Like i said scripters that know basic code can update thier programs manually, so you wont see mass people using their programs. Sonoma and Baja still have a handful of them running them. Theres alot more programs out there then just the top 3 that non scripters know of. besides my post isnt really for players, nothing players can do to stop it so im done responding to anyone other than a dev on this issue. We all know it happens and its annoying, both before and after SA dropped, I just hope the powers at be could do something about it.
think about it, its been over a week since sa and the main script programs stopped, selling sites wouldnt let thier means of profit be stopped by a patch, thier programmers just update and keep it going. the selling sites dont use the mainstream programs, they keep their tricks secret as best as they can otherwise theyll get shut down. its all very simple.
back to topic, Devs please fix npc sellers.