Seems the EM's on Chessy have gotten themselves in quite a mess
1) Lying to their own players regarding those even swords. Told the players that is was an accident and it was a mistake when in reality, they requested the swords to be unequipped. Thus, making more work on Mesanna.
2) Obviously showing favoritism at the last event when it was a stealing event. Only a select few got all the drops. They entertained the crowd for 2 hours while those select few went and stole all the items.
3) Now spawning event mobs at Player events when EM's are clearly told not to do such a thing.
When I was apart of Toad Town, we ran events for over 5 years. We have asked repeatedly for an EM spawned mob or for things to be locked down. And yes, this was for the whole shard of Atlantic. We got told no, no, no, no, no, AND NO. (Which is understandable. If it is against the rules, no way would we want our EM to break them) The only time we were able to get any help would be at the three Rares Festivals we held where Mesanna herself locked down 5 metal chests for an event of mine. Not once did we get a mob or anything like that. It really irritates me that some EM's either ignore or show direct favoritism when it comes to their powers.
Yes, they may be good at story line, but in my opinion, when an EM lies to their players, selects a few out from a crowd of 40+ to get the drop, and then shows favoritism regarding player events.... all in itself tells the true characteristics of that EM.