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Scripters and buying from npcs

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
well ive been inscribing mysticism scrolls and books and can never buy any fertile dirt, or bone due to the fact that the gold/item selling sites have there scripted buyers clearing the npcs out whenever it restocks. now i know i can go out and hunt/farm up the resources but would like to be able to grab a handful of regs from npc when im in a pinch. Could something ever be done to stop this? perhaps cap the amount of each item sold per account/character.


well ive been inscribing mysticism scrolls and books and can never buy any fertile dirt, or bone due to the fact that the gold/item selling sites have there scripted buyers clearing the npcs out whenever it restocks. now i know i can go out and hunt/farm up the resources but would like to be able to grab a handful of regs from npc when im in a pinch. Could something ever be done to stop this? perhaps cap the amount of each item sold per account/character.
I kinda hate to break this to you but um scripters have being offline since sa was introduced. So um your just competing with other players nothing Automated. I actualy buy up all the fertile dirt when I see it stocked but only could get 20 at a time for some reason gonna check again and see if increased.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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sure the scripters that use the most popular programs are, but not all. theres many with the basic c+ knowledge to keep thier programs running nonstop. i still have plenty of heartwood kids scripting that i report. and yes I know for certain they are scripting so lets not turn this into another one of them threads filled with secret scripters defending scripters etc etc.
ive been sitting at the mystics in ter mur for over an hour alone and somehow whenever the npc restocks and i get it listed on the buy gump, when i push accept it gives me the "Items have been removed from your request" or whatever it is when someone buys out what you were about to buy before you can accept. Most likely scenario? hidden scripter (just like at luna buying blank scrolls nonstop on most shards)


Scripters are offline right now, really. Believe me, if there were another way to script, those UO search sites (which are businesses that rely on scripting to stay afloat) would be doing it; but they are not. You're competing with players.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah. Scripters are all gone. Haven't seen one of those heartwooders doing their thing since SA came in.


sure the scripters that use the most popular programs are, but not all. theres many with the basic c+ knowledge to keep thier programs running nonstop. i still have plenty of heartwood kids scripting that i report. and yes I know for certain they are scripting so lets not turn this into another one of them threads filled with secret scripters defending scripters etc etc.
ive been sitting at the mystics in ter mur for over an hour alone and somehow whenever the npc restocks and i get it listed on the buy gump, when i push accept it gives me the "Items have been removed from your request" or whatever it is when someone buys out what you were about to buy before you can accept. Most likely scenario? hidden scripter (just like at luna buying blank scrolls nonstop on most shards)
I don't want to turn anything to a argument just posting facts. Well the vender sites defineltly don't have one if they did then they would of updated there search which they havent. To my knowledge nobody has bothered to make a new program lately for themselves it will take time. Most likley it's r**** buy agent that you looking at. I Just check heartwood in the busiest shard. Nobody there not no scripter not even legitimate players. Which shard you see them I want to confirm it for myself both in heart wood and the mystics.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Like i said scripters that know basic code can update thier programs manually, so you wont see mass people using their programs. Sonoma and Baja still have a handful of them running them. Theres alot more programs out there then just the top 3 that non scripters know of. besides my post isnt really for players, nothing players can do to stop it so im done responding to anyone other than a dev on this issue. We all know it happens and its annoying, both before and after SA dropped, I just hope the powers at be could do something about it.
think about it, its been over a week since sa and the main script programs stopped, selling sites wouldnt let thier means of profit be stopped by a patch, thier programmers just update and keep it going. the selling sites dont use the mainstream programs, they keep their tricks secret as best as they can otherwise theyll get shut down. its all very simple.

back to topic, Devs please fix npc sellers.


Like i said scripters that know basic code can update thier programs manually, so you wont see mass people using their programs. Sonoma and Baja still have a handful of them running them. Theres alot more programs out there then just the top 3 that non scripters know of. besides my post isnt really for players, nothing players can do to stop it so im done responding to anyone other than a dev on this issue. We all know it happens and its annoying, both before and after SA dropped, I just hope the powers at be could do something about it.
think about it, its been over a week since sa and the main script programs stopped, selling sites wouldnt let thier means of profit be stopped by a patch, thier programmers just update and keep it going. the selling sites dont use the mainstream programs, they keep their tricks secret as best as they can otherwise theyll get shut down. its all very simple.

back to topic, Devs please fix npc sellers.
Very well but the selling sites haven't being updated in weeks. If they had anything they would of kept going like normol. Go check it out see if they have anything updated. I just did they have nothing. All they have to sell is there build up stock. I just entered sonoma theres 40 fertile dirt and 40 bone on the vender the other one has 320 fertile dirt and 80 bone. If there was someone here that would of being gone right now.


Entered Baja now 1 mystic has 40 bone and has 40 fertile dirt the other 20 bone and 20 fertile dirt. Nobody in sight still standing here nobody buying.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Final Note: Sites dont get money from you using their search feature, its the items they sell (check the popular ones, how are they able to sell huge amounts of new sa items without scripting them?) Time for everyone to open thier eyes, once everyone stops denying it then maybe it can be addressed and stopped. now if your not a dev dont bother posting on this.

ps, the searches are down so they can add sa items to it, not cuz of the mainstream script programs.


Seamingly you just want dev to post which most likely they wont for this. But I know how they can get all those items just like my alliance has around the same amounts they have and i personaly have a good amount from having fun in sa but at the moment it's not scripting. But you don't want to hear it from us so I'll leave this post as it is per your request. I hope you find your answer from where you seek it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't agree. It's easy to snatch an entire stock from npc's. Trust me, I was part of the reason for LRC and (for a time) all vendors were changed to stock 999 regs permanently. I had the restock timers down and traveled from shop to shop running up inventories. I could recall in just before the restock, buy all of the regs before anyone else had a chance. I had every mage shop on the shard in my route and spent hours buying up regs. I did it all by hand and made a fortune re-selling in bulk.

I am not proud of it. I was cursed and paged on more times than I could count. I remember one of the GMs telling a person who paged on me not to worry because changes were coming to the system and I would be out of business.

Anyway point is, if I can do it anybody else sure as heck can. Get a few folks stockpiling and you'll be blessed to get anything at all. I'm sure there are a few other people on your shard who want to make scrolls and books just like you. Smart to spend a few hours concentrating on stockpiling regs. Then make your books and scrolls.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scripters are offline right now, really. Believe me, if there were another way to script, those UO search sites (which are businesses that rely on scripting to stay afloat) would be doing it; but they are not. You're competing with players.

Scripters are online right now. Really, believe me.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
..... can never buy any fertile dirt, or bone due to the fact that the gold/item selling sites have there scripted buyers clearing the npcs out whenever it restocks.......
Or you could just go kill wisps and earth ele's for the mysticism reagents. I'm sure buying at the vendors is easier, but there are other ways to obtain what you looking for.

The scripters are *not* conspiring against you to keep you from your game play. It's more likely that other players are doing the same thing you are. Perhaps, you might even consider going to the vendor shops at off hours when your shard is less populated.

Since I and a few others have mentioned other options, I'm sure you'll continue to scream at the Dev's to make *your* game play easier. I mean that is the most important thing isn't it?


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Silly question I know, but you do know about 'hold down shift, double click the item to buy the full stack'?


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Final Note: Sites dont get money from you using their search feature, its the items they sell (check the popular ones, how are they able to sell huge amounts of new sa items without scripting them?) Time for everyone to open thier eyes, once everyone stops denying it then maybe it can be addressed and stopped. now if your not a dev dont bother posting on this.

ps, the searches are down so they can add sa items to it, not cuz of the mainstream script programs.
ignorant people annoy me...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I kinda hate to break this to you but um scripters have being offline since sa was introduced.

What about the 2D client ??

Didn't scripting used to work for the 2D client which is STILL working ??


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When popps rolls up in an anti-scripter thread then you know it really is time to bail out..



*remembers the parachute is still on the plane*

*rejoices in the fact that there will be no more popps to worry about*

*wonders if Heaven has a good internet connection*

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Connor, are you absolutely sure that's your final destination? :lol:

Having read the post in another thread quoting some of the new text lines in the classic client, I am rather intrigued. It would be interesting to know if there really are anti cheat measures in our familiar client now.

Zym Dragon

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Scripters aside, I think it would be nice if regents spawned instantly after buying. I see no reason why we should have to spend hours to work up the inventory to buy in decent quantities.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the first few days after SA launched I was buying bone on Baja. I would go out and do stuff then check every half hour or so. I stopped when I got to 11k. I use it for tailoring, not mysticism anyways. There always seemed to be 20 fertile dirt available too.

To the OP, exactly how many times did you try to buy bone or dirt only to see that the item was removed from the list? If I felt like it was near the time it should repop on the vendor I would keep checking the vendor. If it was just one time I don't see how you can necessarily conclude it was a scripter.

But then again I haven't tried to buy any bone in at least week or so, so maybe they're all on the ball. *shrugs*


Having read the post in another thread quoting some of the new text lines in the classic client, I am rather intrigued. It would be interesting to know if there really are anti cheat measures in our familiar client now.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ignorant people annoy me...
Yes the ignorant people that think scripting stops when a patch hits are annoying.

I was finally able to buy a couple stacks of the regs late last nite, but during the day theres no chance. ive sat at mystics numerous times this week and get the same thing, whenever they pop back on sale list they get removed from my purchase. Is my character just bugged and cant buy these items? or is there a hidden character running the simple timed-mass buy script? The point isnt the fact that scripters are still plugging away, the point is npc sellers need changed.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Having read the post in another thread quoting some of the new text lines in the classic client, I am rather intrigued. It would be interesting to know if there really are anti cheat measures in our familiar client now.
Wrong client. Those are in the UOSA client. Millie
no . I was using the uosa macro to spin wool with the repeat 10. you cant run uoa in SA enhanced and I have no ideal how to make a script. is some one trying to hack me or is mystic saying I'm hacking :{


Don't get your hopes up too quick on cheat detection.

I did some research on those references to "hack move" and found there was debugging code (or cheat mode in some's eyes) in Ultima 7 called "Hack Mover" that let designers move stuff about live. Perhaps they re-used some of that code in our 2d client. BTW, it was the 2d cliloc.enu I was looking at.
