I am easily getting that point, I should have clarified high damage dexxers cannot heal their pets and a Mage can heal, but now you can heal yourself and your pet at the same time... Vet is literally only used to res pets, I get that.
This would also eliminate riding swipe in bushido.
This would eliminate VvV bonus of ressing your horse,
Hybrid temps galore- and bring them on!!!
You almost simultaneous eliminate dismounting- because you can heal the pet that is being run down.
Pet ressing potions and npc's are no longer required to help res your pet cause any tamer can do it.
And you act like ressing/healing your pet in pvp isn't a big deal... That's why most tamers are either Mage temps or chiv temps. If bandages heal and res your pet, tamers will not only come out of the woodwork, they will change the pvp of the game. If it's a rideable mount that you can heal and ride away on it, it changes the game... And change is fine...
Truly my point is this. In trying to fix something that is not necessarily broken, you end up breaking another system... Welcome to UO 17 years later...
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