Hail Folks,
Players AKA (also known as) Payers, create Characters. So long as these Characters are not in violation of any Terms of Service (ToS) or Rules of Conduct (RoC), they may "be" or play anything limited only by their Players creativity and imagination. Some Players seek "community." Seek to form friendships and associations, seek to add to the surrounding community. Others seek only to exist in their virtual world of choice on their own terms. Very few limits or restraints exist which is as it should be. I have met "street sweepers," "stable hands," doormen, bartenders, and numerous other folks turning mundane tasks into fascinating livlihoods.
There was a time when GameMasters (GM's), Seers, Counsellors, etc. appeared frequently in our virtual world guiding, aiding, and enhancing the experiences of many. Currently, Event Moderators (EM's) are the most active "official" EAMythic characters appearing in our world.
EM's come first and foremost in the service of their Masters (EA Bosses). While some may seek to come as "gentle tyrants" and others as brutal tyrants, they come nonetheless with absolute power. However, they are entering our virtual world, the one we Players pay for and bring to life. What in the world, even our virtual world, would EM's do without Players???
Now it is true that some Players will seek out EM's for their own personal gain and to assuage their own feeling of self-importance. Sycophants will seek to flatter and insinuate themselves into an EM's "inner circle" of in-game contacts. Others seek only to enhance their play and that of others. EM's will always need to sort these out.
Players (Paying Customers) are a very diverse bunch. However, many Players share a common feeling, especially in virtual MMORPG's (Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game), a feeling of independence pertaining to their in-game choices. Ultima Online has always been exceptional in the choices and freedoms given to its Players.
It is my hope that this Thread may become a place where Players may come and provide insight to GM's, EM's, and even Dev's (Developers), as to what Players enjoy most, and enjoy least in their chosen virtual world. It is my further hope that Moderators will remove improper posts, rather than allowing any posters to derail this Thread.
I believe this Thread could prove an invaluable resource for UO's "Powers That Be." I know, or at least doubt any of those Powers will post here. But surely they may read here and discern and discover valuable feedback from our Players.
What say you, Players?
P.S. please include your Shard and Active or Inactive Player in your Posts
Players AKA (also known as) Payers, create Characters. So long as these Characters are not in violation of any Terms of Service (ToS) or Rules of Conduct (RoC), they may "be" or play anything limited only by their Players creativity and imagination. Some Players seek "community." Seek to form friendships and associations, seek to add to the surrounding community. Others seek only to exist in their virtual world of choice on their own terms. Very few limits or restraints exist which is as it should be. I have met "street sweepers," "stable hands," doormen, bartenders, and numerous other folks turning mundane tasks into fascinating livlihoods.
There was a time when GameMasters (GM's), Seers, Counsellors, etc. appeared frequently in our virtual world guiding, aiding, and enhancing the experiences of many. Currently, Event Moderators (EM's) are the most active "official" EAMythic characters appearing in our world.
EM's come first and foremost in the service of their Masters (EA Bosses). While some may seek to come as "gentle tyrants" and others as brutal tyrants, they come nonetheless with absolute power. However, they are entering our virtual world, the one we Players pay for and bring to life. What in the world, even our virtual world, would EM's do without Players???
Now it is true that some Players will seek out EM's for their own personal gain and to assuage their own feeling of self-importance. Sycophants will seek to flatter and insinuate themselves into an EM's "inner circle" of in-game contacts. Others seek only to enhance their play and that of others. EM's will always need to sort these out.
Players (Paying Customers) are a very diverse bunch. However, many Players share a common feeling, especially in virtual MMORPG's (Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game), a feeling of independence pertaining to their in-game choices. Ultima Online has always been exceptional in the choices and freedoms given to its Players.
It is my hope that this Thread may become a place where Players may come and provide insight to GM's, EM's, and even Dev's (Developers), as to what Players enjoy most, and enjoy least in their chosen virtual world. It is my further hope that Moderators will remove improper posts, rather than allowing any posters to derail this Thread.
I believe this Thread could prove an invaluable resource for UO's "Powers That Be." I know, or at least doubt any of those Powers will post here. But surely they may read here and discern and discover valuable feedback from our Players.
What say you, Players?
P.S. please include your Shard and Active or Inactive Player in your Posts