Yew gate is no more PvPing than standing inside one's own house casting spells. I might suck at PvP but at least I'm prepared to engage beyond the GZ.
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I spend plenty of time outside the guard zone when I am not outnumbered more than two to one, and even if I didn't, does that make me a better or worse pvp'r than anyone else, or less brave, or somehow less worthy of consideration when I make a suggestion? Not bloody likely...
Isn't the fact that bards are called in to deal with you, a wee hint that there's a problem fighting you?
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Yes, I am successful, I don't say that to be obnoxious. I am far more successful than most pvp tamers I see at Yew gate, even now with greater dragons. Does the fact that I am successful with my chosen template somehow automatically mean I am over powered, or not worthy of consideration? I guess that would mean no one should listen to anyone when it comes to pvp, because there are successful pvp'rs with every template. Is everyone that decides to pvp with their tamer successful? Far from it, in fact, even now with greater dragons, I think you will find there are far fewer successful tamers in pvp than there are just about any other pvp template.
If I was a PvPer, I'd want to do the job myself rather than call in a namby-pamby bard to do it.
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Good for you. You're quite skilled at dishing out the disdain, aren't you?
You want to fix bards so they can't interfere with your chosen kill methods, yet who is allowed to kill you?
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I fail to see how this applies to tamers any more than it applies to any template. Except that tamers are the only ones who can be targeted with an aggressive action in a guard zone with no recourse to defend themselves, and if they wish to defend themselves outside a guard zone, they are forced to take a murder count.
You already have a vast advantage in having a GZ to retreat to. None of the reds, blues or greys can attack you or your pets while you're in the GZ. Instead they're meant to wait till their number is up? Then they can try responding, but if you retreat to the GZ after a few hits, what are they meant to do?
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The vast majority, if not all of the reds I fight against, have houses (usually more than one) in and around Yew that they can and do retreat to. Again, I fail to see how that makes them any more noble or deserving of consideration than myself, or how I even have a tremendous advantage over them, especially when I am typically wildly outnumbered. And even if I weren't, a guard zone is simply part of the terrain. If you don't like it, save your pvp for spawns, but I don't even have that option, as again, I can't defend myself at a spawn against a bard, without taking a murder count.
I'm afraid I have no sympathy for you till you step out of the GZ.
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Your sympathy is something that would find it hard to care less about. You want to disagree with me fine, you want to discuss issues reasonably and rationally, great; whether you feel any sympathy toward me or not, matters not even the slightest to me...