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Pay to Post Rumour?

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Capt. Lucky

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Rumor is the "New Stratics" and UO aren't getting along all that great. Maybe UO will open their own forums on UO.com again?

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Well I guess I'll be posting random replies just for the sake of it then. Expect every thread to fill up real fast. What a ridiculous idea.
I made the same point - an invitation to meaningless blather. What was the answer again, @Nexus, that you can only earn so many trinkets per day by posting nonsense - or something like that?


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I made the same point - an invitation to meaningless blather. What was the answer again, @Nexus, that you can only earn so many trinkets per day by posting nonsense - or something like that?
Yep there is a limit per day, you won't be able to continuously gain trinkets for every post.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
I already pointed that out, and yes it sure does make you wonder why there is a separation between stratics and UO. It's sad because Stratics was supposed to be the OFFICIAL FORUM for all that is UO and now the new ownership is making changes that will jeopardize that relationship.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "trinket" system seems a little silly, but it's nothing new for Stratics. As I said in another post, every time the site changes ownership the new owners usually change the forum software and attempt to expand beyond UO or implement new "features." Most people ignore the "features" added, the attempt to expand fails and the site gets sold on once again. This exact same scenario has played out so many times here over the years, almost following the precise pattern each time.

Stratics has always suffered from delusions of grandeur by trying to push the fact this is not just a site for UO, but some kind of wider MMO community. Maybe this was on the cards once upon a time, but the ship has long sailed on this front. Stratics is and forever will be a niche site almost exclusively for Ultima Online players, since it is the de facto "official" forum for the same as EA don't want the burden of operating a forum themselves. Some could argue is a pretty smart business move, considering there are people out there who will bust their ass to run it for you completely free of charge and deal with all the crap associated with a gaming community without EA having to pay a single cent for the benefit. Most MMOs these days, however, have long-established homes elsewhere; some of which are actually operated by the game companies themselves and others have become relevant by the exceptional content they provide. It would be next to impossible for Stratics to become relevant in the wider sphere of the MMO or gaming areas given these facts.

The reality is, this site's demographic is almost purely UO players and there's probably 50ish at tops actual "regulars" who visit the boards and contribute on a regular basis at any given time. I'd wager most of them don't care what forum software you're running or what other "features" the site has to offer. They just come here to post about UO and talk to others about UO. They're not interested in silly forum "currencies", "trophies" or anything of that nature. They just want the basic features of a forum so they can communicate with other UO players and UO devs about the state of the game. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes, I just wish the administration of this site would be realistic with themselves and accept the site for what it is, then focus on making it the absolute best it can be for UO discussion and resources. Content is always king in those cases, and not what forum software you're running or elaborate "forum currency" systems like "trinkets." The only way sites become relevant and respected among gamers is by offering them resources which are the most comprehensive available for their given topic. Stratics should focus more on this for UO and even other areas if they wish to actually expand rather than the aesthetics and gimmicks which just add layers of complexity on to what should actually be quite a straightforward experience.

old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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I'm not exactly thrilled with "trinkets" and other changes, either; however I think continuing to support Stratics as UO's home, so to speak, is still important. Especially in light of what Nexus pointed out in an earlier Q&A post:
Taylor love him or hate him, you all should realize without his intervention there would be no Stratics right now, the company that owned the site at the time he took it over was planning to close Stratics due to it being unprofitable. I think were given a 6 months notice to make it turn a profit or it was being axed.
Regardless of how I feel about changes, I don't want to see lack of support resulting in Stratics "being axed" because of failure to turn a profit.


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Will us mildly detested old trolls get special trinkets for being true to our nature?
Well in the world of particle physics there is a theory that says for every positive or negatively charged particle there is it's exact opposite. They appear identical in every way except their charge. Applying this concept to our site I can say yes, You'll be rewarded with an Anti-Trinket (which we're thinking of renaming "Cogs"). Now an issue arises when dealing with particles and their polar opposites, they attract each other due to their opposite charge, thankfully in the large expanse of the universe these particles rarely if ever meet allowing matter to exist as the consequence of this union between the two particles. always, results in the destruction of both particles. Now when we shove that anti-trinket into the confined space of your balance ledger, it will swiftly attract it's polar opposite and unfortunately your balance will decrease by one due to the destructive nature of their meeting.

But yes we're awarding you an "Anti-Trinket".


Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I already pointed that out, and yes it sure does make you wonder why there is a separation between stratics and UO. It's sad because Stratics was supposed to be the OFFICIAL FORUM for all that is UO and now the new ownership is making changes that will jeopardize that relationship.
Or, it could be that UO isn't holding up to IT'S end of the bargain. Just a thought.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
So who's going to host the new official UO forums?


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I don't understand the sky is falling rhetoric..you don't have to pay anything...you literally will never ever ever need to buy trinkets, as you can earn them, and from what I read the only reason you'll ever need them is post an image using Stratics server..bandwidth costs $..I don't see the issue here? Use *********** Ya shlubs!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I don't understand the sky is falling rhetoric..you don't have to pay anything...you literally will never ever ever need to buy trinkets, as you can earn them, and from what I read the only reason you'll ever need them is post an image using Stratics server..bandwidth costs $..I don't see the issue here? Use *********** Ya shlubs!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
some of us have to use bigpic.com

just saying.....

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
I'm not exactly thrilled with "trinkets" and other changes, either; however I think continuing to support Stratics as UO's home, so to speak, is still important. Especially in light of what Nexus pointed out in an earlier Q&A post:

Regardless of how I feel about changes, I don't want to see lack of support resulting in Stratics "being axed" because of failure to turn a profit.
God there's like three dozen people who actually post here on a regular basis. Someone could throw up a free forum overnight and as long as the four devs we have left posted there once in a while, practically nothing would change. Everyone uses uoguide when they want actual info anyway.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back in the day it would just be a case of deleting a few posts, locking the thread, and banning a couple of people eh Kelmo.

I think you'll find now Stratics is a place where we can actually discuss things. Openly and fairly.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Makes you wonder if there would be more people here if that heavy hand wasn't so heavy.

Sadly I sometimes wonder what happened to Petra, without the mod role she just left.


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Makes you wonder if there would be more people here if that heavy hand wasn't so heavy.

Sadly I sometimes wonder what happened to Petra, without the mod role she just left.
Last I talked to her she was enjoying being able to play UO again without worrying about what needed to be done on Stratics. To be quite honest, if you're dedicated to the site, it's not difficult for it to take over your gaming life and she dedicated herself to it for a long time. From what I gather, she's enjoying her Stratics-retirement, and I'm glad she's happy.


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Back in the day it would just be a case of deleting a few posts, locking the thread, and banning a couple of people eh Kelmo.

I think you'll find now Stratics is a place where we can actually discuss things. Openly and fairly.
That's not quite fair, The former staff were operating under a different owner, with a different view on how things were to be handled. You can say you dislike how things were handled in the past, but don't put all the blame on entirely on former staff, they were operating under the guidelines for how to handle the RoC they were given. Compared to what you see in forums hosted by development Studios, what we've allowed on Stratics for then and now, is rather loose, if the new owner decided he wanted to loosen things a bit more, than what we've done in the past, well that was his prerogative.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
She worked hard sorting organizing recruiting modding this site. Whether you liked her or not, you should respect what she accompllished and the help she gave to so many.

Enjoy the game Petra! Time to relax and have some fun!

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please don't get me wrong, Petra was, and is a upstanding lady, and should hold a legenday title on this site. It seemed like she got the wrong end of the deal but I'll never know. If a crowdsource funded a trip to somewhere warm for her to relax for a week I'd happily sign up.

Other mods here never seemed to have the ablity to remain personable and, it felt, relished in the power here. I feel no love loss there.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Lots of good exmods here bro. Black Sun, Tazar, Kelmo, PASMountaindew, and too many others for me to name aided a lot of us, with questions both here and ingame. But then, for all of us, I guess its a matter of perspective.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No offense but the boards have not complemented the game for a long time now.
The only similarity between the two these days is that they are both generally gankfests.
The boards are now more of a popularity contest where people back someone for no other reason than he is more polite or a board buddy. Even when he is not making any sense at all. Kind of a weird HS debate team thing going on. And we all know how the debate team does on the actual field :)
The game however still allows you to make a valid point and prove it with your magery skill or sword.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's not quite fair, The former staff were operating under a different owner, with a different view on how things were to be handled. You can say you dislike how things were handled in the past, but don't put all the blame on entirely on former staff, they were operating under the guidelines for how to handle the RoC they were given. Compared to what you see in forums hosted by development Studios, what we've allowed on Stratics for then and now, is rather loose, if the new owner decided he wanted to loosen things a bit more, than what we've done in the past, well that was his prerogative.
Interesting that you started your reply mentioning fairness. Whilst I concede that there may have been different constraints or rules in place back then, the foundation of every forum remains the same. To moderate evenly and fairly. In this area many of the old Mods failed in their duty. Bias and favouritism were rife. Not to mention that for some of them it was more about them and their egos than anything else. Anyhow. We digress.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
@Petra Fyde bringing this to your attention to make sure stratics doesn't attempt to steal your hard work. Don't let them offer you trinkets, errr I mean Cogs...the amount you would get in comparison to the amount of work you did is the equivalent of Asian slave labor through Nike...


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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We already know about it ;) And commend her hard work and dedication at keeping UO alive in yet another wonderful place. She's like the energizer bunny, just keeps goin :) And I'm sure most , if not all , adore her for it!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tis good news that Petra stepped back into the Reddit world :) I'm so happy to hear.

As the former ME of GW2 of Stratics on the staff private boards I had posted many ways in the social media world today to reach players that may not come to Stratics in a normal search engine way. I had used so many forms of ways to get information, and used many outlets such as Reddit to reach players.

In regards to the former owner of Stratics, I have very much respect for him. I know some don't like him for the way the boards were run but he stepped in and saved Stratics when it could of went down the drain very easily. @Taylor you are the man and miss ya bro.

In simple words Stratics has a lot of information for players to find. Nobody is forced to post or read drama if they don't want to. Any can use other UO related sites if they wish. Stratics forums are the "Official" forums on the uo.com site and many ways for the devs to read and respond to the player base about issues and concerns. Ron Bron is taking Stratics into a new era and I wish him and the staff well in their new transition.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I'm still around, though I post rarely, confining myself to facts and keeping my opinions to myself. The site I'm building in a little corner granted to me by the ODE guild is linked on my profile and I post on my facebook when I upload a new page. It's not done in wordpress or drupal or any other fancy CMS, I'm using basic html and exploring a little css. I'm particularly happy with the css I used for my maps pages, though of course they can't compare to the google maps that posters kindly funded for the Stratics site.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can say you dislike how things were handled in the past, but don't put all the blame on entirely on former staff, they were operating under the guidelines for how to handle the RoC they were given.
Funny how some of the "old" staff saw problems where none existed prior to their hiring...even under the same ownership...la


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'm still around, though I post rarely, confining myself to facts and keeping my opinions to myself. The site I'm building in a little corner granted to me by the ODE guild is linked on my profile and I post on my facebook when I upload a new page. It's not done in wordpress or drupal or any other fancy CMS, I'm using basic html and exploring a little css. I'm particularly happy with the css I used for my maps pages, though of course they can't compare to the google maps that posters kindly funded for the Stratics site.
Save yourself a lot of headaches. Look at Wordpress...it's so easy to work with and the options of plugins available are par none...la

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Save yourself a lot of headaches. Look at Wordpress...it's so easy to work with and the options of plugins available are par none...la
I'm not having a lot of headaches, I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with the css. I don't have to worry about whether a plug in I choose to use will be updated either.
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