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Pinco's UI

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I don't see the bug that you are talking about... I'm placing the icons of shops in cities and dungeon and I didn't get a wrong icon for now... Maybe I have fixed it without realizing? :D

However, the next step of my UI is to fix the atlas and make it more like automap, so if you know other bugs or you are looking for a feature just tell me and I'll take care of them :fight:
I would assume this would be internal coding, or server side information. But is there any way to make it update faster? Such as team member locations...


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still have to reach the party parts :p

However the problem on wrong coordinates was part of cheap coding of the lat/long to xy conversion code that is not working correctly. Now I have rebuilt the converter and the bug is gone once and for all so you can use the lat/long without get wrong locations ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Pinco..... One of the things I used to use UO Automap for all the time was to put my MIB locations in.

It had a way to take the degree's and convert it to X and Y and plot it. And I could put 25 or more in at a time and then I could see them all at once and go fish them up in a very easy and non-wasteful manner. I wasn't always retracing my steps.

The new UO Cartographer doesn't do this. You have to convert the degees N,S,E and W into X and Y. Something I have no idea how to do.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know, however here the conversion is fixed so you can do like automap ;)
The only exception is the dungeons area where you cannot use degrees :p


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Little update:

Now the atlas is stable, the algorithm for switch from x/y to lat/long is working on world and lost lands (disabled on dungeons).
The data transfer from uoautomap to EC is in progress (I had to do it manually) and I have just finished Trammel. Felucca should be easy (the copy of trammel + champions and teleporters) and the others map are little.

I hope some of you will appreciate this new addon :)

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't wait to try it out! Thnx for giving us some Ec stuff to look forward too! (hint ea finish this client, or at least update it once awhile)


I still have to reach the party parts :p
Was this to my request? Just curious because if it is in response to me you make it sound like the party member positions on the map are in fact not internal coding...and thus can be bettered?

Pinco..... One of the things I used to use UO Automap for all the time was to put my MIB locations in.

It had a way to take the degree's and convert it to X and Y and plot it. And I could put 25 or more in at a time and then I could see them all at once and go fish them up in a very easy and non-wasteful manner. I wasn't always retracing my steps.

The new UO Cartographer doesn't do this. You have to convert the degees N,S,E and W into X and Y. Something I have no idea how to do.
You could always input the Degree's in the EC map, and now pinco says it works right so there you go xD

Little update:

Now the atlas is stable, the algorithm for switch from x/y to lat/long is working on world and lost lands (disabled on dungeons).
The data transfer from uoautomap to EC is in progress (I had to do it manually) and I have just finished Trammel. Felucca should be easy (the copy of trammel + champions and teleporters) and the others map are little.

I hope some of you will appreciate this new addon :)
I Know I appreciate all the work you do, I just figure I sound like a broken record just posting praise all the time. :p


Grand Inquisitor
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I hope some of you will appreciate this new addon :)
I Know I appreciate all the work you do, I just figure I sound like a broken record just posting praise all the time. :p[/QUOTE]

Ditto. :) But yes, I am very much looking forward to trying the new version.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
However, the next step of my UI is to fix the atlas and make it more like automap, so if you know other bugs or you are looking for a feature just tell me and I'll take care of them :fight:
I would love to have the names of my party members shown next to their position in the radar and/or atlas. Right now I have to mouse over the little white crosses (which cannot be seen on snow :wall:) to see which one belongs to which party member.

Also a faster update rate would be dearly necessary, if you can manipulate that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love your UI - it makes such a huge difference in playing. It feels like another game :)

Would these suggestions be possible?

1) I play dual-screen. I can't move the options dialog that's brought up by the ESC key. As such, It's difficult for me to see what I'm clicking - can this be changed so that I can drag it?

2) Another issue playing dual screen is that when looting, coffins open up on the extreme left. My play-field is on the extreme right ( screenshot attached ) . Can the default location coffins open in be changed?

3) Resistance tool-tips for monsters tend to be difficult to read at a glance. May I suggest parenthesis and color-coordinated numbers?



UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) I play dual-screen. I can't move the options dialog that's brought up by the ESC key. As such, It's difficult for me to see what I'm clicking - can this be changed so that I can drag it?
Change added to the next version

2) Another issue playing dual screen is that when looting, coffins open up on the extreme left. My play-field is on the extreme right ( screenshot attached ) . Can the default location coffins open in be changed?
This is the "cascade mode" is a code made to emulate the 2d containers opening for avoid the overlay of 2 containers.
Make this value customizable is a bit tricky, and since that your playstile is a bit rare I can't change the default value.
But you can change it manually by editing the follow line into containerwindow.lua:
[SIZE=2]ContainerWindow.DEFAULT_START_POSITION = { x=100,y=100 }
Change the x/y value with the location that you want :p
3) Resistance tool-tips for monsters tend to be difficult to read at a glance. May I suggest parenthesis and color-coordinated numbers?
I'll try to add this to the next version...


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For today I did enough data entry :p
Here is the status of the uoam import:
Trammel: DONE
Felucca: DONE
Ilshenar: DONE
Malas: todo
Tokuno: todo
Ter Mur: todo

Edit: I forget to say that about the party I can do nothing, it's completely managed inside the client :(


For today I did enough data entry :p
Here is the status of the uoam import:
Trammel: DONE
Felucca: DONE
Ilshenar: DONE
Malas: todo
Tokuno: todo
Ter Mur: todo

Edit: I forget to say that about the party I can do nothing, it's completely managed inside the client :(
Dang, I thought so >.<, oh well was worth asking and thanks anyhow :)


Grand Inquisitor
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3) Resistance tool-tips for monsters tend to be difficult to read at a glance. May I suggest parenthesis and color-coordinated numbers?
If you use Decors icons you get really nice coloured icons that make it easy to identify which is which.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Today I've finished the data entry (tokuno and ter mur was the longest part since I had to go around many web sites to pick the right names of the places). However, I've also added the "Smart Waypoints updater", because EA did a really bad system which update ALL the waypoints of the map at every step you did... maps like trammel/felucca has more than 800 waypoints, and this will cause HUGE lag. The smart updater just update the ones in your visible area of the atlas that can't be too many, beacuse if your zoom is deep you get up to 30-40 waypoints, if your zoom is high the city shops marker will be hidden so you have always 30-40 waypoints :)

I've also fixed the problem with the maps like tokuno and ter mur which have dungeons located in another map. Actually if you create a waypoint in places like Fan Dancer Dojo, the marker appears somewhere the Tokuno World. If you create a marker in the Abyssal Infernal/Primeval Lich lair the marker will be deleted when you exit the game...
However now I can say the system is really improved and working.

Before upload the new version I would like to add the extra spells details (apply the LMC to the spell mana cost, add the damage type and value and maybe the casting speed)

If you have requests about atlas/waypoint system and spells details, this is the moment to speak :p


Grand Inquisitor
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I have a suggestion. I don't know if it's possible, but one of the problems I am having is that the bars in the mobiles window keep switching places on me just as I'm about to cast on them. Is there any way to reduce this behaviour?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've made a lot of fix on the mobiles bar, ask me this again after tried the new version, because probably I've already fixed it :D


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Oh awesome because I was about to say something about that too..... I was telling my dragon to kill this and that only to have the bars move and him kill the wrong things! I attacked one of my friends! IN FEL no less ! OMG that was not cool....

So... if that is fixed that would be very good.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't tell it for sure... just test when the version is out so we can be 100% sure of that :)
I know I have changed somethings around and that could be part of the fix :D

until then, try to slow down the refresh rate of the mobile bar, that could help ;)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The spell's extra info will be added to the next version, there are enough new things for this one :p

To install the "waypoints.zip", extract into "Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\User Data" and replace the existing one.

The waypoints.zip contains the full atlas/dungeons mostly taken from uoam and updated + tokuno and ter mur that was been completely made by 0.

- Added Toggle Foliage and Toggle Autorun into general menu.
- If you close the healthbar of a mobile with a notoriety not included in your choices, it will not be added to the mobile bar.
- Now you are able to see player houses/boats on atlas.
- The pets now should stay in the pet window.
- Opening a pet healthbar when the pet window is closed no longer stuck the healthbar in the screen.
- When a mobile change notoriety, the healthbar will be correctly moved/removed on the mobiles bar and relative dockspots.
- Now when you cross the server lines the pet healthbars will stay into the pet window.
- Now switch between legacy and not-legacy containers don't close the backpack.
- Added new customization menu items:
 * Set Default Container Grid Color: allow you to customize the container grid color.
 * Toggle Alternate Grid Color: allow you to enable/disable the alternate grid color.
 * Set Alternate Grid Color: allow you to customize the alternate color of the containers grid.
- Now you are able to create map waypoints on dungeons or area different than "world" and see them correctly.
- Fixed the map x/y to lat/long converter, now the labels will be created in the right spot.
- Now you can choose different icons for each waypoint on your map.
- Now you can choose the size of the waypoint icon on your map. If you set the size on half (or less) the icon will be visible only on detailed zoom level.
- You can add waypoints by using lat/long only on world and lost lands. In dungeon you can only add waypoints by x/y coordinates.
- Fixed the Atlas map navigation on high zoom. Now you can shift the map without stucking.
- Now you can scale the Atlas window.
- Added a label to the atlas that shows the player location in real time.
- The waypoints created on abyssal infernal's lair and primeval lich's lair will be saved as felucca labels for avoid the client auto-delete.
- The sea market now have the city icon instead of the exclamation point.
- Removed the default tokuno "Shrine of wisdom" icon near the sleeping dragon champion spawn.
- Added the "Smart Waypoints updater". This tool will update only the waypoints in the visible area of the atlas.
- The main menu is now movable.
- The current target resistances now are colored with the resistances colors.
- Added the "Summons" filter to the mobile bar.
- Fixed some monsters detail into the db.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco..... One of the things I used to use UO Automap for all the time was to put my MIB locations in.

It had a way to take the degree's and convert it to X and Y and plot it. And I could put 25 or more in at a time and then I could see them all at once and go fish them up in a very easy and non-wasteful manner. I wasn't always retracing my steps.

The new UO Cartographer doesn't do this. You have to convert the degees N,S,E and W into X and Y. Something I have no idea how to do.
Eh? UOCartographer does do that. Right click anywhere in the map, select "Find", click the "Lat& Long", enter your N/S and E/W location and the map auto centres on that spot...

Someone was raving about the additions to the Pinco in Europa General chat just now; I really must have a closer look at it soon!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Eh? UOCartographer does do that. Right click anywhere in the map, select "Find", click the "Lat& Long", enter your N/S and E/W location and the map auto centres on that spot...

Someone was raving about the additions to the Pinco in Europa General chat just now; I really must have a closer look at it soon!
Yes but where I want to add a MARKER there so I can go there and actually put 50 points on the map to go to when I want to SEE all my MIB points YOU NEED X/Y..... Which I don't know.

I have figured out finally how to do it but it's like 25 steps more than it ought to be. Find.... put in the co-ordinates DON'T forget to check the TRACK.... go there zoom WAY in..... click at the end of the arrow..... Click add marker..... drop spot right there... Pain in the ...... When it would be very nice if all I had to do was add marker.... put in the co-ordinates and boom added to map. Imagine how much faster adding all those maps would be without the 10 extra steps. 15 if you forget to click the TRACK box.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Awesome job Pinco going to check it out now while I'm fishing!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excellent update :)

I saw this asked for several times while reading the post, so I whipped this up in photoshop: A more tasteful notoriety aura:

(pulses slightly while animated. You can disable animation in Pinco's UI )

Download here:

Just drop this file into your ..\Ultima Online Enhanced\UserInterface\Pinco's UI\Textures
and you'll be good to go :)


The spell's extra info will be added to the next version, there are enough new things for this one :p

To install the "waypoints.zip", extract into "Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\User Data" and replace the existing one.

The waypoints.zip contains the full atlas/dungeons mostly taken from uoam and updated + tokuno and ter mur that was been completely made by 0.

- Added Toggle Foliage and Toggle Autorun into general menu.
- If you close the healthbar of a mobile with a notoriety not included in your choices, it will not be added to the mobile bar.
- Now you are able to see player houses/boats on atlas.
- The pets now should stay in the pet window.
- Opening a pet healthbar when the pet window is closed no longer stuck the healthbar in the screen.
- When a mobile change notoriety, the healthbar will be correctly moved/removed on the mobiles bar and relative dockspots.
- Now when you cross the server lines the pet healthbars will stay into the pet window.
- Now switch between legacy and not-legacy containers don't close the backpack.
- Added new customization menu items:
 * Set Default Container Grid Color: allow you to customize the container grid color.
 * Toggle Alternate Grid Color: allow you to enable/disable the alternate grid color.
 * Set Alternate Grid Color: allow you to customize the alternate color of the containers grid.
- Now you are able to create map waypoints on dungeons or area different than "world" and see them correctly.
- Fixed the map x/y to lat/long converter, now the labels will be created in the right spot.
- Now you can choose different icons for each waypoint on your map.
- Now you can choose the size of the waypoint icon on your map. If you set the size on half (or less) the icon will be visible only on detailed zoom level.
- You can add waypoints by using lat/long only on world and lost lands. In dungeon you can only add waypoints by x/y coordinates.
- Fixed the Atlas map navigation on high zoom. Now you can shift the map without stucking.
- Now you can scale the Atlas window.
- Added a label to the atlas that shows the player location in real time.
- The waypoints created on abyssal infernal's lair and primeval lich's lair will be saved as felucca labels for avoid the client auto-delete.
- The sea market now have the city icon instead of the exclamation point.
- Removed the default tokuno "Shrine of wisdom" icon near the sleeping dragon champion spawn.
- Added the "Smart Waypoints updater". This tool will update only the waypoints in the visible area of the atlas.
- The main menu is now movable.
- The current target resistances now are colored with the resistances colors.
- Added the "Summons" filter to the mobile bar.
- Fixed some monsters detail into the db.
Holy crap....that is a lot to read >.> I will just test it out and see how it goes xD I am sure it is an excellent job as always :)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excellent update :)

I saw this asked for several times while reading the post, so I whipped this up in photoshop: A more tasteful notoriety aura:

(pulses slightly while animated. You can disable animation in Pinco's UI )

Download here:

Just drop this file into your ..\Ultima Online Enhanced\UserInterface\Pinco's UI\Textures
and you'll be good to go :)
That's really good! :)
but overwrite could break the tutorial so I had to change a bit the code to load it separately, however will be included into the next version ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Ok so far what I can say is pretty nice... but the bars still jump around a whole lot.

I was at corgul (good thing to test bars with) and they were jumping all over and I accidentally attacked corgul when I didn't want to!


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
raise the update delay or stand still for targeting... the update happen when new names appear and I can't force an healthbar in one position of the list without mess up the entire update...

you can also take out the boss bars and keep them out of your list :p

Der Rock

hi, at first...THX so much for your good UI.....awesome

now ive a problem with the new changes

- Added new customization menu items:
* Set Default Container Grid Color: allow you to customize the container grid color.
* Toggle Alternate Grid Color: allow you to enable/disable the alternate grid color.
* Set Alternate Grid Color: allow you to customize the alternate color of the containers grid.

this doesnt change the backpack color...it only does "overley" the dark background color a little bit......i realy would love to have the same backpack color as in the old 3D client.. or maybe a bit more light greyish

maybe you can find illandrills mod and see this color...it is very good.


Der Rock ;)


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
have you ever tried the grid legacy mode?
I can't use illandrills version because he change the background texture, if this is what you are looking for just try a texture pack :p

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have the background for the old 3d client's expandable containers. Right now, my Third Dawn Texture pack uses the same background as the Copper Textures, but if people want I could swap it for the 3d version and do a quick update.

Here is what it would look like with the Third Dawn background (mind you it will affect all UI elements that use the background:



Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter

I have the background for the old 3d client's expandable containers. Right now, my Third Dawn Texture pack uses the same background as the Copper Textures, but if people want I could swap it for the 3d version and do a quick update.

Here is what it would look like with the Third Dawn background (mind you it will affect all UI elements that use the background:
I prefer the lighter background. The dark backgrounds make it very hard to see items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have the background for the old 3d client's expandable containers. Right now, my Third Dawn Texture pack uses the same background as the Copper Textures, but if people want I could swap it for the 3d version and do a quick update.

Here is what it would look like with the Third Dawn background (mind you it will affect all UI elements that use the background:

It's a shame they did the paper doll graphics so rushed. Those black blobs are really annoying....other than that, though, I prefer the lighter background of the 3rd Dawn client as well. It's too bad there's not a way to do one background for the backpack and one for the paper doll :(

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Actually, there MIGHT be, but it may take some time to get right.

I could probably square the size of the background dds file, and use another "quadrant" for the other type of background, then I'd have to make a defining section in UO_DefaultWindow.xml, then call to it in the Paperdoll window file.

Either that or maybe make a small area of a flat black background and use it. There are possibilities, I'll just have to get some time to look into it and mess around some.

Edit: Actually I MIGHT have a better way if I can somehow get the paperdoll window to reference the tooltip background.... hrm... I shall dig through the code and break stuffs!

Edit 2: Ok, if Pinco wants to have a look at it, I'm game. Basic premise, replace UO_Default_Black_Background with UO_Simple_Black_Background in the Paperdoll window ONLY leaving UO_Default_Black_Background the texture for the other windows.

Der Rock

is there anyone who uses the illandrils backpack mod?(i use it in the copper enhanced ui)
it has the BEST backpack color, you can see everything clear, even blackrock is visible...

it is a light grey backpack/chest color

if this would be possible in pincos ui this would make it nearly 99% perfect ;)

Der Rock


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
due to your insistance, I found a way to add partially the illandrils mod (with a toggle) so you can be happy now :p

Der Rock

ok last question for to night :)

what is.."get the item id of an item and hue id" good for ?



Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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ok last question for to night :)

what is.."get the item id of an item and hue id" good for ?

Well I for one like getting the hue Id for matching hues to things I did years ago... when I update things.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The mobiles bar isn't updating properly for me.

I can have guild/alliance mates come on screen and they won't appear under the friends dockspot. Same goes for anything attackable.

I use all names to refresh, but that does nothing. I have to refresh the entire UI for them to appear. :(

Also, the main Mobiles bar will NOT stay scaled, it always reverts to the original size when I relaunch the client or swap characters.


hiho.. i want to test this UI.. but, cant figure it out, how to implement it in my game.

download : check
read the way to "install": check
unzipped it where to have to: check:

*copies file where the location ist*

C:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\UserInterface

now i have 2 zipped folders/files and Pico´s UI which isnt zipped anymore.

now i start stygian abyss client * 3d one* and only have the waypoints shown on the map.

this tells me i should have done all correct with the waypoint file, but i made a mistake for the ui file.

maybe someone can helpo me please?



hiho.. i want to test this UI.. but, cant figure it out, how to implement it in my game.

download : check
read the way to "install": check
unzipped it where to have to: check:

*copies file where the location ist*

C:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\UserInterface

now i have 2 zipped folders/files and Pico´s UI which isnt zipped anymore.

now i start stygian abyss client * 3d one* and only have the waypoints shown on the map.

this tells me i should have done all correct with the waypoint file, but i made a mistake for the ui file.

maybe someone can helpo me please?

This should be obvious, but I will ask anyway. Did you select Pincu's UI as your UI in game? inside user settings?



*hides quickly*...



now i have only to figure out, to enable the "intensity rating" for items...

and the resistinfo/slayerinfo on monsters...


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The mobiles bar isn't updating properly for me.

I can have guild/alliance mates come on screen and they won't appear under the friends dockspot. Same goes for anything attackable.

I use all names to refresh, but that does nothing. I have to refresh the entire UI for them to appear. :(

Also, the main Mobiles bar will NOT stay scaled, it always reverts to the original size when I relaunch the client or swap characters.
The scalable mobile bar is fixed, but I'm unable to replicate the problem of the bars not updating...

Check the mobile bar option and be sure that is all right especially the number of mobiles for each bar.
I've tested with your settings and all is working fine...

Check also the "show name" option, this could influence the mobile bar, make some tests and let me know :)


Grand Inquisitor
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The mobiles bar isn't updating properly for me.
The scalable mobile bar is fixed, but I'm unable to replicate the problem of the bars not updating...
I'm having the same problem with mine. I just noticed it last night. It was reds specifically that weren't showing up after I disabled the option to show summons. I have names set to show on approach, and that setting hasn't changed.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good shot llewen you found the cause, I'm fixing it now :)

EDIT: I've fixed a little error on the summon check, but I'm not sure that's the real cause... if you can provide more details would be better
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