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Player using Multiboxing for days....weeks...


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He is in ICE dungeon, where the ICE Fiend spawn, inside the N/W Room.

It has 4 chars placed under an arch, in 4 corners with the "face to the wall" that never move. Each of these 4 chars has a CU. As soon as a Dragon or other creatures appear, without anyone saying anything, the 4 CUs start simultaneously to attack. Once the attack is over, they immediately return to the 4 corners. Impossible to compete with this situation.

Paged on him, like many other players already do, but he is still there.

good job dev team!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is this in trammel? too bad not in fel... like I mentionned last event, its not in fel that scripters do their thing, I still remember that one dude that defended the idea of Deceit to not be in fel for other shards because of scripters, yet scripting is a trammel thing


Crazed Zealot
You must be patient, and page and page again. He could be AFK and attended, and that is ok as long as he/she is attended. He may just be watching the screen while doing work in another terminal/window right next.
If he is unattended, and GM shows up, he/she stands to lose ALL 4 accounts to banning. If so, he is taking a HUGE risk and he deserves to get what is coming up. The TOS is pretty clear, and leaves no doubts.
Sounds like you did not page GM enough. Do it several times, and they ought to show up, or they are not doing their job!


Crazed Zealot
Also if no GM shows up, you should send email to mesana, and leave also a not at the regular uo board about it about the GM not responding and the player as well. Maybe they need new GMs that actually are doing what they are supposed too do.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes trammel.
The funny thing is that he is still there.... saying that he is not multiboxing and continues to insult me... but i dont care.

the funniest and most obvious thing that he is using Multiboxing is that when he leaves the room his 4 chars don't move or attack, when he comes back he starts again LOL


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You must be patient, and page and page again. He could be AFK and attended, and that is ok as long as he/she is attended. He may just be watching the screen while doing work in another terminal/window right next.
If he is unattended, and GM shows up, he/she stands to lose ALL 4 accounts to banning. If so, he is taking a HUGE risk and he deserves to get what is coming up. The TOS is pretty clear, and leaves no doubts.
Sounds like you did not page GM enough. Do it several times, and they ought to show up, or they are not doing their job!
Sounds like you did not page GM enough? i paged i lot of times... and i'm bored and i have to leave... cant stay there because i cant play and i cant stay all day there...


Crazed Zealot
Sounds like you did not page GM enough? i paged i lot of times... and i'm bored and i have to leave... cant stay there because i cant play and i cant stay all day there...
This is another sign of negligence on part of the game GMs. They should be reported for not answering for legitimate complaints and should be held accountable. Email mesana, resport date, time, shard and yes you can mention to her the player name of the offender, and the circumstances. Just you cannot mention that HERE, as it is against TOS here, but not to mesana.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is another sign of negligence on part of the game GMs. They should be reported for not answering for legitimate complaints and should be held accountable. Email mesana, resport date, time, shard and yes you can mention to her the player name of the offender, and the circumstances. Just you cannot mention that HERE, as it is against TOS here, but not to mesana.
ok i'll try... thx celticus :)


Crazed Zealot
Also I do not think that player would be farming items if it was a free account, so it is someone with 4 PAY accounts. He stands to lose all 4 accounts, either sanctioned or perm-banned 4 accounts!


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
if its ejs , just report one of them and they all get banned, its also harder for him to see gm message if only one account reported


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes trammel.
The funny thing is that he is still there.... saying that he is not multiboxing and continues to insult me... but i dont care.

the funniest and most obvious thing that he is using Multiboxing is that when he leaves the room his 4 chars don't move or attack, when he comes back he starts again LOL
Umm if he is insulting you he is attended. And your saying his chars do not move when he walks away....They cant prove multiboxing in this case, his guys are not all together.

You want the devs to do something to a player who is playing 4 accounts and is attended.

Its kind of a waste of his money. One account can do that room. What does he do when 2 heavy hitting paras show up?


Yeah - I play 5 accounts sometimes. All are paid; none are EJ. I don't use any automation; I alt-tab between accounts to issue commands and move. Not everyone playing multiple accounts is cheating. They might not speak English, or they might just not feel like chatting with someone who's accusing them of cheating.

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Yeah - I play 5 accounts sometimes. All are paid; none are EJ. I don't use any automation; I alt-tab between accounts to issue commands and move. Not everyone playing multiple accounts is cheating. They might not speak English, or they might just not feel like chatting with someone who's accusing them of cheating.
I'm in this boat too. I have 3 tamers on 3 accounts, I'll set up two and hide with them and then heal/command all 3 pets with one character who is friended to them. No illegal programs, no cheating going on, all within ToS.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
How do you report someone for afk multi act farming anyways? On EC, I only see an option to report a player for harassment.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the funniest and most obvious thing that he is using Multiboxing is that when he leaves the room his 4 chars don't move or attack,
The is the most obvious thing that say he is attended and not multiboxing with a program...

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
auto attack, auto cross heal extra and/or even bard buffs too ect..., they dont even have to press a button. and some think its legal because they dont consider it multi boxing, and of coarse nothing is done. this is what the game is now, the devs have created this with lack of enforcement and the game development. i dont care if people use more than one account if they control them. the abilities of ej accounts have compounded the problem 10 fold. im sorry, meant endless cheating accounts. getting rid of auto follow command would be the only thing that may help but im sure many would not want it.


Humberto? Dude has been camping that room since the event started. (Or at least he's been there everytime I drop in.)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you used follow in CC? Its horrible. the toon that follows walks, they go in a zig zig and hang on everything.

I think people who complain about things have never used them to see if their complaints are valid. The example stated in this thread wasn't following so lets just make up **** and complain about other stuff. All the auto you are talking about are macros that are probably illegal. Multiboxing is using a tool to give the same command to multiple characters at the same time.

I still want to know how well these do with a para WW and para AOL down there if they are not attended.

Johnny Black

Stratics Veteran
yes trammel.
The funny thing is that he is still there.... saying that he is not multiboxing and continues to insult me... but i dont care.

Sorry to say but if he is there and talking to you or insulting or wtver that is not a proof of AFK script. Like many others have said, some of us can run 3,4,5,6 accounts at same time, multiple screen and all, specially if the pet is the one doing all the DMG, that is called multi-Client and not illegal.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you used follow in CC? Its horrible. the toon that follows walks, they go in a zig zig and hang on everything.

I think people who complain about things have never used them to see if their complaints are valid. The example stated in this thread wasn't following so lets just make up **** and complain about other stuff. All the auto you are talking about are macros that are probably illegal. Multiboxing is using a tool to give the same command to multiple characters at the same time.

I still want to know how well these do with a para WW and para AOL down there if they are not attended.
The auto follow in CC can be spotty, but seems to do alright when not on uneven terrain. I use that all the time in flat surface areas and rarely have issues.

There are features in the game that some people just assume are scripts.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
all depends on this situation honestly I didn't bother to go look myself, but do you see all 4 cus attacking the same target all at once ? If yes it is multiboxing im sorry...

but if you see 1 sec delay between actions then it could possibly manually targetting with alt-tabs, but honestly thats alot of clicks per minute, barely possible to beleive if he stays there for hours.

btw you cant command 'all kill' from being friended to a pet, so it needs to be manually targetting on each 4 tamers individually


I use EC so no auto-follow is available. It would be handy once in a while if it worked right.

I tried running two tamers down in rat fort the other day. 2 para white wyrms and about 15 grey robes later, I decided that wasn't the place for me to multi-box :)

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Couldn't you set 3 of the cus to guard one of them and use the context menu in CC to attack with the one they are set to guard? It doesn't sound like multiboxing to me, just cheesy, perfectly legal, attended gameplay.


Stratics Veteran
Multi-boxing isn't illegal. Scripting and/or passing keystrokes from the active to non active game window is. There is a difference.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Couldn't you set 3 of the cus to guard one of them and use the context menu in CC to attack with the one they are set to guard? It doesn't sound like multiboxing to me, just cheesy, perfectly legal, attended gameplay.
nope you cant target another pet to guard it , afaik


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Multi-boxing isn't illegal. Scripting and/or passing keystrokes from the active to non active game window is. There is a difference.
Yes, multiboxing IS illegal as it uses 3rd party programs to accomplish, it's multiclienting that is not.

The OP's example doesn't sound like multiboxing, though it could be macroing...which isn't illegal if it's attended. If you can respond to a GM, then you're OK according to Mesanna.

Also, unless a GM is there to talk to YOU, you won't even know and thus have no way to gauge what's actually going on.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is very common on LS down there:


Id like to see an unattended player kill these.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is him on atl. he loged off ealry last night. had the room to myself for 30mins
. i just kill all the spawn before they come to him. 1607815143135.png


Crazed Zealot
Yes, multiboxing IS illegal as it uses 3rd party programs to accomplish, it's multiclienting that is not.

The OP's example doesn't sound like multiboxing, though it could be macroing...which isn't illegal if it's attended. If you can respond to a GM, then you're OK according to Mesanna.

Also, unless a GM is there to talk to YOU, you won't even know and thus have no way to gauge what's actually going on.
THIS ^^^^


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umm if he is insulting you he is attended. And your saying his chars do not move when he walks away....They cant prove multiboxing in this case, his guys are not all together.

You want the devs to do something to a player who is playing 4 accounts and is attended.

Its kind of a waste of his money. One account can do that room. What does he do when 2 heavy hitting paras show up?
"i dont say he is unattended"
but how is possible that he have 5 chars, 1 moving and insulting... 4 chars frozen with the face on the wall with 4 CU and without moving make attack all 4 CU "toghether" (synchronized) and when the creature dye all 4 return (synchronized).
it seems obvious to me that he is using some program?

So if it not Multiboxing, ok.
My bad and sorry all


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
I'm in this boat too. I have 3 tamers on 3 accounts, I'll set up two and hide with them and then heal/command all 3 pets with one character who is friended to them. No illegal programs, no cheating going on, all within ToS.
you do realize that when you hide you loose pretty much all the points your character would have gotten that goes towards you getting a drop?
they put that in years ago.
floors me when i see tamers hiding and leaving their pets to work.
all that killing for next to nothing.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
oh lets all not pretend that we dont all know the fella is multiboxing.
we all now that the GM comes in and says hi, you say hi back and they leave. (yes there is a script for that)
we all know that if your adept enough to set up and run a multiboxing script that you sure in the hell can set up and run a detect GM speech script as well.
and probably a detect anyone unguilded script to boot.
id well imagine he's probably running a send drop items to bank box via bag of sending script.
and the insta target spawning critters via type with all accounts, hell everyone has that script.

only thing im impressed by is the fact that guy is balls out enough to do it all day on ATL.
youd think he would at least TRY to make a effort to not make it so obvious.

im not gonna lie, with how slow the drop rate is i had been thinking of doing the exact same thing.
but on ATL..... guys crazy!
and also the risk of getting multi paragons at the same time in that area is pretty high.
but, then, there is a script that will auto heal you, chug some pots and recall you home if you get low on HP.
and recall you back to when your healed up.

im kinda surprised that GMs wouldn't take a moment to watch and see what is going on and 'fix' the issue.
(obviously multiboxing being the issue)

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh lets all not pretend that we dont all know the fella is multiboxing.
we all now that the GM comes in and says hi, you say hi back and they leave. (yes there is a script for that)
we all know that if your adept enough to set up and run a multiboxing script that you sure in the hell can set up and run a detect GM speech script as well.
There was someone on Sonoma who finally got banned for running several characters at once. It took a GM to observe him, for not too long either, and see that it was simply impossible for someone running multiple clients to have the characters attack something at the same instance. But as I said, it took a GM to observe him, and this was five years ago. I'm surprised a GM could still be bothered that recently.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
it really does seem like they only focus in on multiboxing when its done at a EM event.


Crazed Zealot
Well the GMs are too busy...They are all playing E*e On Li&e..
Plus the boss lady likely has told them "We just cannot afford to lose more accounts, so just pretend you do not see this"
Who knows. :violin:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He is in ICE dungeon, where the ICE Fiend spawn, inside the N/W Room.

It has 4 chars placed under an arch, in 4 corners with the "face to the wall" that never move. Each of these 4 chars has a CU. As soon as a Dragon or other creatures appear, without anyone saying anything, the 4 CUs start simultaneously to attack. Once the attack is over, they immediately return to the 4 corners. Impossible to compete with this situation.

Paged on him, like many other players already do, but he is still there.

good job dev team!
Get a life. K

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you do realize that when you hide you loose pretty much all the points your character would have gotten that goes towards you getting a drop?
they put that in years ago.
floors me when i see tamers hiding and leaving their pets to work.
all that killing for next to nothing.
This holds true for Blackthorns... not Deceit and not Ice. I have invised a lot on my tamer and I have ran him through there as pure mage and not invised. I have seen no decrease at all when it comes to drop ratio.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This holds true for Blackthorns... not Deceit and not Ice. I have invised a lot on my tamer and I have ran him through there as pure mage and not invised. I have seen no decrease at all when it comes to drop ratio.
Kyronix commented on this on the other forums. He said it was true. He said at the time of the kill is when you need to be visible.
I'm running consume on the difficult stuff so my invis is temporary so I have no input about the ToT events other than what he said,

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Kyronix commented on this on the other forums. He said it was true. He said at the time of the kill is when you need to be visible.
I'm running consume on the difficult stuff so my invis is temporary so I have no input about the ToT events other than what he said,
Ahh... ok. That explains it then. IF I invis it is during the initial targeting, just long enough for the pet to get the aggro instead of me. So I am paying no penalty by doing that. Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

You can tell how much time I spend on the other forum. The only thing I did there was register... don't think I even posted more than 2 or 3 posts since then.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Ahh... ok. That explains it then. IF I invis it is during the initial targeting, just long enough for the pet to get the aggro instead of me. So I am paying no penalty by doing that. Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

You can tell how much time I spend on the other forum. The only thing I did there was register... don't think I even posted more than 2 or 3 posts since then.
what you didn't believe me!!!!!??!?!?!?!
i've been saying this for years and little to no one believed me.
finally the Dev's came out and confirmed it here recently.
it seemed that very few of us remembered when they made this change.
granted it was many years ago, way before blackthorns and all of us are getting older.
it was still nice of Kyronix to confirm it so i could point and laugh at all the stealth mages i run across.

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you do realize that when you hide you loose pretty much all the points your character would have gotten that goes towards you getting a drop?
they put that in years ago.
floors me when i see tamers hiding and leaving their pets to work.
all that killing for next to nothing.
I didn't know that, no. They're not actually hidden most of the time though, just out of the way enough so that I can prevent any harm to them with my main character and the three pets. I'm sure I'm losing points at least some of the time from them being hidden, though - thank you for the heads up.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yeah, gotta be careful with saying someone multiboxes. You can set up CC and UoAssist to do a lot of things, then minimizing the windows lets you just click between them quickly. I use the large play area and can accomplish this with 3 accounts (easier and quicker game play with just 2 for now tho)... if my aged self can do that then someone can use the smaller game play windows and cover 4 easily with one in each corner with no overlap.




I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup I used to play Diablo 3 sometimes with 2 accounts on two computers. Had two monitors and an upper and lower keyboard. Its only been the last couple of years that I only have one monitor and computer at my desk.