I've always felt UO to be medieval... with wild magicks that would thrust the unwary to weirdness. The Hildebrant picture is classic - says what UO is to a "t" as it was back in the day.
T2A - the first real expansion - and Renn both stuck to the classic UO feel and we grew to love it all. Although, I still wonder the source of Lizardmen... always did... and it made me think of the original "Land of the Lost" show and Sleestaks. I even called them that back then, much to the dismay of my friends and family who played then. I used to tease them that if a tyrannosaurus rex showed up, I'd make a tamer just for that.
Third Dawn and LBR introduced us to .... cyborgs. I felt it was kinda a stretch to the medieval imagination - but it made sense that dabbling in the darker arts would cause, strangeness. So the medieval mindset did what it does best - fight what it doesn't understand. The introduction of a "3D client" was a flop. It hurt. Badly.
3D starts with the game engine. Not with artwork being forced into a 2D quasi oblique perspective.
Then, somewhere, the developers got confused.... which led to a whole lot of malcontent, yes?
Age of Stu--Shadows, was an attempt at modernizing the game overall, but keep the classic UO feel to it, yet appeal to the newer 3D crowd. . Well, the neon stu--shadows (eh?!) didn't help. What was good were the two missing classes (
Paladin & Necromancers - aka medieval Templars and Witches - very fantasy-medieval) and it looked like a return to more medieval/dark ages type of stuff with the occasional poke from Minax. Just, all the "stuff" kinda messed with it.
Then we went Japanese.
Nothing wrong with that - but a better explanation of how this came to be would have been nice. In medieval times, the Middle East was more involved with Anglo-Saxon races (
which is what UO was based on - c'mon, "Lord British"??) than the Japanese. Even Chinese would have been better. It was a real stretch for the mindset and seemed the producers were wanting to make the game full on Asian for a bit. Again, can see how some 3D art is being forced into oblique perspective (
the kirin & serpentine dragon look like.... pardon... origami)
Then Mondain's Legacy - Elves - which the LB swore would never happen. Ahh well....
The story arc was plausible and did make for some interesting changes in the game. Some rich RP was dreamt up by players.... really did feel good for a while. But it didn't pack the "umph" and at this point it felt like the game was slipping for me.
Stygian Abyss gave us the Gargoyles as a player-race. The Gargoyles were around for a while as NPCs, but didn't really fit into how the Ultima lore made them. The story building up the race wasn't congruent with the lore, and it just kinda flopped imo. I would have loved to see BOTH types of Gargoyles brought into the game as player race. I just wish there was more lore that matched up with the original series. Technically, there are no "female gargoyles" only the queen (
and even that was stretched in the original series) - which is why I played my own fem-garg as a daemon possessed human. She's been since exorcised...
High Seas - should have been released a whole lot sooner. Ahh well. Some of us played pirates from the early days.
Now... the Time Lord is wrecking havoc on our idyllic existence [sic]... I think this is the old "Ultima Worlds" game coming to being. It is of my opinion that a lot of what was being developed for UWO has been fed into the game over all these years. Steampunk, cyborgs, and now dinosaurs...
Aye, the Gem of Immortality is many faceted. When spaceships come into play I dunno what I'll do....
Personally, I like the medieval aspect of the game more than anything - I like that time period. Is why I'm in the SCA. Dinosaurs are kinda pushing it - but I can adapt my game play to kinda "ignore" that aspect in my RP. Was getting hard to ignore it with the raptors that came about in Ter Mur - but then the persona Kirthag didn't really like the "demonic race" to begin with - they seemed so stuffy, moreso than elves.
It feels like the UO-universe is splintering apart. It was awesome in the Ultima Series, in that each release of the series was self contained, and served up the lore well to keep them connected. But the UO game isn't doing it justice really. The finesse of the story telling lacks big time. The EMs are trying to do a good job, but I sense a real lack of passion - have they played the old Ultima games? I applaud their attempts, but really - for those of us who have played and experienced the original Ultima series, sometimes the events they put on are just .... not right. Sometimes even rushed... part of why I don't do them really.
I see them attempting to bring the Ultima series into UO - that's only natural - but its just so... splintered. Much like the Gem, eh?
The artwork on the splash is very, immature feeling, for this game. Seriously. It feels almost anime, not even manga worthy - a bit more kawaii and yes, neopets-ish. UO has a huge history that should be put forth by
any representation. Looking at the new UO site, although a bit bland, does lend itself toward the overall UO feel. Then someone sees that splash and goes, "What the?"
My sis, who hasn't played since Y2k, saw that and told me I can have her aged account. She's going back to Guild Wars.
What is UO about?
What IS Ultima Online? I'd rather see something showing the Gem's shards, floating in space, and "reflections" of each aspect mirrored in them (dino, gargoyle, elves, ninja, pirates, solen, knights, dragons, undead, blah blah blah) and some shards just out of focus... that HINTS at more possibilities and expansions. That kinda suits what UO is. A world made up of undiscovered worlds.. yes?
Or if that is too much.. do something like Blizzard does with Diablo3.. the splash is simply their logo (a transparent PNG that sits in the middle of the desktop). That would be better than.... the Saturday morning cartoon we are being presented.
It took me a full year to convince my sister to at least re-download the game and I spent the past 3 weeks helping her get her account squared away (
try recovering an account that was closed back at the turn of the century!). I'm depressed. Really.
I think Kirthag will stick to Sosaria....