Yea, Gratz! Another step closer to socialism! Follow the Euro-path to prosperity! No wait...
This was probably meant as a sarcastic joke. But I got to tell you that all Europeans are very proud and self-confident and some people could get miffed for reading that any nation on the continent (or Europe en bloc) is regarded as some kind of inferior. Don't forget we have the same patriotic feelings that you have too.
Actually, there may be some things America could 'learn' from Europe. You should not mistake 'learning' for something bad. Learning means to adapt oneself to new circumstances which is necessary to survive. Amerika is known for the flexibel and unconventional way of solving problems and that is on the other hand one thing Europe can learn from the USA.
1. Tolerance and the willingness to compromise. As most countries in Europe have a multiparty system, the governments are forced to make compromises. This is in most cases more functional than to think and act in black/white categories. On top of that, so different the many countries in Europe may be, we understood that working together is the only way to make it through testing times - which I can assure you we had a lot in our long history.
2. Effective opposition. Political opposition does not mean to sabotage the administration's work. In addition to provide alternative solutions the opposition mainly has the duty to controll the administration. For example, in case that an administration has told the untruth about the necessity of starting a war, this would most certainly carry a penalty for the involved responsibles.
3. Integration. America has always been the home of immigrants from all over the world and is a perfect example of how people of all countries and skin colours can live and work peacefully and in prosperity together. This being said, it is strangely enough that the US has obviously some difficulties to intigrate itself into a global community. Slogans like 'America first' are failed to be comprehended in the rest of the world in view of problems like ecomomy breakdown or ecocide. In the age of globalization we need to understand that we can't ignore other peoples problems like starvation or social instability. If we do they will bring their problem to us - AKA terroism for example.
On a relating note to what I wrote before, Mr. Obama raises hope that America will possibly overcome it's isolationistic policy which is simple not suitable any more. America has a historical chance to participate in transfering established and proven values into a brave new world - as so many posters cite to George Orwell

. From what I read, McCain is thinking quite the same way too although he planned to achieve this via different methods of course.