Just wanted to refer back to my “Priceless” comment because I think most missed the point entirely.
I wasn’t referring to a raid on KR. I was referring to a specific comment in Gumbi’s post.
Last night SI raided KR doing Oaks at mid lvl 3, was pretty much
14 on 14, we killed 4 of thier necros right away when we arived and Sir Midian and the rest of thier blue necros ran away. Few mins later
4 reds came back to fight they did well but not well enough, it's
too bad all those KR necros they were spawning with didnt come back to fight too, it may have been interesting.
I wasnt aware the guild had that many peps in it
Hasn’t anybody else seen the 3 KR Archers running around together? Or the 4+ Necros cruising together wither spaming everything? The point Gumbi was making was that there were between 10 – 14 KR working the Oaks spawn (including 2 large groups of necros); yet only 4 or 5 returned to fight on different characters.
How the jump was made to television commercials and factions vs. non-factions, I don’t know.
And SuperK makes some clear and undesputable points. SI isn’t a PvP guild but continues to be held to the standards of a PvP guild. Here is a guild that probably consists of 20% good pvpers, 80% ‘new to pvp/spawning’ players. That we’re able to compete at all is something we’re proud of and that pride is not contingent upon the approval of the Hard Core “Elite” PvP crowd.
I personally have 2 characters in factions. I personally would like to play factions more. But everybody knows it is pointless and a deathwish if you don't have 4 or 5 other faction peeps to run with.
I personally don’t enjoy discourse or trash talk but have a tendancy to jump in to clarify, defend or insert balance when things that are said get out of hand.
Goodluck on GL. Make Baja proud!!