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PLEASE New male artwork in SA!!!



I haven't seen this else where so lets do it here just add your name if you want new artwork for the male paperdoll... I don't wanna look like quazimodo!

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Here's the way the EM male paperdoll looks... probably better than the current one:



I want that paper doll!!! no wonder the women go starry eye'd in there presense!

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Current male paperdoll = hideous. The stance looks like he just messed his britches, and the default face of Will Farrel is ugly beyond belief.

Just say NO to "celebrity" faces.

Kratos Aurion


I actually liked the old 3D paperdolls because they were close immitations of the 2D versions at the time.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Not sure how EA/Mythic is the only company incapable of adding decent looking paperdoll artwork into a video game, particularly given the 3D art rednering capabilities these days, but wow... 2D's the last good looking male avatar for the game. UO:3D failed thrice; UO:KR failed (at least once, was it twice?); and UO:EC has failed.


I haven't seen this else where so lets do it here just add your name if you want new artwork for the male paperdoll... I don't wanna look like quazimodo!
Not to question your powers of observation, but it's been raised time & again, here and elsewhere.. you are certainly not alone in your opinion of the "Enhanced" male paperdoll. Almost none of my male characters suit an alert-crouch-war-mode-looking stance, and the ones that do needn't look so paranoid all the time.

UO is so much more than a hack-n-slash game, it puzzles me as to why they wouldn't use a more neutral doll. Collecting honey? Alert crouch! Scribing books? Alert crouch! Growing plants? Alert crouch! etc.. it's just stupid.

Oh, and if it were not obvious.. /signed


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
/signed a million times over...

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I HATE the way my character looks in the EC... Hated KR with a passion and I HATE the EC...

I can't stand to look at my character and see him looking like he's over the hill got dunlap and can't stand up straight...

He's an archer for cripes sakes... he should be buff... and have some good upper body muscles... you think these guys can wear all the gear they do, carry a pack weighing upwards of 200 to 400 stones or more and wield a weapon, as well as in some cases hold a shield with those wimpy arms??? No wonder he looks all crouched... his back it out...

And please give us some better looking faces... I look at the avatars of other games and I just want to cry when I see mine.

PS... I also want my circlet back. I don't care what the other silly elves say I miss my circlet... I miss seeing my hair... and I would rather have a choice.


They need to redo both the male and female, imo... the game lacks any artistic coherency.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Female is fine IMO. Male needs work and I think the EM paperdoll is a good starting point.

The idea of different stances is interesting... I wonder how feasible that is.

One thing I do miss about the 3d paperdoll was being able to rotate the image to see how a character looked all the way around rather than in one stance.



Female is fine IMO. Male needs work and I think the EM paperdoll is a good starting point.

The idea of different stances is interesting... I wonder how feasible that is.

One thing I do miss about the 3d paperdoll was being able to rotate the image to see how a character looked all the way around rather than in one stance.
Female is OK... though I'm unsure how awesome it is having the ability to pick 'Kathleen Turner' or 'Britney Spears' as face choices.

My point is that a lot of the UO art looks BADLY thrown together and lacks coherency with other art. I think that if both were made by the same art team it would appear much better, imo. Also, there are some glaring issues with the current female paperdoll, mostly around how clothing fits on her stance.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets break it down for the dev team.. :rant2:

Male = Fell out of the ugly tree hitting every branch on the way, threw out his back, then crapped himself. :cursing:

Female = Upper Class Call Girl with wardrobe issues. :thumbdown:

The RP faces need a MASSIVE overhaul. NO celebrities whatsoever. Hell, the faces don't even match the direction the head is pointed. (Example: the Will Smith face) Its fairly obvious that some one photoshopped these one afternoon and threw them into the client.

Minimal effort = Massive fail. Its long past time for the "art team" (I can't say that with a straight face..) to hire someone who can actually draw. :wall: