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Relics - Does it take 400% worth of intensities or more to get one?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm a bit confused regarding this. I thought it was 400, but Alchemist Baubles gives relics. These have 4 properties:

Enhance Potions 30 (120%)
Lower Reagent Cost 20 (100%)
Resist Poison 10 ( 66.66666667%)
Skill Bonus 10 (66.66666667%)
Total unweighted intensity is 353.3333333%.

I thought cool! They either lowered the requirements or maybe considered weighted intensities as part of the equation.

I dug out a couple of my magic jewelery that have above 400% intensities and unraveled them, but I did not get relics.

The first few, I relied on the "weighted intensity" shown on the imbuing gump. To get an accurate reading - I just select to imbue an existing property and raise the intensity to match it, eg if it has luck 98, I just select to imbue luck, then raise it to 98. I don't actually imbue it of course, just want to see the weighted intensities.

That turned out to be wrong since I didn't get relics. So I thought when unraveling, maybe they do not consider the weights, that's logical. ie since weights of +skill properties is 1.4, a +15 focus property is worth 100% intensity instead of 140%.

I made a spreadsheet to calculate the unweighted intensities and total it up. I also added a column for weighted intensities as well, so that I can verify it against the gump.

I unraveled another ring (I am using rings, so no base armour resists to skew the numbers) that has over 400%.

Didn't get a relic...

I am confused...help...anyone has done more tests on this? Or maybe arties gets a hidden boost to their intensities?

This is crucial to my dastardly plan to rule Sosaria...I plan to imbue a cheap 50% property (property like 50% luck that uses residues) on those items that already has 350% total intensities and unravel them for relics...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Relics - Does it take 400% worth of intensities to get 1?

I think an item needs 450% weight to unravel as a relic? Not in game right now tho I do have an alchemists bauble (watch me unravel it by accident, lol). So I can check in a little bit and mess around with it. It may be that named artifacts get a boost like exceptional items do.


Re: Relics - Does it take 400% worth of intensities to get 1?

I asked in FoF for clarification on whether weighting is used for unraveling and did not get a response. I noticed the same thing with regard to relics from arties. Some thing give them that on first glance you'd say no frigging way, while others don't that look like they should.

I don't think we'll get an answer until Leurocian resurfaces, which is why I asked about him last night.

EDIT: Well I see Silly Seadog solved the Leurocian mystery. That really sucks. We better hang on to Regine or its going to be nothing left for the non-warriors.


I believe the threshold is 400% in unweighted intensity -- I've gotten relics from items that are very close to that. I would not have guessed that your Bauble would unravel into a relic. It's possible that there's a bug with either single mods above normal intensity caps or certain classes of items that may be causing it. Or maybe it's intended, and I just don't understand the way it works. ;)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Are external mods taken into effect such as "is your imbuer a gargoyle" and "did you unravel at the Ter Mur or Queen's Soul Forge(s)"?



Are external mods taken into effect such as "is your imbuer a gargoyle" and "did you unravel at the Ter Mur or Queen's Soul Forge(s)"?
There is some evidence (including the tooltip for the gargoyle racial Imbuing ability) to suggest that the former is a yes, although I'd be very surprised if it were as big a difference as 50%. The latter is definitely a no.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The threshold is around 451.

I can confirm that which soulforge you use does make a difference in some of my tests (item id also shows different results in different places), but I have not explored what exactly is going on.

The alchemist's bauble appears to have an invisible property at 100%.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The threshold is around 451.

I can confirm that which soulforge you use does make a difference in some of my tests (item id also shows different results in different places), but I have not explored what exactly is going on.

The alchemist's bauble appears to have an invisible property at 100%.
I did a quick test on TC just now. I'm even more confused.

I got essenses off items with the following intensities (numbers in brackets are weighted intensities)
419 (432)
424 (439)
414 (414)

I got a relic off an item with the following intensity
422 (428)


Were leeches involved in any of those totals?

I think some of them have another modifier.


Definitely the arms lore and exceptional bonuses matter. That's how we are able to unravel oak bokutos and bows.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Definitely the arms lore and exceptional bonuses matter. That's how we are able to unravel oak bokutos and bows.
That's the other interesting part. For weapons, the exceptional bonus DI counts as 80% intensity when you try to imbue extra properties.

For armour, the bonus resists do not count towards the intensities. I was thinking that maybe these are considered hidden properties and only get taken into account when unraveled?


That's the other interesting part. For weapons, the exceptional bonus DI counts as 80% intensity when you try to imbue extra properties.

For armour, the bonus resists do not count towards the intensities. I was thinking that maybe these are considered hidden properties and only get taken into account when unraveled?
The portion of the resist above the base material counts towards the weighted total. Its kinda tough to see at first glance, but if you try to raise the fire resist on a piece that already has say 6% fire resist and the base material normally accounts for 2% you'll see it can be raised to 17% (15+2). Also, it starts your imbuing selection at 1%, bump it to the 6% and you'll see the actual score of the piece as is.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The threshold is around 451.

I can confirm that which soulforge you use does make a difference in some of my tests (item id also shows different results in different places), but I have not explored what exactly is going on.

The alchemist's bauble appears to have an invisible property at 100%.
An invisible self repair possibly?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The portion of the resist above the base material counts towards the weighted total. Its kinda tough to see at first glance, but if you try to raise the fire resist on a piece that already has say 6% fire resist and the base material normally accounts for 2% you'll see it can be raised to 17% (15+2). Also, it starts your imbuing selection at 1%, bump it to the 6% and you'll see the actual score of the piece as is.
Sorry, for clarification, what I mean in
"For armour, the bonus resists do not count towards the intensities."

is that the gm/armslore bonuses don't raise the numbers in the "Weighted intensities" field. You get the full 500% to imbue other properties. However, it does seem that these "bonuses" are included in the calculation when unraveling.

But there's still the anomaly with jewelery. I guess more tests are required to see if it's just the alchemist bauble :D

It just bugs me no end that I can't tell exactly how much more to boost a 5th property on those 350% items so that I can get relics instead of essences. I'll test with Maplestone's 451% intensity.


451 is the number last posted by Leurocian. That was back in March in a FoF thread. I posted a link in one of the stickied imbuing threads in the craftsman's data vault. We never got an answer whether that was the final number decided upon.


The threshold is around 451.

I can confirm that which soulforge you use does make a difference in some of my tests (item id also shows different results in different places), but I have not explored what exactly is going on.

The alchemist's bauble appears to have an invisible property at 100%.
maplestone what do you mean with item-id shows different results on different locations? really? on which locationsit showed more? i used the skill several times on several locations on one item and always got same result