"Some instances" includes everytime I hit a swing.
Parry, yes. In fact, I miss alot due to parry
Reflect Physical - no one uses any significant amount of this, and thanks to the flagging bug associated with it, most don't use it AT ALL.
Blood Oath - 120 Resist means I take about 16 damage when I hit for 40, max of 32 damage if I hit for 80. This will not deter me at all.
DCI - same as parry, tho I dont miss near as often due to this.
There are counters to the GD - kill the tamer after taking the dragon for a little run (sharp turn around a house works great for breaking target). Then kill the dragon (not really all that hard, especially if you get them mana dumped), or leave it be. Either works. Discord/Peace (dont give me the spiel about no discorders/peacers in PvP guilds. About half my guild has discord on at least one char for doing champs).
I understand that there is apparently a rampant rash of stealth/ninja tamers with godly GD's on Siege, and that people on Siege for some unknown reason cannot use these tactics. However, on production shards, there just are not even that many GD's out there in the field to be worried about in the first place. But if it really will make people feel better, then fine, cap the firebreath.
Honestly, I would be howling ALOT more about the bug that allows tamers to cause their pets to attack without coming out of hiding/invis. For one, it isnt intended (that is why summoning with a ball now pops you out of invis/hiding), and for two, it is a far bigger issue than the firebreath is. In fact, you might not be having such a problem with the GD/firebreath if you could just see the tamer to kill them in the first place ....