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PLEASE Change "24 Hour" timer to a "Once per Day" timer. (Devs)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I understand the need for a timer to limit certain activities form being done constantly, the 24 Hour timer really needs to be changed to a "Once Daily" timer. Real life is not as structured as we would like, and often times we are unable to play during the exact same time slot every day. Instead of having to wait exactly 24 hours, the timers should all reset each day at log in... this would give players the flexibility they need while still limiting certain activities in game.

If you guys can think of anything else that could use this change, please post it. The more attention this topic gets the more likely we are to see a change!

The two biggest things that need this change are...

1) Puzzle Room Quest
2) Luck Statue
3) Tending Plants

Devs, these are both great additions to the game, but please consider changing the timer so that they can actually be used and enjoyed every day as was intended.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perfect idea and it could very easily be done. Just remove the wait timer after every server up. Done. :/

And honestly I don't see a single logical point against this. Change it, please.


I agree. Was thinking the same thing the other day myself.


Unfortunately, it would give others an advantage, Like the person who stays up or gets up for work early does it before server down, then logs back in does it again right away. Also sometimes shards get updated that resets things.

Me personally would rather there be a 12 hour timer, being that if you do a bunch of chars it can take an hour or so to do them all, sometimes more.

Or just leave it the way it is, I find I am happy with it. I mean how many stalagmites and dusty pillows does one person need. Yes it would be nice to have the shot at the SOT more but we can't have all skills free.

Vaen Swiftar

Unfortunately, it would give others an advantage, Like the person who stays up or gets up for work early does it before server down, then logs back in does it again right away. Also sometimes shards get updated that resets things.

Me personally would rather there be a 12 hour timer, being that if you do a bunch of chars it can take an hour or so to do them all, sometimes more.

Or just leave it the way it is, I find I am happy with it. I mean how many stalagmites and dusty pillows does one person need. Yes it would be nice to have the shot at the SOT more but we can't have all skills free.
You make no sense.

It would give no one an advantage.

The person who gets up to go to work early and does it before server down, and then logs back in and does it again, does not benefit more from a person who does it at 5pm every day. Reason being, after the server comes back up for the day, he cannot get up early and do it again before the server goes back down. Why? Because he already got it in that server up period.

As for servers going down and coming back up, why would that be a bad thing if the players got a side-benefit from that? Servers going down is an inconvenience to the players. Why not allow us to benefit a little by having this timer reset when it comes back up?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree. This would make things a LOT easier.

Unfortunately, it would give others an advantage, Like the person who stays up or gets up for work early does it before server down, then logs back in does it again right away.
How does this give them an advantage over someone doing it every day at the same time? It's still only once per day. They can't do two every morning/night - at best they could do it every other day.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, it would give others an advantage, Like the person who stays up or gets up for work early does it before server down, then logs back in does it again right away. Also sometimes shards get updated that resets things.

Me personally would rather there be a 12 hour timer, being that if you do a bunch of chars it can take an hour or so to do them all, sometimes more.

Or just leave it the way it is, I find I am happy with it. I mean how many stalagmites and dusty pillows does one person need. Yes it would be nice to have the shot at the SOT more but we can't have all skills free.
Horrible, horrible argument.

If you do it once at 5 am and once at 7 am, what's the difference between that and doing it once at 3 PM and once at 10 AM?

Still once per day.

And it could be set to reset ONLY at server maintenance.

Flawed argument. No.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL I was comming here to ask the excact same question.
I just started doing the puzzle today and would like to know how the timer worked.

I also really think it should be changed to reset at server up... else Ill get to bed later and later every day because I have to wait for that 24 hour timer and I need time to get there etc.

Please make this change asap!

Thank you!


Lord of the Dance
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree 100% about the Once Per Day change for the puzzle box instead of the 24 hour timer.
But, I wish they would also make it once a day per account too to stop all these people with 7 characters logging out in the box room. (Logging out in the box room should kick you out to a shrine. LOL)
A great system turned into an exploit fest for the 3.0 SoT's. :(


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once a day per account would be stupid because of people using multiple accounts. So no.


Unfortunately, it would give others an advantage, Like the person who stays up or gets up for work early does it before server down, then logs back in does it again right away.
Once per day is once per day. no one gets any special advantage.

I like the idea, would be nice to not have to lose a day here and there.

pacific lily

Can we add plants in backpacks to this list too? If I logged in today at 9am and watered, but tomorrow can only log in before 8am... I'd have to wait an additional day because it hadn't been 24 hours. Once a day would be very lovely.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we add plants in backpacks to this list too? If I logged in today at 9am and watered, but tomorrow can only log in before 8am... I'd have to wait an additional day because it hadn't been 24 hours. Once a day would be very lovely.

This is a great suggestion... I knew I was forgetting something! Ya, I have worked with plants too and this is also an area where the Once Per Day timer would greatly improve game play!!!

***Edit*** I just added this to my main list up top.


Horrible, horrible argument.

If you do it once at 5 am and once at 7 am, what's the difference between that and doing it once at 3 PM and once at 10 AM?

Still once per day.

And it could be set to reset ONLY at server maintenance.

Flawed argument. No.
You know something, your very rude. I did make a mistake in my logic. I am sorry for that, but several times you have attacked me and my posts. I find you to be really ignorant. I am going to block you now. I am being nice right now and would rather not get my account in trouble for a rude boardie by throwing insults.

As for the other responders, yes I see my fault. So then it would just be the first time they would get a second time then after it would be every 24 hours. So the idea is good and go for it, but I doubt they will change it.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, please, totally agree, because I often can't remember which time I did which puzzle with what character, and it would simply be easier to do it once per day whenever that once per day hit.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well there's an overreaction. I attacked your argument and pointed out the flaws, I didn't attack you. And looking at your posts, I only see this one that I was even close to rude.

But whatever, go ahead.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I totally agree please once per day and have the reset with the server up ....

Drives me nuts but ole folks like me can NOT remember when the devil we did something the day before... so I always have to wait 2 days because when I get to go next is often way late... and beyond my bed time.



How many times have I actually missed one days timers because, it hasnt been 24 hours yet.. so each day, each round gets progressively later till its past sleepy time, or server reset
(24 hours exact must elapse, which means unless you have a stopwatch set,
youre never going to use it at exactly 24 hours from the last use, more like 24.5 or 25 hours and so on)


soulstone (which no longer have the timer, but its an example)

use once at 5:pm
next day, earliest you can use is 6:pm
next day, 7:pm
and so on, till its past the window of play for the day cuz of sleep, work, studies or whatever..

Now, if the timer is reset upon server up, regardless when in the day i actually play, i get to use that days timer, and get 1 round in.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now, if the timer is reset upon server up, regardless when in the day i actually play, i get to use that days timer, and get 1 round in.
Exactly. The Devs seem pretty reasonable, and I think if they can find the time and notice this is a concern that they would make this change for us.

pacific lily

I thought plants had a growth check every 23 hours?
It's still the same issue, you just have one hour of leeway in one direction. If you log in today at 9 and log in tomorrow at 7:30, it's the same plant day. KWIM?



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once per day but not less than 12 hours.
Why not? Its still once pr. day no matter how you bend it. Over a weeks time he wont get anymore attempts wether or not there is a 12/24 hour delay, but he can adjust it better to his play time.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's still the same issue, you just have one hour of leeway in one direction. If you log in today at 9 and log in tomorrow at 7:30, it's the same plant day. KWIM?

I'm pretty sure the plants grow at server up. Anything planted on day 1 doesn't actually grow until day 3 because at server up on day 2, 24 hours have not yet passed. And since I've watered my plants for the day at 3:00am, and then handled the next day's growth at 5:45am, I'm going with server up.

Which means they could do the same type of thing with the reset of daily quests.

And not to bring another game into this, but that's exactly how WoW does it... it resets at 3am server time, so you get a chance to do your dailies each day. Yeah, people who are playing at 2am can do dailies through 3am and then redo them... but then they're done for the rest of the day.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty sure the plants grow at server up. Anything planted on day 1 doesn't actually grow until day 3 because at server up on day 2, 24 hours have not yet passed. And since I've watered my plants for the day at 3:00am, and then handled the next day's growth at 5:45am, I'm going with server up.
LoL, this is exactly why it all should be changed to simply reseting at server up. That is so confusing and twisted its not even funny. Everything would be a lot simpler and easier to understand if you simply knew you could log on at any point during the day and do what you need to do for that day. No more 10gig spreadsheets to try and help you track what was done when and what needs to be done at what time.

Zym Dragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
My experience with plants is that the first growth cycle after planting a new seed is on a 24 hour timer and growth cycles after that they are on a 23 hour timer. I planted seeds yesterday morning and I was able to tend them this morning after 24 hours passed.

I would also like to see the puzzle timers be reset at server up.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish medication could be changed to do the same, once a day instead of waiting 24 hours to retake it.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, once anytime during that day would be great, then it resets at server up. Even if you did them almost back to back (5 mins before server down & 5 after sever up) you still have to wait 24 hrs for your next try, so there is No way any advantage can be had here. Only advantage is to the player being able to do it when he wish's (or Remembers rolleyes:) in that given day. Would make life a lot simpler for many.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can also add compassion gains to the list. Only 5 escorts per 24 hour period and if your gating people from towns then there is a 5 minute wait between escorts, so if you start at 6:00 on Monday, by the time Saturday rolled around you would have to wait until after 8:00 before you could gain again.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think that if they could implement this there are 100's of things that could benefit not just the puzzle quest.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I understand the need for a timer to limit certain activities form being done constantly, the 24 Hour timer really needs to be changed to a "Once Daily" timer. Real life is not as structured as we would like, and often times we are unable to play during the exact same time slot every day. Instead of having to wait exactly 24 hours, the timers should all reset each day at log in... this would give players the flexibility they need while still limiting certain activities in game.

If you guys can think of anything else that could use this change, please post it. The more attention this topic gets the more likely we are to see a change!

The two biggest things that need this change are...

1) Puzzle Room Quest
2) Luck Statue
3) Tending Plants

Devs, these are both great additions to the game, but please consider changing the timer so that they can actually be used and enjoyed every day as was intended.
I agree.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would love this idea.

Add eggs to your list. I have to name a chicken lizard "tue nine twentytwo " so I will know when I watered them last.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would love this idea.

Add eggs to your list. I have to name a chicken lizard "tue nine twentytwo " so I will know when I watered them last.
LOL... thats cleaver... and sad that you have to do something like that. Oh please Devs, hear our cries!!!

pacific lily

I'm pretty sure the plants grow at server up. Anything planted on day 1 doesn't actually grow until day 3 because at server up on day 2, 24 hours have not yet passed. And since I've watered my plants for the day at 3:00am, and then handled the next day's growth at 5:45am, I'm going with server up.

Plants locked down in a house get the growth check at server up. Plants in a bankbox or backpack get the growth check when the character logs in. That could complicate things for plants!


Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
For us, would be great if the Compassion (escorts) and plants in bagpack timers would reset at server up, so all for it! Indeed losing a day quite regularly because IRL no day is the same...


/signed twelve billion times.

I have a hard time wrangling the kids, so I tend to get on at erratic times.