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Notes On Interacting With Players


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

Players AKA (also known as) Payers, create Characters. So long as these Characters are not in violation of any Terms of Service (ToS) or Rules of Conduct (RoC), they may "be" or play anything limited only by their Players creativity and imagination. Some Players seek "community." Seek to form friendships and associations, seek to add to the surrounding community. Others seek only to exist in their virtual world of choice on their own terms. Very few limits or restraints exist which is as it should be. I have met "street sweepers," "stable hands," doormen, bartenders, and numerous other folks turning mundane tasks into fascinating livlihoods.

There was a time when GameMasters (GM's), Seers, Counsellors, etc. appeared frequently in our virtual world guiding, aiding, and enhancing the experiences of many. Currently, Event Moderators (EM's) are the most active "official" EAMythic characters appearing in our world.

EM's come first and foremost in the service of their Masters (EA Bosses). While some may seek to come as "gentle tyrants" and others as brutal tyrants, they come nonetheless with absolute power. However, they are entering our virtual world, the one we Players pay for and bring to life. What in the world, even our virtual world, would EM's do without Players???

Now it is true that some Players will seek out EM's for their own personal gain and to assuage their own feeling of self-importance. Sycophants will seek to flatter and insinuate themselves into an EM's "inner circle" of in-game contacts. Others seek only to enhance their play and that of others. EM's will always need to sort these out.

Players (Paying Customers) are a very diverse bunch. However, many Players share a common feeling, especially in virtual MMORPG's (Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game), a feeling of independence pertaining to their in-game choices. Ultima Online has always been exceptional in the choices and freedoms given to its Players.

It is my hope that this Thread may become a place where Players may come and provide insight to GM's, EM's, and even Dev's (Developers), as to what Players enjoy most, and enjoy least in their chosen virtual world. It is my further hope that Moderators will remove improper posts, rather than allowing any posters to derail this Thread.

I believe this Thread could prove an invaluable resource for UO's "Powers That Be." I know, or at least doubt any of those Powers will post here. But surely they may read here and discern and discover valuable feedback from our Players.

What say you, Players?

P.S. please include your Shard and Active or Inactive Player in your Posts


I say this was a completely random and unsolicited observation?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play Pacific and am an active player since Beta. What I would love to see is a reward/karma event in disguise. It would begin with the EMs summoning everyone to Lord British's Castle for a meet and greet. They chat for awhile and let the selfish players whine about getting items and complain that it's a lame event. The griefers will chatter away, annoying the players there. Then suddenly the EM offers to reward those who have supported "the cause." RP-wise, this would be the cause of Britannia, but IRL it is also the cause of providing enjoyable events. They then teleport everyone onto the throne room for some gift and leave those who whined and griefed the event out in the cold, no items to their name. The message I would like to see sent with an event like this is that if you insist on being a selfish, annoying jerk then you'll miss out.


perhaps i should attempt to re-read and understand this post after drinking a few beers.
this payer player will therefore drink and return later to see if this makes any sense.
if you are a paying player and care to join me for some ale, i will be drinking at some local tavern.

Chad Sexington

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail folks,

There was a time when GMs, seers, and counselors appeared frequently. Currently, EMs are the most active "official" EAMythic characters.

Some players will seek out EMs for their own personal gain. EMs will always need to sort these out.

It is my hope that this thread may provide insight to GMs, EMs, and even devs as to what players enjoy most.

What say you, players?

P.S. Please include your shard and active or inactive player in your posts.
I translated.



I play Pacific and am an active player since Beta. What I would love to see is a reward/karma event in disguise. It would begin with the EMs summoning everyone to Lord British's Castle for a meet and greet. They chat for awhile and let the selfish players whine about getting items and complain that it's a lame event. The griefers will chatter away, annoying the players there. Then suddenly the EM offers to reward those who have supported "the cause." RP-wise, this would be the cause of Britannia, but IRL it is also the cause of providing enjoyable events. They then teleport everyone onto the throne room for some gift and leave those who whined and griefed the event out in the cold, no items to their name. The message I would like to see sent with an event like this is that if you insist on being a selfish, annoying jerk then you'll miss out.

I have a question for you sir.

What do you think about persons who incite riots inside the Counselor's Hall minutes prior to an event starting?

There I am sitting on a bench in Pacifics Counselor Hall awaiting an event when 2 people in your guild come in and sit behind me.

The male char says out loud:

"Well, I see all the CHEATERS are here already."

Maybe you could extend your high and mighty RP 'ideals' to those few minutes prior to an event beginning as well if it involves inciting mayhem within the Counselor's Hall?

I mean all was pleasant and quiet in the Counselor's Hall before your two guild members arrived.

Since I had been questioning why your guild owns over 100 boats loaded with cargo for over a year that get refreshed always at the somewhat worn stage UNLESS there's a patch to UO, I for one and not about to sit and let your "pot" call any "kettles" black.

YOUR two guildies certainly did an excellent job of disrupting that event for me.

By the way, now that SA has arrived I suppose you will "unraveling' all that trash loot on your hundred boats so you can remove most of those eyesores from the land?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a question for you sir.

What do you think about persons who incite riots inside the Counselor's Hall minutes prior to an event starting?

There I am sitting on a bench in Pacifics Counselor Hall awaiting an event when 2 people in your guild come in and sit behind me.

The male char says out loud:

"Well, I see all the CHEATERS are here already."

Maybe you could extend your high and mighty RP 'ideals' to those few minutes prior to an event beginning as well if it involves inciting mayhem within the Counselor's Hall?

I mean all was pleasant and quiet in the Counselor's Hall before your two guild members arrived.

Since I had been questioning why your guild owns over 100 boats loaded with cargo for over a year that get refreshed always at the somewhat worn stage UNLESS there's a patch to UO, I for one and not about to sit and let your "pot" call any "kettles" black.

YOUR two guildies certainly did an excellent job of disrupting that event for me.

By the way, now that SA has arrived I suppose you will "unraveling' all that trash loot on your hundred boats so you can remove most of those eyesores from the land?
My response to you, Slave Girl, is that you have quite possibly the worst reputation on the entire shard. Everyone knows you love to cause trouble, that you love confrontation. If you didn't start trouble with others, they might not start it with you back. Cheers.

Stupid Miner

Hm, pardon me, but I can't understand most of your post. It seems most of your paragraphs have no obvious connection with the others.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I translated.

I say the em's need to cater more to all players and times. Coming home at 9pm or later, it is awfully disappointing to find events over and done.

I don't play multiple shards, I rarely if ever get weekends to play and when events do fall on a week day, I still hit the its done and over time frame.

I am not really complaining, I still enjoy playing.

I think however there is large portion of the player base(working class players) that miss these events that would like to participate.


I say the em's need to cater more to all players and times. Coming home at 9pm or later, it is awfully disappointing to find events over and done.

I don't play multiple shards, I rarely if ever get weekends to play and when events do fall on a week day, I still hit the its done and over time frame.

I am not really complaining, I still enjoy playing.

I think however there is large portion of the player base(working class players) that miss these events that would like to participate.
Err.. so what time ARE you available for events?

A good deal of people do the M-F, 9 to 5 kinda thing. Not all, mind you... but many. It would make sense to have most events later in the evening, after getting home, dinner, etc. 9pm sounds very reasonable.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
9pm-3am. This would not be a problem If some events could be automated/quest oriented to allow people like myself ( single, full time employed, father who finds time between time to play). eR....Clear?

"A good deal of people do the M-F, 9 to 5 kinda thing."

A good deal don't.


9pm-3am. This would not be a problem If some events could be automated/quest oriented to allow people like myself ( single, full time employed, father who finds time between time to play). eR....Clear?

"A good deal of people do the M-F, 9 to 5 kinda thing."

A good deal don't.
Some events HAVE been done in am automated or quest like way... at least some have on GL. And not all are at 9pm.

As far as 'a good deal don't' statement... I already covered that some don't work the standard 9 to 5 fare. You can't expect the UO EM team to cater to every hour service, especially considering this is a job on top of any full time job they currently have outside of UO.


What say you, Players?
Please forgive me, but I told you so. I predicted long ago that BajaElladan would put our liberties at risk by an unambitious and amoral rush to throw away our freedom, our honor, and our future. Now that he has, I'd like to express my thoughts on the matter. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: His tasteless apothegms are meticulously designed to keep the population unaware, uneducated, dumbed down, and focused on stupefying activities like video games. The intention is to prevent people from noticing that BajaElladan has been forcing me to have a conniption. There's one thing you can undoubtedly say about him: He has a sense of humor. He was being a real comedian when he told us that all it takes to solve our social woes are shotgun marriages, heavy-handed divorce laws, and a return to some mythical 1950s Shangri-la. Now that I've told you what I think, let me end this letter by stating that I fully intend to fight for what is right. Let BajaElladan tremble. And though the heavens fall, let there be justice.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some events HAVE been done in am automated or quest like way... at least some have on GL. And not all are at 9pm.

As far as 'a good deal don't' statement... I already covered that some don't work the standard 9 to 5 fare. You can't expect the UO EM team to cater to every hour service, especially considering this is a job on top of any full time job they currently have outside of UO.
Perhaps we should expect better/more service, the game is open past 9pm.

Maybe the severs should shut down from 9pm to 6am if you see my point.

Lack of service is, one of the biggest complaints I see here? Any whooo.. not here to start a fight, peace.


the game is open past 9pm.

Maybe the severs should shut down from 9pm to 6am if you see my point.

Lack of service is, one of the biggest complaints I see here?
LOL you don't like it? I'm sure that you are aware of where the 'edit account' and 'cancel account' functions are on the uo.com site.

I'm sorry you work some borked up hours, but the game is still available almost 24 hours a day. Also as I've stated, there have been some EM events not totally set in the 9pm slot.


Let's see..

For those discussing the EM timeframe problem: The underlying issue is that we the players have no simple way to know that an event "may or may not" happen during our playtimes. I don't want meticulous schedules, but I DO want EMs to plan things at many different times, or to at least try different times to see what works best for their customers.

The "many people" argument is a waste of time, since anyone, anywhere can log into any server. As a consequence, YOUR perfect time may have nothing to do with mine or anyone else's.

I don't mind them picking a time and saying events will usually appear around then, but I would also like them to pick some side times and do other smaller events or lead-ups to the big ones. But in any case, there needs to be clear notification to us that something might happen. Like a gypsy fortune teller that we can ask -- who may tell us "Something seems to be approaching, something horrible!!! Watch yourself for the next few days around 8pm est!" Yes, I don't like referencing external time, but UO doesn't give us an easy way to match up "real" time to UO time.

Uhm... anyway, as for the OP, the biggest problem the seers and EMs have always had is their semi-communicative stance. They tend to tell things to those more likely to spread the information... and they don't tend to let us know a lot ahead of time. So you end up not knowing for sure when something will happen and what to expect (ie bring my crafter? bring my bard? we'll be making petticoats? we'll be dicing daemon claws?)

Communication has ALWAYS been the largest problem in UO. Even EA doesn't take advantage of communication mechanisms IN THE GAME. They never post on message boards, never use the town criers, never message players -- and then they remove systems for communication because they don't know what to do with them.

It's really interesting to watch, but annoying to play with.


Let's see..

For those discussing the EM timeframe problem: The underlying issue is that we the players have no simple way to know that an event "may or may not" happen during our playtimes. I don't want meticulous schedules, but I DO want EMs to plan things at many different times, or to at least try different times to see what works best for their customers.
Once again, can't speak for any other shards but GL's EMs have done an amazing job but in game and on their own forum to state when and where to find things.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Atlantic's EM events have been held at a variety of times, to include daytime hours (EM Nestor took the day off work). Events have been held during the week and on weekends.

Atlantic's EMs have bent over backward to meet the time frame needs of players. Perhaps you're just on the wrong shard.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail folks,

There was a time when GMs, seers, and counselors appeared frequently. Currently, EMs are the most active "official" EAMythic characters.

Some players will seek out EMs for their own personal gain. EMs will always need to sort these out.

It is my hope that this thread may provide insight to GMs, EMs, and even devs as to what players enjoy most.

What say you, players?

P.S. Please include your shard and active or inactive player in your posts.
I translated.

Thanks Chad.

I would like more EM events that involve going to an open area Malas has a few and Magincia would work for now.

Before we leave we would accept a quest from a Quest Giver put in by the EM.

Gate us to the open area where multitudes of Artic Ogre Lord and above HP and damage monsters have spawned. These creatures would match the quest criteria. Have some of these creatures immune to pets and some immune to other type damages. Have a few things that are yamandon HP and damage.

After you kill 10 of these creatures you get the reward and each character can only do it once.

With lots of stuff and a large area, everybody can kill stuff. When everything is dead, Have two bosses spawn. One that pets refuse to attack and one they will attack.

Have the bosses give a reward to all that hit it.

The event time and date would be given by lanterns at each popular bank. Give the details a week early.

I prefer this over an invasion of a city.