemy and give them advice. There also were other people there than James the thief. Blues and Red alike ignored me. If a single bandaid or a couple of regs are that important to you, well, I don't know what else to say to you. You wouldn't understand.
Make excuses for this behavior all you want, I don't care. I submit to you, though, that if you and these other players are typical of what Siege has become then no changes to RoT or additional houses will attract the masses of players that Siege deserves. Total all out warfare is great if that's what you like out of UO, there are people who love it and far be it for me to say that's a "wrong way" to play UO. It's not. Who knows, maybe my account will attract the kinds of people who enjoy warfare and you'll get more people to come to Siege to participate.
Glad to help you out, after all, that's what UHall is for.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, Siege community is based around three main alliances. If you aren't in one, you are a target. You'll notice that all the pk's at the gate were TnT or Myth, this particular time.
Most of the community is inside these alliances and occurs on Vent. If you want to find it, you have to get involved a bit.
The Siege community has only once, in the 2 years I've been here, come together to deal with an event. That was the ophidian invasion. Even then, VmP was determined to disrupt the event and pk anyone, but we had enough PvP'ers there at the time to fight them off.
Also, I may have had your Bandaids, but Newt can't rez. He can't even heal without pots or dog form. He's a pk'er, not a pvp'er.
I'm pretty sure James can't either. He's a thief. However, Missy was rezzing and there's healers in both moonglows.
Drylooting is common here, mostly because it slows your opponent down from reentering the fight. It's certainly not for profit.
A good way to get to know the community in a fairly safe way is to join NEW. Most people on the shard won't pk NEW, and we donate to them regularly. Not great stuff, but enough to get you going.
I hope you aren't completely soured on Siege because of being pk'd and drylooted once. If so, Siege definitely isn't for you.