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Siege Development Wish List:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think now is as good a time as any to come up with some changes we would like to see happen. Perhaps if we give a clear picture of the changes we think will help, the dev team may find time in their schedules to work in these changes as they can.

Please limit your suggestions to those that you feel would be widely accepted.

If you feel the need to get input on your ideas or hash out your idea with other players, please do so in another thread and then add your suggestion here in its final form. I would like to keep the suggestions here, clear and consice.

I will start with one that I believe will be widely accepted.

- Please add Siege to the list of shards, along with a description that our shard is Fel Ruleset only.


Why aren't newbies either a) forced to start in Britain, or b) allowed their city choice to matter.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would be number one on my list too, LET Siege Perilous shard show up with all the other shards when a customer begins UO from the get go.

All they have to do is list it as *felucca only ruleset* but it should show up as immediately as do all the other shards listed.


For Siege specifically? Here are the major ideas I have seen and liked:

Runics: Leave intensity the same, increase the charges based on the level on hammer: IE: DC gets no extra charges, copper get 5, bronze get 7, etc. All the way up to Val/HW/Barbed getting an extra 15 charges.

Hunting: Increase loot from hunting, make it worth while. Increase both intensities and amounts.

Hunting #2: Bring back cursed artifact spawn AND Tokuno spawn. I think it could be done differently this time, and medium-high end creatures could give different things, IE: Cyclops/Ettins have a chance to drop "gnarled clubs" which can be turned in for points, which can be put toward buying a Tokuno artifact. Make them somewhat difficult to get, and so that any class can farm just as fast. A chiv dexer, a mage, and a tamer can all kill ettins in about the same time, and obviously there could be other monsters to kill suh as dragons, ancient wyrms, terathans, etc. Each giving an item, and for higher tier items formulate it so in theory it would take 1-2 hours of farming to get. Even allow thieves to turn in their new monster stealables for points.

Hunting #3: Make doom have a chace to drop cursed artifacts too, not only from the champs, but from the mummies etc he spawns, for lower tier like mummies/bone knights/LL's 1%, any champ 10%, and any DF 20%. Would get people back in doom I do believe.

Extra bank storage: I like the idea.

Powerscrolls/Champ spawns: Tweak them. Two things need to be done IMO. Make some champs harder, such as Barracoon/Meph, but increase the drop rate of these replicas for each spawn here on SP.

Heartwood scripts: We're in Fel doing them, making it 100x more dangerous. Up the spawn rate for us, just a little.

And finally for all of UO: FIX MACING. Let's go down the list

Archery: Bows, magic shorts, composite, cross bows, Yumi, and heavy.

Swords: Katana, Bokuto, No-Dachi, hatchets, cleavers, butchers knives, bone harvy, pretty much any axe.

Fencing: Kryss, dagger, spikes, forks, leaf blade, spear, pike.

Macing: Mace, Diamond mace, war axe. No other mace weaps are very highly used, sure there are some instances where they are, but very few. When AOS came about EA did a few things to mace weapons: Gave 90% of them crushing blow, and made them terribly slow. Crushing blow is hard to utilize well due to stam pots, and the speed of the weapon is hard to over come. Why would anyone use crushing blow when you can swing a leaf blade at max, and hit just as hard?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am right there with you all about showing up with all the other shards when starting. That would be a great help. Now, not trying to start a debate, just my personal opinion would be two characters per account. The game has evolved much since its beginning and it would be nice for Siege to be able to update a little too.


*waits for Draxous' argument for updated runic/loot drops.. the only argument he will listen to*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Listed in the order of importance (the order is imho... each are issues none-the-less and would be great if they were addressed.)

Monster Loot:

- Level 5 creatures: (ancient wyrm levels) drop 1 to 3 items with 5 properties all around max intensity every time they are killed.

- Peerless Bosses: Drop 8-12 of 3 to 4 of the basic ML ingredients as well as 5 of their special types (diseased bark, eye of travesty, so on.) Guaranteed drop of special item for killing the boss (mark of travesty, crystalline ring, crimson cincture, etc. etc.) An 1-2 ML artys should be guaranteed. Things like hair dye or the swamp dragon/grizzle mare should still drop as they do now...

As well they should drop multiple items with 5 properties around max intensity (as all bosses should.)

- ML named creatures: should drop 1 to 3 of a random ingredient type. (special ingredients still need to be got from bosses) as well the spawn rate for ML arties including armor sets, totem of the voids, etc. etc. should be boosted to the point where you are getting 1 for every 5 to 10 that you kill.

- Doom Gauntlet: each of the mini bosses as well as the DF should drop a random cursed artifact (on their corpse) As well, the chance for a REAL artifact should remain the same as it is.

- Treasures of Tokuno: need to be turned on permanently. I'd prefer they remove the pigments of tokuno from the list... but if the shard wants it, I don't really care *that* much about it.

- Treasure Hunting/Fishing: Lvl 6 chests should spawn a dark father when the chest is destroyed. That means in order to collect the cursed arty, you need to empty the entire chest and destroy it. No flying through 100 maps grabbing the bags for the lewts. Leviathan should have Peerless boss style loot.



10x's the charges to all runic kits

special resources (gems, etc. etc.) should come 10x's what they currently do. So instead of mining 1 ecru citrine... 10 pop in your pack.

Increase the spawn rate of runics from heartwood quests. Increase the number of runics crafters get for completing a bod.

It's not like BoDs are easy... they've been out for how many years now? And we've had what... one Valorite Hammer? Maybe? I think that needs to change... it shouldn't feel like the night before christmas morning every day of the year for years and years...


Private Housing:

- Remove the invisible force field around all private houses

- Bring back texas law

- All teleporters placed, automatically have the security setting of "anyone" and cannot be changed.

- Give each home owner 2 'master' keys to their home that may lock/unlock any door placed in the home. (Having the key in your pack while you double click the door allows you to open and close the door while it remains locked.)
- Tinkers who make a copy of the master key, must target the door that 'copy' will work on. The copy only works on 'that' door and multiple copies are needed for multiple doors in the home unless you have the 'master' key.
- Allow the home owner via the house menu to generate new sets of 'master' keys. (making the old ones worthless) and make it so this option can only be used one time per RL week... unless you have BOTH master keys present in your backpack when attempting to use this option, which if the case can be used at any time.

(if you have multiple doors and only wish to use 'copies' key rings work great!)

- Allow public homes to rent out a 'strongbox' to those that are co-owned to the home. The strongbox is only accessible by the owner of the house and by the person who it is meant for. Rent for having the strongbox is set by the owner (much like vendors are) and can be set at 0gp (free.)


Looting Rights:

- Allow players to loot any corpse. If it is not a corpse they killed, the corpse should appear blue. If another player decides to loot a blue corpse, they are flagged a criminal. The current timer for the corpse going public should stay.



If CoM or TB own a Sigil to any one of the towns in factions, then that town should have Guardzone protection. Conversely if Minax/SL own a town, it should not have GZ protection.

No faction owning a town means that whatever faction last had the town, is what the town is designated as.

- Remove the "owned by" tag from ALL faction artifacts.

- Allow faction artifacts to be turned in for 1/2 the silver of their cost


Gate Travel

- Alter spell the spell Sacred Journey to work like Gate Travel

- Allow a character in wraith form (necro) and reaper form (spellweave) to cast gate travel and never fizzle the spell (even at 0.0 magery.)

- Alter the function of runebooks to accept gate scrolls and allow for gate travel from the runebook.


Bounty System

- Bring it back. We don't care if it was flawed, if people abused it for a couple gp... just bring it back.

- Allow bulletin boards or make it so crafters can create bounty boards to place in public establishments.


Bene Acts.

- Remove the thing that prevents people from getting into/out of houses (houses will be siegable, anyways.) also, it currently messes with the I Ban Thee function as it is... removing it fixes it.

- Remove the function where if you attack a guildmate OR alliancemate that you are flagged an aggressor. Sparing with friends shouldn't be a problem or a headache.



- Masks of Orcish Kin - boost the resists on these to 10/10/10/10/10 and give it 10% HCI

- Add Tribal Deer/Bear Masks (hued dark brown color?) - Boost the resists on these to 10/10/10/10/10 and give it 10%HCI



- Allow players with houses on other shards the ability to purchase a "house deed" which come in 3 types. (Classic small house, small tower and sandstone.) These houses need to be refreshed once a month.

Bo Bo

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are a few of Bo's ideas
1. Remove guards from siege
2. Make faction arties able to be turned in. So you get 1/2 the silver back for the item you turned in, or maybe even turned in for cursed artis. Assign each cursed arti a silver value.
3. Increase the bank storage, (this is an excellent idea, Bo gives props to whoever dreamed this one up)
4. Destroy 1/2 of all land mass.
5. Put a speed cap on player movement.
6. What that guy said fix MACING.
7. Make everything stealable.
8. Make skill gain easier, well less time consuming
9. Make all houses public


Here are a few of Bo's ideas
1. Remove guards from siege
2. Make faction arties able to be turned in. So you get 1/2 the silver back for the item you turned in, or maybe even turned in for cursed artis. Assign each cursed arti a silver value.
3. Increase the bank storage, (this is an excellent idea, Bo gives props to whoever dreamed this one up)
4. Destroy 1/2 of all land mass.
5. Put a speed cap on player movement.
6. What that guy said fix MACING.
7. Make everything stealable.
8. Make skill gain easier, well less time consuming
9. Make all houses public
1: Good idea, but would be abused. They have done it on test center before and roving gangs of 6-7 archers would just stealth up to banks and insta kill people.
2: Great idea
3: Same
4: Same, although I doubt it will happen
5: In my dreams
6: ^^
7: I like this idea, only problem would be the theft of siege bless items/spell books, leaving mages totally useless.
8: QFT
9: qft


So, if I was the dev for UO and had to redo everything about UO and Siege from scratch. Many of these are far out complete revamps of current set-up and will never be implemented, but a boy can still dream right? A lot of these would need to be tweaked for balancing (ie if I say reduce dexxer special move mana cost by ½ this may be too much or to little, but it still has an overall reaching purpose that I’m trying to accomplish).

Since my list is pretty damn big, I’m going to post it section by section. I also am listing the intended purpose of the change as well.

Economy changes:
- Purpose – stop gold faucets. Monsters do not drop gold. Instead monsters drop resources or items that others need to use, such as what they drop now feathers, arrows, leather, special resources (peerless stuff). But also include more reagents, perhaps things like coal which are needed to fire a blacksmith pit. Essentially monster hunting needs to have a purpose since they no longer carry gold.

- Purpose – stop gold faucets. The programming needs to keep track of all gold, and since monsters do not drop any gold, the only way gold is created and distributed is as follows. Back in the programming language there is a central gold depository. For every character that is created on the shard, the character gets say 1k gold, and the central depository gets 9k gold. The only way to get gold out of the central depository is via quests. This can be the escorts, this can be go kill 10 dragons and you’ll get 500 gold, etc. The purpose here is that for every ACTIVE character, there is only a total of (# of active characters x 10,000) gold ever in the economy. So there is no inflation. Gold is exchanged player to player by buying and selling items. This way the average wealth of all players is always around 10,000 gold. If the central depository runs out of gold, it can no longer offer quests. The central depository regenerates gold by either increasing population or the NPC transaction fee as mentioned below. Of course this could be 100,000 gold, or 1,000,000 gold per person instead of 10,000 but it still limits the total amount of gold ever available.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. Delete all player vendors.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. NPC town vendors act as player vendors in the sense if I am an alchemist, I make a greater heal keg, I put it on an NPC town vendor and list my price, say 10,000 gold. When the item is sold, the NPC keeps a portion of the sale as a transaction fee, between 2%-5% to act as a gold sink, and the remaining amount is automatically deposited in your bank account. This would also allow competition amongst crafters because if you put a greater heal keg on the vendor for 10k, I can put it for 9,900. NPC town vendors act as a salesperson for all PCs.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose and crafters useful. All items sold on NPC vendors must be created by PCs or acquired through monster hunting (ie NPCs do not spawn any items, not even reagents – things like bottles created by sand would need to be better balanced, something like 1 sand = 50 bottles as well as I’m sure other items).

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. Also the best items could only be sold at their natural home towns. For example, Skara Brae is the city of Rangers, who typically use archery. So the best archery weapons could ONLY be bought and sold at the Skara Brae bowyer. Jhelom could sell the best swords, Serpents hold the best maces, etc. (See faction changes as well to complement this change).

Faction changes:
- Get rid of faction arties.

- Make reds have to join SL or Minax, blues TB or COM.

- Make guards killable and no-guardwhacking, or teleporting and persistent.

- *All* guards would have to be set up by their faction owners.

- TB or COM would set up blue guards, who would automatically attack reds, greys, or opposing factions.

- SL or Minax would set up red guards, who would automatically attack blues, greys, or opposing factions.

- To take a town, you would actually have to go through and kill all the guards, and set up your own (perhaps make a timer on how often this can happen).

- Now, there is a purpose to taking the town of say Skara Brae. If SL or Minax take Skara Brae, they now have a monopoly on the sale/trade of all the best archery weapons.


Hammer pick is alright...so slow it's hard to be effective with. As for the club, dismount and SS. SS is never used thanks to smoke bombs...and dismount is good in groups sure, but after that bump, it's done.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hammer pick is alright...so slow it's hard to be effective with. As for the club, dismount and SS. SS is never used thanks to smoke bombs...and dismount is good in groups sure, but after that bump, it's done.
How many 1 handed weapons have the dismount special on them... aren't ridiculously slow (even with 30%SSI) and aren't tied to macing...

Quick! The fate on of the whole wide world depends upon... you!


How about bladed staff? Fast, AI and dismount. And with Bolas and teleport rings, dismount weaps really are of no importance.


And 10x charges on runics is too much. 350 charges on a bronze...?

Death of Hemp

- Delete all cursed and faction arties.

- Make pets do half damage to players.

pvp fixed! (IMHO)

p.s. Ignore any ideas that involve making it easier to get uber items. =)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And 10x charges on runics is too much. 350 charges on a bronze...?
Yeap. The idea is to get people out and about with good gear. Get crafters crafting... right now crafters are limited so they only make the pieces that give them the most bang for their buck.

Wouldn't it be great if crafters had enough opportunity to make an awesome platemail suit with GOOD mods and resists?

Wouldn't it be great if us PvPers were out fighting ALL the time, even out numbered, all day and night because dying didn't make you consider cancelling your account?

Wouldn't it be great if PvMers were out hunting monsters ALL the time, in many different places against many different creatures?

Wouldn't it be awesome if PKs were out hunting the PvMers ALL the time, and being hunted by noto-PKers like ME all the time?

Right now people only do what is most efficient. We only fight when the odds are in our favor... otherwise we're sitting in the confines of the house BORED because no ones on and all the people who would otherwise be on, don't even want to log on to the same old BS.

Personally, I'd LOVE IT if when I killed TnT or WCB or Gil or anyone on this shard... and opened up their corpse, I found GOOD items that I could lug to my tower and use later when I died. I'd LOVE seeing people in doom again going after cursed arties. I'd LOVE seeing people selling GOOD stuff on their vendors and not JUST resources...

Seriously... this is a good thing.


I like just about all of Drax's ideas.

In a perfect world, I think Bo's ideas would be good but in this community they would be abused to the extent that 3/4's of your population would be griefed out of the game within 2 weeks.

Just to throw my voice in a few:
- Fix blacksmithing for Armor. The runic tailoring put us out of business.
- Get rid of repair deeds. What better way to destroy social interaction between players? Bring back the days of hawking repairs for tips!
- BODS are not worth the time investment (at least for smithing.) I have chests full of bod books and all I seem to be able to get are shovels, picks, and the occasional PoT or Dull Runic Hammers.
- Whatever was changed to keep you out of houses when you're flagged, get rid of it.
- Faction gear is overpowered. Eliminate it and have them use regular gear. What was that, a bonus to entice people to try factions out? Fine, then make it work like normal gear against non-faction players.

What I seem to be reading the most in this is simplify the ruleset again. Things appear to be worse than the original problems the changes tried to fix.

If this group has the social/political ability, I would suggest that you compile a list of favorites to take to the developers, and to a talented freeshard who may be convinced to take on a project for a subscription based server. If your ideas are good, they are marketable and other folks will gladly pay $12/month for it. Call me a pessimist but I suspect EA wouldn't give a hoot about what you want, unless someone else was also gunning for your business forcing them to compete for it.

They are about to launch an investment in SA. They want it to be a win so EA has motive for keeping your business.... if there was a chance of loosing it. My impression is that EA is not too worried about keeping status quo or motivated to grow UO significantly. I haven't seen SA though. Perhaps I"m wrong.


I like just about all of Drax's ideas.

In a perfect world, I think Bo's ideas would be good but in this community they would be abused to the extent that 3/4's of your population would be griefed out of the game within 2 weeks.

Just to throw my voice in a few:
- Fix blacksmithing for Armor. The runic tailoring put us out of business.
- Get rid of repair deeds. What better way to destroy social interaction between players? Bring back the days of hawking repairs for tips!
- BODS are not worth the time investment (at least for smithing.) I have chests full of bod books and all I seem to be able to get are shovels, picks, and the occasional PoT or Dull Runic Hammers.
- Whatever was changed to keep you out of houses when you're flagged, get rid of it.
- Faction gear is overpowered. Eliminate it and have them use regular gear. What was that, a bonus to entice people to try factions out? Fine, then make it work like normal gear against non-faction players.

What I seem to be reading the most in this is simplify the ruleset again. Things appear to be worse than the original problems the changes tried to fix.

If this group has the social/political ability, I would suggest that you compile a list of favorites to take to the developers, and to a talented freeshard who may be convinced to take on a project for a subscription based server. If your ideas are good, they are marketable and other folks will gladly pay $12/month for it. Call me a pessimist but I suspect EA wouldn't give a hoot about what you want, unless someone else was also gunning for your business forcing them to compete for it.

They are about to launch an investment in SA. They want it to be a win so EA has motive for keeping your business.... if there was a chance of loosing it. My impression is that EA is not too worried about keeping status quo or motivated to grow UO significantly. I haven't seen SA though. Perhaps I"m wrong.

SA will be done the same way every expansion has been done. Without fixing any problems, just covering them to the best of their ability.


I think a real good Idea to reduce the power of stealth/hide tamers would be a no hide/stealth when a pet is aggro flagged.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think a real good Idea to reduce the power of stealth/hide tamers would be a no hide/stealth when a pet is aggro flagged.
and i agree with this

1.turn "cursed" arties drop back on.
2.allow a turn in for faction items or take off the "owned by" and only have "faction" so there are usable by anyone in factions

i like the idea of allowing new players to uo seeing the siege shard



Just kidding, lol

These I like:

2. Make faction arties able to be turned in. So you get 1/2 the silver back for the item you turned in, or maybe even turned in for cursed artis. Assign each cursed arti a silver value.
3. Increase the bank storage, (this is an excellent idea, Bo gives props to whoever dreamed this one up)
5. Put a speed cap on player movement.
8. Make skill gain easier, well less time consuming

On a side note I should be hammered Sunday so ill be playing that night, hopefully the vent will be up and running that night... god how i miss my Sakey and Enigma.... they had the best reach arounds eva !


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, if I was the dev for UO and had to redo everything about UO and Siege from scratch. Many of these are far out complete revamps of current set-up and will never be implemented, but a boy can still dream right? A lot of these would need to be tweaked for balancing (ie if I say reduce dexxer special move mana cost by ½ this may be too much or to little, but it still has an overall reaching purpose that I’m trying to accomplish).

Since my list is pretty damn big, I’m going to post it section by section. I also am listing the intended purpose of the change as well.

Economy changes:
- Purpose – stop gold faucets. Monsters do not drop gold. Instead monsters drop resources or items that others need to use, such as what they drop now feathers, arrows, leather, special resources (peerless stuff). But also include more reagents, perhaps things like coal which are needed to fire a blacksmith pit. Essentially monster hunting needs to have a purpose since they no longer carry gold.

- Purpose – stop gold faucets. The programming needs to keep track of all gold, and since monsters do not drop any gold, the only way gold is created and distributed is as follows. Back in the programming language there is a central gold depository. For every character that is created on the shard, the character gets say 1k gold, and the central depository gets 9k gold. The only way to get gold out of the central depository is via quests. This can be the escorts, this can be go kill 10 dragons and you’ll get 500 gold, etc. The purpose here is that for every ACTIVE character, there is only a total of (# of active characters x 10,000) gold ever in the economy. So there is no inflation. Gold is exchanged player to player by buying and selling items. This way the average wealth of all players is always around 10,000 gold. If the central depository runs out of gold, it can no longer offer quests. The central depository regenerates gold by either increasing population or the NPC transaction fee as mentioned below. Of course this could be 100,000 gold, or 1,000,000 gold per person instead of 10,000 but it still limits the total amount of gold ever available.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. Delete all player vendors.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. NPC town vendors act as player vendors in the sense if I am an alchemist, I make a greater heal keg, I put it on an NPC town vendor and list my price, say 10,000 gold. When the item is sold, the NPC keeps a portion of the sale as a transaction fee, between 2%-5% to act as a gold sink, and the remaining amount is automatically deposited in your bank account. This would also allow competition amongst crafters because if you put a greater heal keg on the vendor for 10k, I can put it for 9,900. NPC town vendors act as a salesperson for all PCs.

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose and crafters useful. All items sold on NPC vendors must be created by PCs or acquired through monster hunting (ie NPCs do not spawn any items, not even reagents – things like bottles created by sand would need to be better balanced, something like 1 sand = 50 bottles as well as I’m sure other items).

- Purpose – make towns have a purpose. Also the best items could only be sold at their natural home towns. For example, Skara Brae is the city of Rangers, who typically use archery. So the best archery weapons could ONLY be bought and sold at the Skara Brae bowyer. Jhelom could sell the best swords, Serpents hold the best maces, etc. (See faction changes as well to complement this change).

Faction changes:
- Get rid of faction arties.

- Make reds have to join SL or Minax, blues TB or COM.

- Make guards killable and no-guardwhacking, or teleporting and persistent.

- *All* guards would have to be set up by their faction owners.

- TB or COM would set up blue guards, who would automatically attack reds, greys, or opposing factions.

- SL or Minax would set up red guards, who would automatically attack blues, greys, or opposing factions.

- To take a town, you would actually have to go through and kill all the guards, and set up your own (perhaps make a timer on how often this can happen).

- Now, there is a purpose to taking the town of say Skara Brae. If SL or Minax take Skara Brae, they now have a monopoly on the sale/trade of all the best archery weapons.
Great Ideas. I never understood why there were NPC shopkeepers anyway, when I first played UO in 2000, I thought the NPCs were supplied by the crafters, and I thought they were acting as vendors for them. Thats how I remembered it anyway. When I returned to UO 5 or 6 years later, I realized that wasnt the case, and was sorely disappointed.
I realized I could manipulate the system, extracting gold from the shop keepers with a few packhorses.

I would go to the unpopular towns and buy as many bottles as I could fit onto the pack horses for 3 and 4 and 5 gold pieces each, then I would go to the popular towns and sell the bottles to the NPCs for 40 gold a piece.

I was raking in 70k per trip, and lowering the prices in the popular towns.
It wasnt long before they patched this and the vendors were no longer selling items for a mere 1 gold profit per item...

I would prefer that crafters could stock the NPC's and they would only carry what crafters ( or anyone ) sold them, and the items that you cannot craft ( such as plant bowls ) should be found as loot on monsters ( giving a purpose to hunting them ), and not found on an NPC unless someone sold them some.

I believe tree resources should not be so abundant. When you chop a tree, a stump should take its place ( so housing is still not available there ), and the tree would have to regrow over a months time. We could also plant seeds in the ground to plant new forests, to replace what we chop. House design should require the resources to build it. A stone wall should require that you mine X amount of stone for that wall ( and correct color ) A wood wall require wood, plaster wall require sand, etc... not just gold.

Now we have limited resources from the trees, and we have to use them for housing too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread shouldn't be dead. We have a number of people who are interested in keeping Siege from falling off the Developers radar. Please discuss. . .


I think those are really intriguing ideas Bruin but I suspect the programming required to implement such sweeping changes would be prohibitive.

Faction changes:
- Get rid of faction arties.

- Make reds have to join SL or Minax, blues TB or COM.

- Make guards killable and no-guardwhacking, or teleporting and persistent.

- *All* guards would have to be set up by their faction owners.

- TB or COM would set up blue guards, who would automatically attack reds, greys, or opposing factions.

- SL or Minax would set up red guards, who would automatically attack blues, greys, or opposing factions.

- To take a town, you would actually have to go through and kill all the guards, and set up your own (perhaps make a timer on how often this can happen).

- Now, there is a purpose to taking the town of say Skara Brae. If SL or Minax take Skara Brae, they now have a monopoly on the sale/trade of all the best archery weapons.
I REALLY like these ideas. This sounds fun.

To your first point, faction artifacts are bull**** and give faction members an unfair edge (with respect to armor and risk/loss ratio) over regular players. Yeah, so I can buy (assuming I had millions to burn) a bunch of cursed arties. I get killed, my armor is free to use and sell by all. Faction person gets killed, their loot is worthless, but they can buy replacements relatively cheaply.

I don't want to play factions. I want to play with guild members and don't want to deal with the heal/rez bs and the lack of guild chat that comes with factions.

We don't have insurance like production shards, we shouldn't have this faction artifact bull**** either.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's always amazed me that they don't bump the loot on monsters. Less loot but higher stuff. Less items on the shard = less drain on the server.

It kills me that you can have 10 items drop on a monster and not want a single one of them except the gold.

Combine this with imbuing and you put crafters back in business. Add the suggested changes to runics and viola! You have a server with less lag, more gameplay for crafters, and a solution to the arti problem.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Economy changes should be as following.
1. Monsters only drop resources, instead of gold coins some monsters will drop gold nuggets.
No armour, no weapons, jewelry, etc...but spell scrolls, and potions should be
looked upon as a resource. I would like to see new resources added to the game, like
Platinum. I sure there should be other resources added gradually when needed.
2. Crafters must be allowed to make any weapon, armour, shield, jewelry, furniture,
containers, pottery, rope, and basic everyday useable items. Limits must be placed
on what craftable artifacts may be made by crafters. The AOS must fade...
3. Lumberjacking, mining, and other collection of resources needs to be expanded to
allow for a more diverse possibilities for Crafting.
4. Use the Artifacts already existing or lose them... Artifacts should have timers
for gradual decay; one repare point a day. Naturally, if you use them, they
will reset.
5. Bank checks, commodity deeds, and items on deeds may only be stored in the bank
vault or gamer's backpack. No locking down in a house or stored on a vendor.
6. Underneath historical storyline, the conflict over resources will be a problem for

In the Dungeons and the Lands...
1. Monsters need to be spread about in a more random occurrence upon the Lands. I so
hate an empty region, like T2A.
2. Monsters in Dungeons should be variable in number and kind. Let there be some small
chance of an Blood elemental showing on level one of Shame...for example.
3. Traps in dungeons should cause gamers more problems other than just occur when stepped
upon... example...Gas trap is a poisoning effect until removed by skill. Rubble collapse
may cause an area to make players move slower because of debris until cleared.
4. Sometimes a dungeon should spawn a raiding party of monsters until they are slain.
I prefer Orc Spawns for this...
5. Treasure chest horde found... but must be locked picked to get to the treasure.
Note... these may have gold coins, and Artifacts. Yes, I like to see people in the Dungeons
6. Exocise spell works anywhere in the Dungeons, and at Champion Spawn areas but no
where else.
7. Swamps should have quicksand traps...and slow movement areas.
8. Ships should have usable Cannons...'Yar'.
9. Players should be able to pick the lock of the front door of a player owned house.
This should be with a timer on the player breaking in, when timer goes down to zero,
player is revealed and can not hide while in the house.
10. IDOCS: Houses should decay to ruins with items buried in the rubble of the ruins...
items must be dug up to recover. Once all items recovered then and only then may a
house be placed.

Other stuff...
1. Due to new race Gargoyles... a player may be allow to create a second
character on Siege Perilous.. but must be Gargoyle. May be a requirement for
this second character should be that the First Character must be atleast one
year old...

This is just a wish list, and it is not complete...



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looting Rights:

- Allow players to loot any corpse. If it is not a corpse they killed, the corpse should appear blue. If another player decides to loot a blue corpse, they are flagged a criminal. The current timer for the corpse going public should stay.
Reminds me of the old times... pre AoS :)


Close it down and remake it right. Not much point in adding band-aids when all that's left is a few teeth and fingers.

When was widely accepted ideas ever a good thing here?

Scopulus Falco

I think now is as good a time as any to come up with some changes we would like to see happen. Perhaps if we give a clear picture of the changes we think will help, the dev team may find time in their schedules to work in these changes as they can.

Please limit your suggestions to those that you feel would be widely accepted.

If you feel the need to get input on your ideas or hash out your idea with other players, please do so in another thread and then add your suggestion here in its final form. I would like to keep the suggestions here, clear and consice.

I will start with one that I believe will be widely accepted.

- Please add Siege to the list of shards, along with a description that our shard is Fel Ruleset only.
I think, I have to say this, But this is a very bad time to ask for anything.SA is to come soon.they have there hands full.The best time to ask is after we get sick of SA.Sadly. This thread should have been made last summer.


Really can we get off the faction gear, it really isnt as over powered as say super dragons. Even I, geared to the teeth in faction gear can die to a dragon in 1 second, how fair is that. Let us not forget gear doesnt make the player. And for all those that think obtainin faction arties is easy please go farm silver. Sure at max you can farm about 11k silver per hour, an orni costs 25k silver. Silver was sellin for 30 gold per 1 silver. Do the math if you think that is cheap let me know. Most of the time when a faction character dies, it costs them a mill to get thier gear back. When you die what does it cost you? 10-50k tops. Risk vs Reward.

Ole Cheapy

- Delete all cursed and faction arties.

- Make pets do half damage to players.

pvp fixed! (IMHO)

p.s. Ignore any ideas that involve making it easier to get uber items. =)
EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID...word for word get rid of faction and ncursed arties the only other thing I would add that he failed to mentio is REVERT BACK TO PUB 16!..

Ole Cheapy

Yeap. The idea is to get people out and about with good gear. Get crafters crafting... right now crafters are limited so they only make the pieces that give them the most bang for their buck.

Wouldn't it be great if crafters had enough opportunity to make an awesome platemail suit with GOOD mods and resists?

Wouldn't it be great if us PvPers were out fighting ALL the time, even out numbered, all day and night because dying didn't make you consider cancelling your account?

Wouldn't it be great if PvMers were out hunting monsters ALL the time, in many different places against many different creatures?

Wouldn't it be awesome if PKs were out hunting the PvMers ALL the time, and being hunted by noto-PKers like ME all the time?

Right now people only do what is most efficient. We only fight when the odds are in our favor... otherwise we're sitting in the confines of the house BORED because no ones on and all the people who would otherwise be on, don't even want to log on to the same old BS.

Personally, I'd LOVE IT if when I killed TnT or WCB or Gil or anyone on this shard... and opened up their corpse, I found GOOD items that I could lug to my tower and use later when I died. I'd LOVE seeing people in doom again going after cursed arties. I'd LOVE seeing people selling GOOD stuff on their vendors and not JUST resources...

Seriously... this is a good thing.
What you say makes sense only if they absolutely refuse to remove faction arties, but as long as there is hope for the removal of these siege forbidden items I will forever vote to get rid of the ones we got rather than to flood the shard with more to try and even the playing field as u say. I miss pub 16


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i like drax's idea about evil/good factions control guards or no guards, factions would get more support and it might make siege fun again


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and the names off faction arties, turn them in for half silver, and non factioners could turn them in to something badass like arties or cursed... i dunno

Ally Oop

Since we are on siege and we know we are siege. why not put the leaves back on the trees and get rid of the tomb stones?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since we are on siege and we know we are siege. why not put the leaves back on the trees and get rid of the tomb stones?
You can do that yourself.

I can't remember the specifics, but someone should be able to tell you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What you say makes sense only if they absolutely refuse to remove faction arties, but as long as there is hope for the removal of these siege forbidden items I will forever vote to get rid of the ones we got rather than to flood the shard with more to try and even the playing field as u say. I miss pub 16
I'd go witha complete revert to pub 16 rules. This game IS NOT going to attract a new player base. A revert would probably pull quite a few old timers back. this shard is now an incestuous cess pool of 40-50 players; 20-30 of which pvp and all belong to 3-4 guilds. Half of those are in hidy stealth mode while the other half half are in hidy stealth with dismount and a super drag.

This shard needs groups like ORC, UDL, UND, KGB, J-D, GC and countless others i could mention that made the pvp here thrive. This game is antiquated and it's only real draw imo is that it has always had the best pvp rule set despite its dated graphics. The game went down hill when they went and changed it into some half asses eq/daoc/wow pixil crack farming wanna-be.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Really can we get off the faction gear, it really isnt as over powered as say super dragons. Even I, geared to the teeth in faction gear can die to a dragon in 1 second, how fair is that. Let us not forget gear doesnt make the player. And for all those that think obtainin faction arties is easy please go farm silver. Sure at max you can farm about 11k silver per hour, an orni costs 25k silver. Silver was sellin for 30 gold per 1 silver. Do the math if you think that is cheap let me know. Most of the time when a faction character dies, it costs them a mill to get thier gear back. When you die what does it cost you? 10-50k tops. Risk vs Reward.
Well said


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This shard needs groups like ORC, UDL, UND, KGB, J-D, GC and countless others i could mention that made the pvp here thrive. .
you say that but yet your part of the problem you belong to one of the largest guild in seige

we need groups like the ones you mentioned smaller groups and more of them TIB ive did my part now its your turn


- Delete all cursed and faction arties.

- Make pets do half damage to players.

pvp fixed! (IMHO)

p.s. Ignore any ideas that involve making it easier to get uber items. =)
Probably the best thing I've heard this year!!!! Short, sweet and to the damn point!!
Thank you!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd go witha complete revert to pub 16 rules. This game IS NOT going to attract a new player base. A revert would probably pull quite a few old timers back. this shard is now an incestuous cess pool of 40-50 players; 20-30 of which pvp and all belong to 3-4 guilds. Half of those are in hidy stealth mode while the other half half are in hidy stealth with dismount and a super drag.

This shard needs groups like ORC, UDL, UND, KGB, J-D, GC and countless others i could mention that made the pvp here thrive. This game is antiquated and it's only real draw imo is that it has always had the best pvp rule set despite its dated graphics. The game went down hill when they went and changed it into some half asses eq/daoc/wow pixil crack farming wanna-be.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you say that but yet your part of the problem you belong to one of the largest guild in seige

we need groups like the ones you mentioned smaller groups and more of them TIB ive did my part now its your turn
All those guilds were big...the smallest was J-D...second of all the population is so low that the three main guilds left on this server are barely the numbers from guilds like those long ago...long ago it was numerous guilds with 30-50 now its just 3 with those numbers...in closing it all has to do with population...so why is the population so low now but not long ago?That's the million dollar question...i could name all the problems but 75% of sp came after AOS so what's that point in explaining...i would like to also add those were all pvp orientated guilds too btw...