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(Player News) New Improvements at the Repertory Library

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4 months after the successful opening of the Athenaeum Annex, we are pleased to announce significant improvements to both Repertory buildings.

We have painstakingly gone through every book, correcting corrupted text, duplicate text, and formatting problems. We have re-arranged each and every pack, aligning books down to the pixel, and ensuring the presentation of Atlantic's works are nearly flawless.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 191517.png Screenshot 2024-07-11 191654.png

In addition, we have added 200 new books to the shelves. These books were donated over the past 4 months, and include recent titles such as A Tale of Goldie by Onixia, and the Enswordlopedia Britannia by Rizan. We have increased our Book of Lore shelf to 50 titles, containing every Book of Lore from every shard known to exist.

If this wasn't enough, we have fully and accurately updated our index of books, including fixing and amending the index books above each shelf for ease of navigation.

If you would like to visit the two library buildings, the locations are listed here. The index of our books can be found here. Finally, the books themselves in text format can be downloaded out of game from this location.
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