While I understand the need for a timer to limit certain activities form being done constantly, the 24 Hour timer really needs to be changed to a "Once Daily" timer. Real life is not as structured as we would like, and often times we are unable to play during the exact same time slot every day. Instead of having to wait exactly 24 hours, the timers should all reset each day at log in... this would give players the flexibility they need while still limiting certain activities in game.
If you guys can think of anything else that could use this change, please post it. The more attention this topic gets the more likely we are to see a change!
The two biggest things that need this change are...
1) Puzzle Room Quest
2) Luck Statue
3) Tending Plants
Devs, these are both great additions to the game, but please consider changing the timer so that they can actually be used and enjoyed every day as was intended.
If you guys can think of anything else that could use this change, please post it. The more attention this topic gets the more likely we are to see a change!
The two biggest things that need this change are...
1) Puzzle Room Quest
2) Luck Statue
3) Tending Plants
Devs, these are both great additions to the game, but please consider changing the timer so that they can actually be used and enjoyed every day as was intended.