Glad you see the truth. It's about time...IT IS A CUNSPEERASY, EVERYONE HASTES TAMERS
Wouldn't this be true for a player as well. If they get disconnected there is nothing they can do either for 5 minutes.Now then the Tamer is flagged just as you want, the Tamer can NOT log out, just as you want, so were is the issue for having the Pet conform to the Tamers Flag's? We have after all eliminated the exploiting the intentional crashing of the Client. Leaving only the legitimate disconnect scenario.
The guiding principle should always be Person vs Person, and the antithesis of that principle should be NEVER Person vs a Person that is unable to participate in the encounter.
Llewen: Sampires my be over powered in PvM, but they are not overpowered in PvP. The max damage cap for PvP is different than PvM.Glad you see the truth. It's about time...
But seriously, it's not everyone, but there is a very, very, vocal minority that does, and they are very consistent and very persistent, and the problem is that people like that tend to get listened to eventually, not because they are in the majority, and not because what they say is true, but because they keep saying the same things, over and over and over and over and over and over again.
And of course, not everything they say is false either. There is often just enough truth in what they say, and enough anecdotal evidence, to give what they say some bite. But they exaggerate, take things out of context, and conveniently ignore anything that doesn't support their message.
For example, yes greater dragons were powerful, and they were popular because taming is fun, but as powerful as they were, they still weren't as powerful as, for example, an advanced sampire played by a skilled player, even in the hands of an equally skilled tamer. But guess what, the sampire hasn't been nerfed, and the greater dragon has.
If you don't see the connection between that, and the unending stream of invective from those that hate tamers on these forums, you are blind. After a year and half of being away, I come back, and people like Goldberg are still consistently on message, and nothing you can say, no proof that you can present, will shake them off message.
For every post you might see saying sampires are overpowered, you will see at least ten wailing about how overpowered tamers are, even though the sampire is clearly the more powerful, and successful template. Anyone who plays the game at an advanced level knows that this is true.
The greater dragon has been nerfed. Fine, it is still powerful, and useful, but don't imagine for a minute that the complaining is going to stop. There might have been a short congratulatory pause, but the complaining barely even took a break, as is evidenced in this thread, and it will continue, guaranteed.
An academic could write a very interesting sociological paper on the discourse surrounding tamers on this forum...
And there you hit upon a very interesting little nugget of truth. Why do you think that PvP tamers don't "take over spawns"? I'll tell you why.I think the reasons that most PvPers dislike PvP tamers is that most the PvP tamers gate hug and gank. At least that is my experience. You hardly ever seem them used to take over spawns.
I don't play a tamer, so I truly don't know the ins and outs of it but I figured that not many people use GD's to do spawns is cause they move to slow.And there you hit upon a very interesting little nugget of truth. Why do you think that PvP tamers don't "take over spawns"? I'll tell you why.
Exactly. At a spawn the stakes are "real" (in game terms) so the pvp is equally "real". Yew gate is for practice, and to blow off steam. If you want to know what "real" pvp is like, you go to a spawn. It's no holds barred, with no stupid rules, and no equally stupid prejudices, all that matters is who ends up with the scrolls.Also there is a huge difference between PvPing from Despise vs PvPing while safe in guard zone.
And as I have made the point over and over again, it isn't "dumb and unfair" as long as there is stat loss for pets. I know you said you would support getting rid of stat loss for pets, but you didn't mention that there, and that is the only way I would support getting rid of auto-stabling.But the ability to save ones pet by logging out, when they are an aggressor, is just dumb and unfair.
Very well said. I couldn`t agree more.Glad you see the truth. It's about time...
But seriously, it's not everyone, but there is a very, very, vocal minority that does, and they are very consistent and very persistent, and the problem is that people like that tend to get listened to eventually, not because they are in the majority, and not because what they say is true, but because they keep saying the same things, over and over and over and over and over and over again.
And of course, not everything they say is false either. There is often just enough truth in what they say, and enough anecdotal evidence, to give what they say some bite. But they exaggerate, take things out of context, and conveniently ignore anything that doesn't support their message.
For example, yes greater dragons were powerful, and they were popular because taming is fun, but as powerful as they were, they still weren't as powerful as, for example, an advanced sampire played by a skilled player, even in the hands of an equally skilled tamer. But guess what, the sampire hasn't been nerfed, and the greater dragon has.
If you don't see the connection between that, and the unending stream of invective from those that hate tamers on these forums, you are blind. After a year and half of being away, I come back, and people like Goldberg are still consistently on message, and nothing you can say, no proof that you can present, will shake them off message.
For every post you might see saying sampires are overpowered, you will see at least ten wailing about how overpowered tamers are, even though the sampire is clearly the more powerful, and successful template. Anyone who plays the game at an advanced level knows that this is true.
The greater dragon has been nerfed. Fine, it is still powerful, and useful, but don't imagine for a minute that the complaining is going to stop. There might have been a short congratulatory pause, but the complaining barely even took a break, as is evidenced in this thread, and it will continue, guaranteed.
An academic could write a very interesting sociological paper on the discourse surrounding tamers on this forum...
While it may seem that I do not understand where your coming from, I do understand....
But the ability to save ones pet by logging out, when they are an aggressor, is just dumb and unfair.
I'm not exactly sure what it is you are arguing for or against here. I have no problem with the rules the way they are, however, if the rules with regard to auto stabling are to be changed, I would want stat loss done away with. It's not a question of wriggling out of anything, it's a question of fairness. The fact is there is no other template on the books that requires you to spend any amount of time retraining anything after a death, and I don't see why tamers should have to if they want to maintain their "weapons" at peak effectiveness.The thing is, no tamer has to take their pets into Fel and engage in PvP. It's a choice.
If my pets die in PvP, just as PvM, I look to my own actions and try to take better care next time. Then i retrain the pet. I don't go expecting to have the rules changed so I can be as careless as I want with no consequence. Which seems to be the desire of some tamers in this thread. You want to kill other players in Fel, but if you screw up, you want to wriggle out of resing and retraining your pets? Sheesh.
I think it's gotten to a point now where life has become so safe and protected for players that the most basic risks are blown out of all proportion. Once upon a time you lost the pet, not just a few skill points. When bonding first arrived the skill loss was a real kick in the butt. But players still PvPd with pets. While some of you may abandon PvP because of changes like the OP proposed, plenty of us will still be out there fighting the same as always wondering what all the fuss is about...
You are not exactly sure what Wenchkin is arguing for or against?I'm not exactly sure what it is you are arguing for or against here. I have no problem with the rules the way they are, however, if the rules with regard to auto stabling are to be changed, I would want stat loss done away with. It's not a question of wriggling out of anything, it's a question of fairness. The fact is there is no other template on the books that requires you to spend any amount of time retraining anything after a death, and I don't see why tamers should have to if they want to maintain their "weapons" at peak effectiveness.The thing is, no tamer has to take their pets into Fel and engage in PvP. It's a choice.
If my pets die in PvP, just as PvM, I look to my own actions and try to take better care next time. Then i retrain the pet. I don't go expecting to have the rules changed so I can be as careless as I want with no consequence. Which seems to be the desire of some tamers in this thread. You want to kill other players in Fel, but if you screw up, you want to wriggle out of resing and retraining your pets? Sheesh.
I think it's gotten to a point now where life has become so safe and protected for players that the most basic risks are blown out of all proportion. Once upon a time you lost the pet, not just a few skill points. When bonding first arrived the skill loss was a real kick in the butt. But players still PvPd with pets. While some of you may abandon PvP because of changes like the OP proposed, plenty of us will still be out there fighting the same as always wondering what all the fuss is about...
The present rules allow the smart tamer to avoid that. If auto stabling was done away with, and skill loss remained as it is, there would be no way of avoiding it. In my opinion playing a pure tamer in pvp is already challenging enough, far more challenging that most other templates, there is no reason why it should be made even more so. By "pure" I mean a tamer whose primary means of dealing damage is with the pet.
Yes, going into Fel and pvp'ing as a tamer is a choice. Going into Fel and pvp'ing with any template is a choice. I would like it to remain a choice for tamers, and I don't see why it needs to be made a more difficult choice than it already is. There are a few who would like to remove that choice from tamers entirely, and for someone who seems to be such a devoted tamer I'm not quite sure why you always seem to be siding with them Wenchkin...![]()
1. Allow pet insta log/ pet ball recall the same way you can insta log/ recall yourself. In a safe logout place, like your house, an Inn...etc. This halts all instalog occurences where the pet owner is flagged criminal.
2. All pets flag the exact as their controllers.
3. Faction pets loose 30% abilities upon death, for 20 minutes. Just as their controllers do when they die. They should also loose the .1 when they recover, just as any other pet does.
4. Fix the bug where a pet with 20 magery can cast higher level spells than their magery skills allow.
Issues with pets resolved without hitting the PvM crowd in any way, shape or form.
You hit the nail directly on the head Wenchy.The thing is, no tamer has to take their pets into Fel and engage in PvP. It's a choice.
If my pets die in PvP, just as PvM, I look to my own actions and try to take better care next time. Then i retrain the pet. I don't go expecting to have the rules changed so I can be as careless as I want with no consequence. Which seems to be the desire of some tamers in this thread. You want to kill other players in Fel, but if you screw up, you want to wriggle out of resing and retraining your pets? Sheesh.
I think it's gotten to a point now where life has become so safe and protected for players that the most basic risks are blown out of all proportion. Once upon a time you lost the pet, not just a few skill points. When bonding first arrived the skill loss was a real kick in the butt. But players still PvPd with pets. While some of you may abandon PvP because of changes like the OP proposed, plenty of us will still be out there fighting the same as always wondering what all the fuss is about...
Here I go having to explain things to you again. I'm fine with the way things are. I have no problem with the rules not changing at all. Can you see how when she says, "I don't go expecting to have the rules changed", I would find that slightly confusing, when it appears that that comment was directed at me? The only change I would want, is in the event the change the op is requesting is implemented. In other words, I wasn't the one that started this by asking for any change whatsoever.You are not exactly sure what Wenchkin is arguing for or against?I'm not exactly sure what it is you are arguing for or against here.I don't go expecting to have the rules changed so I can be as careless as I want with no consequence. Which seems to be the desire of some tamers in this thread.
Do you realize how biased and absurd that statement is? Ofc not lol.
Again, I have no problems with the rules as they are. No I don't like it when my pets die, but under the present rules set if they do die, it is most generally my fault, and I can always choose to sacrifice myself to save my pet if need be, which I have done on more than one occasion.Tamers such as Llewen & Enigma want to run around Felucca attacking & killing with their pets while at the same time keeping their pets 100% riskfree & safe from any harm. And above flagging rules and game mechanics lol.
And out come the claws. Tamers are "gutless". Are there any other insults you would care to throw around in lieu of reasoned, intelligent debate?And the sad part is that their ONLY defense for these gutless actions is that they claim the pet is their weapon so it should never take 'damage'
Last I checked it was a collection of coded pixels, rather like the swords and bows your toons haul around, but that's beside the point...1) The Tamer's 'weapon' is not exactly a weapon. It is a living, breathing creature.
And so do pets, and they will continue to do so whether the change I am requesting is implemented or not...So it should take damage in other ways then weapons such as swords and bows. Which last time I checked do take damage.
It certainly is an argument for auto-stabling. It isn't an argument you accept, but then I wouldn't expect you to accept anything I write. As for it being an "excuse", excuses are generally manufactured when someone has committed some form of indiscretion. I certainly haven't committed any form of sin, and I don't feel the need to make any "excuses".You don't have to retrain a sword or bow? No ****. Thats no excuse or argument for instalog.
Let's play a little game. You name one thing a pet can do that a player can't do with a weapon or a spell book, or one ability that a pet has that a player doesn't have available in skills or equipment. I'll name three that a player has available in skills and equipment that a pet doesn't have. We'll see who runs out of items to list first. I guarantee you, it won't be me...A sword or bow will not follow and attack you for 20 screens after its owner has expired.
Oh yeah, we havent touched on the fact that the dead owner can choose to keep his 'weapon' attacking if it is doing well. Or simply log out and shield it from all harm if things start to turn bad. Thats the 'weapon' that Llewen & Enigma are attempting to compare to a Warrior's weapon? Too ridiculous.
Speaking of ridiculous arguments. None of your toons carry around more than one kind of "weapon"? I'm sure you are quite the purist and only allow your toons to use one specific weapon, come hell or high water...2) Maybe it's just me but I certainly get confused when Llewen keeps calling pets weapons. What about the crossbow the Tamer uses to dismount his prey? Thats not his weapon? What about the offensive spells the Tamer uses? Or the Bola? Weird.
Pets are not "100% risk-free" under the current rules. They can certainly be killed, and they do get killed. Maybe not as often as you would like, but there is certainly more risk involved to a pet than there is to any other form of gear.Llewen's Tamer wants to be able to utilize standard weapons & keep his pets 100% risk-free. Kinda funny stuff.
I'm an "idiot" now, and you are "rolling on the floor laughing". This is getting a little personal for you now, isn't it? Last I checked no one was asking that tamers be auto-stabled, and last I checked they aren't. I expect you can kill a disconnected tamer just as fast as you can kill a disconnected warrior or mage.3) What type of idiot believes that the Tamers 'weapon' should be shielded from client crashes or power failures? A warrior or Mage can die like a dog when he crashes and thats ok because he doesnt have to retrain? Rofl.
See in my mind there are two kinds of tamers, and only one of them is a "real" tamer. There are templates that are primarily not tamers, but have taming on them to make use of strong pets as mounts and supplemental damage. Those kinds of tamers aren't helpless without their pets, because the pet isn't their primary form of offence.TAMERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE HELPLESS WITHOUT PETS AND PETS ARE MOST CERTAINLY NOT HELPLESS WITHOUT TAMERS.
I'm the one laughing now, or perhaps it is just a sardonic chuckle. You've called me a gutless idiot, among other things, and you think that ending your little tirade with "peace" makes it all better, or somehow magically transforms your trolling into reasoned debate? I may be an idiot, but I'm not as stupid as all that...Peace
If you don't want to retrain pets then either don't use those pets for PvP or take care to avoid their death. You can't have everything your own way. Removing stat loss from pets takes out the last incentive for a tamer to do their job and look after those pets properly. So what if other templates don't have the same rules as tamers? You chose to play a tamer, so if you choose to take that tamer into PvP, the consequences are there if you lose. If you don't like them, use one of the other templates. Some of us actually like to feel a bit of buzz because we are taking risks. I don't want to be wrapped in cotton wool in Fel, it kinda defeats the purpose in being there. If a pet's death concerns you that much I really don't think you should cross into Fel to start with, let alone engage in PvP.I'm not exactly sure what it is you are arguing for or against here. I have no problem with the rules the way they are, however, if the rules with regard to auto stabling are to be changed, I would want stat loss done away with. It's not a question of wriggling out of anything, it's a question of fairness. The fact is there is no other template on the books that requires you to spend any amount of time retraining anything after a death, and I don't see why tamers should have to if they want to maintain their "weapons" at peak effectiveness.
It's not that long since we didn't have autostabling. If you've come to rely on it, that's your problem, nobody else's. Not all tamers are the same as you, there will still be plenty of us in Fel if autostabling was taken away.The present rules allow the smart tamer to avoid that. If auto stabling was done away with, and skill loss remained as it is, there would be no way of avoiding it. In my opinion playing a pure tamer in pvp is already challenging enough, far more challenging that most other templates, there is no reason why it should be made even more so. By "pure" I mean a tamer whose primary means of dealing damage is with the pet.
I'm "siding" with them because I believe that a tamer should have a consequence when they don't look after their pets properly. It encourages careless stupidity if you take that risk out of the equation.Yes, going into Fel and pvp'ing as a tamer is a choice. Going into Fel and pvp'ing with any template is a choice. I would like it to remain a choice for tamers, and I don't see why it needs to be made a more difficult choice than it already is. There are a few who would like to remove that choice from tamers entirely, and for someone who seems to be such a devoted tamer I'm not quite sure why you always seem to be siding with them Wenchkin...![]()
The above quotes tells you what the core issue is.....
tamer hate that you and Enigma seem so conscious of. And perhaps I believe Fel is a place where all templates should enjoy PvP, not just the tamers....
Fine. You want consequences, go play Siege, where incidentally I have said over and over again, a bonded pet should count as a player's Siege blessed item, for the exact same reasons I said if auto-stabling is done away with, skill loss on pets should be as well.If you don't like them, use one of the other templates. Some of us actually like to feel a bit of buzz because we are taking risks. I don't want to be wrapped in cotton wool in Fel, it kinda defeats the purpose in being there.
Two points. Point one which I should have brought up before, not all connection drops are intentional, and point two, I'm not quite sure why you are singling out tamers here. The very worst guard zone huggers I have seen, the ones that deliberately try to lure other players so they can get them guard whacked, and employ all kinds of tricks to make that happen, haven't been tamers. But for some reason, tamers are being singled out. I wonder why that is?I can understand that a tamer who consistently drops con or pet balls a pet out of the range of his enemies is going to be the most frustrating enemy out there. I'd try and kill the git too if I saw that. It's cowardly, just like guardzone hugging and house hiding, I don't see any benefit in protecting that style of play. Tamers doing that only annoy other players and add to the tamer hate that you and Enigma seem so conscious of. And perhaps I believe Fel is a place where all templates should enjoy PvP, not just the tamers.
That's funny, I look at that, and I don't see me calling you an idiot, or gutless, or any other name. I levelled a few accusations. Accusations I can back up if you would like me to, but I think we both know they are true, so there really is no point is there? But if you really want me to, I'll take an hour or two and back up everything I said about you in that post. You've almost made it worth it.The pot calling the kettle black no?
You claim that I am getting "personal" yet lets roll back to your first replies in this thread Llewen shall we?
"The truth is Goldberg, that you simply don't like tamers, and you don't want them in pvp, period (and very likely you want them out of the game altogether). You are still singing the same songs you were singing a year and a half ago when I stopped visiting the forums. Your arguments and the points you make rarely have anything to do with fairness, balance, or logic of any sort, as is evidenced by your arguments in this thread, and everything to do with the simple fact that you don't like tamers."
I had not once mentioned you personally prior to this post of yours kid. I had refuted a couple of your ridiculous claims though so I guess that meant it was time for you to make the thread "personal"
Who started taking things personal first?
Enigma, try actually reading what you bold in a quote. The word "all" is usually pretty easy for folk to understand - it means that PvP should be fun for tamers as well as non tamers. And it is. But it's like riding a bike, some folk just can't progress enough to take the stabilizers off and handle the job by themselves. It's the same with pet balls and logging out.Llewen,
The above quotes tells you what the core issue is.
Why should I move shard just because you can't handle a few skill points dropping when your pets die? All that's necessary here is for you to be less precious about your pets or accept that tamer PvP just isn't for you and be done with it. We don't need the game made any easier just because you can't accept a bit more risk in PvP.Fine. You want consequences, go play Siege, where incidentally I have said over and over again, a bonded pet should count as a player's Siege blessed item, for the exact same reasons I said if auto-stabling is done away with, skill loss on pets should be as well.
Of course we don't all drop con intentionally, I used to play on a hissy 56k con. I would prefer having pets protected when I do lose con, which is why I hoped my fellow tamers wouldn't abuse autostabling and make this change necessary. But you have, and I'm guessing you still do. So I agree we need a change. I hope it can be targeted to only affect tamers in the midst of a PvP battle, but even if it can't, tamers won't stop logging off mid battle because someone asks them nicelyTwo points. Point one which I should have brought up before, not all connection drops are intentional, and point two, I'm not quite sure why you are singling out tamers here. The very worst guard zone huggers I have seen, the ones that deliberately try to lure other players so they can get them guard whacked, and employ all kinds of tricks to make that happen, haven't been tamers. But for some reason, tamers are being singled out. I wonder why that is?
No, I just learned many years ago, when you stood to lose your pets if you lost a fight, that the only way to keep a pet pristine was to fatten it up in the stables. My pets have lost far more skill points through the mid-vet death bug than they ever could in PvP, so I really can't understand the concern when it's a PvP battle. Skill loss is just part and parcel of death, just as insurance money is. I got over it years ago. Besides, I'd find UO incredibly boring if a pet simply had to be selected and trained once and there was no upkeep after that.You are a bit like the father who has a favourite child, and is harder on that child than any of the other children. In part because he cares so much, and in part because he doesn't want to be seen to be playing favourites...
Typical UO elitist crap. Tamer haters look down on tamers in pvp, purist tamers look down on hybrid tamers in pvp, elitist tamers look down on tamers that don't follow their exclusive little list of dos and don'ts, including auto stabling and para taming, bushido dexxers look down on dexxers that use weapon specials, purist mages look down on everyone.Of course we don't all drop con intentionally, I used to play on a hissy 56k con. I would prefer having pets protected when I do lose con, which is why I hoped my fellow tamers wouldn't abuse autostabling and make this change necessary. But you have, and I'm guessing you still do. So I agree we need a change. I hope it can be targeted to only affect tamers in the midst of a PvP battle, but even if it can't, tamers won't stop logging off mid battle because someone asks them nicelySo as usual, tamers in Tram may suffer because of the antics of their fellow tamers in Fel.
Ever think that perhaps another person can have differing tastes and opinions from you and it may just stop there? Or is the "poor me being persecuted" so badly ingrained that you can't see beyond it? I'm sorry that tamers like yourselves have created enough frustration to once again be the subject of some angry PvPers. But I won't lie and pretend this is some huge nerf that's going to ruin taming for me when I can't see what the fuss is for. Throw as many insults as you want, truth is I just don't get upset when my pets need to be retrained after they die. Deal with it.Typical UO elitist crap. Tamer haters look down on tamers in pvp, purist tamers look down on hybrid tamers in pvp, elitist tamers look down on tamers that don't follow their exclusive little list of dos and don'ts, including auto stabling and para taming, bushido dexxers look down on dexxers that use weapon specials, purist mages look down on everyone.
It's in the game, it isn't against any rules, no one is going to get banned for doing it. Get over it, and if it annoys you, suck it up and find some way to deal with it, and if you really don't like it, I'll throw your own advice right back at you, don't go to Fel, because I'm sure not going to stop going on your account.[q/uote]
I appreciate your concern, however I'm happy with my experience in Fel. I live thereThis is like greater dragons, the more you guys do it the more likely it is we'll see a nerf. So the choice is yours. I won't add to your problems, but if you want to keep digging the hole then I'll let the inevitable happen yet again.
LOL. Well I'll be smiling too as per the above. Keep up the good work! Maybe you won't be smiling if it gets taken away from you, but there's only one way to find outRight now I'm playing my dexxer in Fel, because I'm rusty and my skills aren't up to dealing with my tamer in pvp yet, but it probably won't be long before I'm back at it, and every time I die, I will auto stable my pet, think of you, and smile...![]()
Cause playing our template is art compared to othersTypical UO elitist crap. Tamer haters look down on tamers in pvp, purist tamers look down on hybrid tamers in pvp, elitist tamers look down on tamers that don't follow their exclusive little list of dos and don'ts, including auto stabling and para taming, bushido dexxers look down on dexxers that use weapon specials, purist mages look down on everyone.
As far as I know, this isn't even on the devs radar. I had this exact same discussion with Goldberg a year and a half ago, I don't expect this to happen any time soon. However, if it does happen, I've expressed my preference as to a change I would like to see combined with it. Who knows if the devs will read this, or what they will think of it?Maybe you won't be smiling if it gets taken away from you, but there's only one way to find out![]()
And this little statement is beyond laughable. All a tamer needs to do to annoy many of the pvp'rs in UO, is show up with a pet, or even worse, actually win a battle or two. It doesn't really matter what they do, or don't do, in the process. Someone is going to complain. It's as inevitable as the sun rising in the east...I'm sorry that tamers like yourselves have created enough frustration to once again be the subject of some angry PvPers.
No-one can argue these points because they all know them to be true and fair on the Fel plains of battle. Why they are not already implemented is a testament to the coddeling of the tamer bracket. I play 3 tamer templates in PvP and know all these points are true.1. Allow pet insta log/ pet ball recall the same way you can insta log/ recall yourself. In a safe logout place, like your house, an Inn...etc. This halts all instalog occurences where the pet owner is flagged criminal.
2. All pets flag the exact as their controllers.
3. Faction pets loose 30% abilities upon death, for 20 minutes. Just as their controllers do when they die. They should also loose the .1 when they recover, just as any other pet does.
4. Fix the bug where a pet with 20 magery can cast higher level spells than their magery skills allow.
Issues with pets resolved without hitting the PvM crowd in any way, shape or form.
The above quotes tells you what the core issue is.....
tamer hate that you and Enigma seem so conscious of. And perhaps I believe Fel is a place where all templates should enjoy PvP, not just the tamers....
Understand, things have changed since you left, there are those that pretend to being a Tamer Advocate, yet no matter what, Tamers and Greater Dragons are always, permanently, irrevocably over powered, that there is no nerf to great, and other Templates CAN NOT EVER ENJOY PvP because of them.
The rebuttal will be the same as it always is, in spirit, if not in words.
How dare you, I Love Tamers, I just think that a Tamer should be able to Beat a Sampire, butt naked, with no pets and anyone that thinks other wise is not a REAL TAMER, they are just a fake and have no business being in UO.
Also, you want to ponder a Light Switch, a Bit, they both have two states On or Off and they change their state in the blink of an eye.