Seriously? Crafting high end armor is the least thing, a new player will worry about.
No it is one of the first things they look at. Here is the pattern:
* Create Free Account
* Get dumped into New Haven after selecting a random shard from a list 'because it sounds good' with no idea what a shard means
* Look at your pathetic 20 total resist armor with no mods.
* Try to build skills and adventure. Realize that any dungeon you go to is instant death.
* Learn how to use chat
* Notice PvP crowd on server cursing and insulting each other on how pathetic each other is and who is running from who and who's epeen is bigger than the others epeen.
* Try to get a word in edgewise to ask about getting some armor.
* After 20 min finally find someone who is willing to speak to them.
* Fairly knowledgeable smith asks them about 20 questions they can't answer on do you need medable, what is your template, do you need stam or mana increase, do you need lrc, do you need high fire cap for sampire, etc etc.
* Smith/crafter gives them an approx cost of 5-10 mil to build them a decent suit (powder of fort, ingredients, time etc) or 20-30mil to build them a permanent suit.
* New player decides they better try to make their own.
* New player goes and reads up on UO site to learn about crafting. There is no information on reforging and hardly anything on imbuing.
* New player finds stratics and tries to read up on what armor they should have and templates.
* After 2 hours of reading a long string of posts and expose's on the topic - they get bored and go play something else.
That is what the new player experience is like. ANYTHING the devs could do to make this easier would be helpful. I disagree that a new player is not looking at armor when they start the game. T hey can't get off Haven island without something better.
What could UO do?
Have a progression of 3 dungeons in skill level. Each dungeon can't be entered until a player has completed the boss from the first dungeon. Each dungeon has sets of armor that drop from monsters on the first level. A mage suit, a dexer suit, a hybrid suit. The resists in dungeon 1 are 50/50/50/50/50 across the board. Dungeon 2 the suits have 60's and dungeon 3 had 70's.
By the end of fighting through the 3 dungeons and killing the bosses they will be rewarded with a random artifact and have an all 70's suit with either lrc 100 or stamina 40 or stamina 20 mana 20. Nothing overpowered but a solid suit to advanture with, a path to increasing difficulty and a way to get drawn into the game.
The days of people putting lrc suits on vendors and such is long gone. You can make money so fast by doing other things - no one is funding their UO time selling 30k LRC suits. The materials to craft a 100% lrc suit with imbuing cost me 30k in gems and in the time it takes to make it - I can kill 30 undead guardians and have made 30k. Besides, the vendor fees on it would kill any profit before it would actually sell. Vendors in UO anymore are all items priced 100k and up for the most part. Rarely do you find any armor vendors anymore so as a new player unless you find someone to take pity on you and help you - you are screwed. It isn't like the old days.