I haven't seen this else where so lets do it here just add your name if you want new artwork for the male paperdoll... I don't wanna look like quazimodo!
Not to question your powers of observation, but it's been raised time & again, here and elsewhere.. you are certainly not alone in your opinion of the "Enhanced" male paperdoll. Almost none of my male characters suit an alert-crouch-war-mode-looking stance, and the ones that do needn't look so paranoid all the time.I haven't seen this else where so lets do it here just add your name if you want new artwork for the male paperdoll... I don't wanna look like quazimodo!
Female is OK... though I'm unsure how awesome it is having the ability to pick 'Kathleen Turner' or 'Britney Spears' as face choices....
Female is fine IMO. Male needs work and I think the EM paperdoll is a good starting point.
The idea of different stances is interesting... I wonder how feasible that is.
One thing I do miss about the 3d paperdoll was being able to rotate the image to see how a character looked all the way around rather than in one stance.