"I agree you were. Running around looking for scripters sounds to me like EA needs to start paying to police there game."
Don't need to run around "looking for scripters".
Anyone who idocs regularly can tell you that. Idocers see you scripting in your house, if your script "hides" you we can still hear you tailoring or smithing and we might even see leather fly through the air.
Some people think they can set up their afk scripter safely in their far flung home because nobody goes there. They'd be wrong, because idocers as a whole visit every single house on the shard.
I know I reported a few house scripters back when I idoced (back when the GMs didn't bother checking on the scripters).
Now that the GMs seem to be doing their jobs again I will have to start idocing again.
I have a new neighbor next door to my Fel house who cheated in every way imaginable before I left to go play Wow and since my return has added a pouch with over 100k stones in it to his front steps.
(edit): *What I meant to say was that upon my return from Wow I noticed that my Fel neighbor had a new addition to his home, a pouch on his steps with over 100k stone in it....
Which leads me to believe that he took up scriptmining while I was away playing Wow.
But if we believe some people he was probably just raising his mining SKILL while afk.
he works 40 hours a week
goes to school
has a girlfriend
a baby
a dog
he has to go potty
then of course hes got to be afk to eat a hot pocket
he HAS TO SLEEP sometime
take a shower once a week
balance his checkbook
take the trash out
play UO (no wait a script does that for him)
and maybe, just maybe, he has a website selling UO for cash that he must attend to.
Sure it's possible my neighbor is just scriptmining AFK to raise his mining "skill", (and that he has 50 reasons that he thinks are good enough that we should allow him to continue to do so), but it's just as possible that he is doing it in order to sell bulk ingots in Luna or for cash on some website.* (end edit)
I came back to UO from Wow the day after those Luna houses got burned and have not seen anyone go into my cheating neighbor's house, nor has the 100k stone pouch got any heavier.
The Luna house burnings probably have some scripters tiptoeing on eggshells for now, waiting until things blow over to restart their operations.
The UO community needs to make sure that things DON'T ever blow over.
*Sorry large edit between the asteriks*
[/ QUOTE ]
It is just amazing that you think everyone is cheating or scripting just because of a heavy bag on the steps. ( even though they might have been ).
I do agree however there are things that need to be done with the scripters and cheaters in UO.