My problem with this all, of course, is it is part of an inconsistent stance on the part of Mythic. Let's forget for a moment that the Rules of Conduct are different between
the Ultima Online website where you'd expect people might look for them, and the ones you find
listed on EA's support site, which of course makes me wonder just which ones I might be agreeing to...
And seeing that the ones listed on the actual Ultima Online website don't actually mention anything about not listing external URLs in-game, much less specify what is okay and what isn't, it leaves me to wonder where in teh world this silly rule came from anyway, but let's move on to...
8. With the exception of the sale of in-game items for in-game items or services, you may not market, promote or advertise anything, or make any other form of solicitation (including pyramid schemes and chain letters) through the Ultima Online service or Ultima Online web site.
The problem I have here is that the words "market, promote or advertise" and "solicitiation" mean that someone is actively sending someone to these sites in order to make a purchase. It means that someone is (1) spamming in the game saying "Go here, buy this," or even "Go here,"; (2) telling someone in-game, "I know where you can buy that for real UO money,"; (3) standing around saying, "Look at my profile for a list of places to buy stuff."
The act of including a link in one's profile is NOT, by any stretch of that rule, an advertisement or solicitation. And considering the site in question, it's a bit ludicrous to say, "Sorry, you can't mention that site because it does sell stuff," overlooking the fact that it is also among the most current of references to UO, being more current than both UO's own website (which still shows interface pictures from the 3D client in spots, and NONE from the KR client) and UO Stratics, the "de facto" fan website.
And therein is the problem. Listing a link is one thing. Telling someone to go visit a site for info is one thing. Do any of us believe that JC was standing around saying, "Hey, go buy something from this link in my profile?" I don't. Did the GM even bother to check the context? No, I'm betting he didn't.
This kind of "no tolerance" idiocy is what makes "no tolerance" rule stupid, and I won't even begin to go into how ironic that a game that is based around the virtues it is based around should have a "no tolerance" policy for this...
I mean, honestly, given the number of times that GMs have personally referred me to Stratics, which has banner ads that help it make money to keep its service running, tells me that the GM staff should be fired. Which would ALSO be an idiotic thing to do, but if we're going to embrace idiocy over logic, let's embrace it wholeheartedly.