So I got my first taste of origin champ pvp today lol, if you call it that.
Some of you might find this story interesting...I think its rather funny.
So Im on my stealth mage, running around marking runes to various champs and stuff. Take a stroll through T2A, see a couple guys fighting Mephitis, say hi and go on my way. I jump on my whammy and head to Despise to do Baracoon, why idk, just to do it I guess. So I got a bunch of rats and slimes around me and I see an orange name come running at me...
So I think to myself....
"You know your gonna be attacked right?"
"Yep, sure do..."
"Okay, wtf is this guy doing?????"
I wont name any names, or guilds, we will call this guy....
"Special Ed" or "Sped" for short, because he definetly needs some help....
So hes runs off screen, comes back with some slimes and rats in tow. Okay, but Im already surrounded (In Wraith form by the way), he waits a few seconds for me to get even more surrounded and proceeds to attack with his repeating bow. Oh I forgot to mention, I did say hi, but didnt get any kind of hello or prepare to die or anything. So, he attacks me when Im surrounded by mobs. I am in wraith form so I make a B-line straight for him running over rats and slimes. This had to have suprized him cause he took off running. Duh Im a wraith you moron! I can walk through monsters!
So, on with the battle, if you want to call it that. Mind you I have no potions at all, no apples, nothing. Im only using my Soul Seeker and weapon skills. Hes mortal striking me, ok, nearest rat crowd, whirlwind, Im healed. The whole time I am telling him, this is stupid, your never gonna kill me with spawn here this thick. He still dont respond, Im chasing him, he keeps running away like a little girl. Drinking refresh pots like its going out of style. Im telling him, nice script your running, because he was healing and drinking refreshes a little too fast to run through 10 mobs at once. So, Im still chasing this guy around, telling him to cut it out, we will just do the spawn together cause me dying aint gonna happen here, one whirlwind and Im healed. Plus I can run through spawn. Hes still not answering or saying anything, guess he cant talk AND pvp badly at the same time, idk.
So, after about 15 min of chasing him, I finally just decide this is gay and Im gonna leave, so I start to make for the exit, jerkoff still following me. Havent you figured it out yet? You are not gonna kill me unless I LET you kill me! So, anyways, to make a long story short, Mr Sped annoyed me enough, following me everywhere, I let him kill me. I mean I didnt have nothing but like 10 nox crystals and 100 pig irons, I think a BoS, screw it, its too late and Im too tired to run around with this moron in tow forever OR chase the little running girl until he dies. Either way, I would have had to wait for the "Flee in the heat of battle" and with this little girl running all over like a scared cat, that battle would have went on FOREVER!
So, Mr Sped next time you see me, remember this, you suck at one on one pvp against me and that IS sad cause Im not good at all. But I do know how to play my guy and there was no way in hell you were killing me with tons of rats around for me to suck the life out of. Remember, I almost killed you with NO POTIONS and NO SPELLS, just weapon skills and my skills.
Thank you for my laugh of the night Special Ed K? lol