Morgana, you do not understand the point being made. Your creating a point you think is being made and then saying you understand it and your being misunderstood.....
I understand your point, I wish you would at least try to understand mine.
I am not advocating for PKs, in fact, quite the opposite. My guild was formed to help to combat PKs. It wasn't about PvP for us. It wasn't that we got a higher thrill from fighting players rather than AI monsters, it was that we wanted to help players that were being victimized by PKs.
Sure, in creating Trammel, the devs helped everyone that didn't want to be PKed, but they also took away an aspect of the game,...
Deal with this being the point, LITERALY, "They DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH PvP. They do NOT WANT TO EVEN BE EXPOSED TO IT". Resist fabricating some .... other point and saying you understand them.
Now then look at YOUR statement.
Do you get it? Your stating things 100% wrong to the point of hypocrisy.I am not advocating for PKs, in fact, quite the opposite. My guild was formed to help to combat PKs. It wasn't about PvP for us. It wasn't that we got a higher thrill from fighting players rather than AI monsters, it was that we wanted to help players that were being victimized by PKs.
"It wasn't about PvP" dont you really get it? It was 100% about PvP. You imagine, fantasize, create etc that others needed or wanted your protection, your retribution. For YOU to be a Knight in Shining Armor, A SAVIOR. It was 100% about YOU and PvP.
Now then if the rhetoric your pushing is being ratcheted up a passion level, then ... Good to see you backed of the silly Empirical Evidence Day Care Psycho Babble Game, but YOUR still of the opinion that I need to prove something to YOU and that YOU are exempt from the same requirement. So lets do this, I have made my statement, I am commanding you, you peon
It will eventually occur to you that I do not care if you believe my statement or not. I really do not. I know it is true, in terms that those that SHOULD know made the statement. Now if it does occur to you that I do NOT care if you believe me or not, then it will eventually occur to you that I have no compulsion to do anything to enlighten you. This is doubly true because I am convinced you could care less if I did. You are totally ignoring the reality of UO today and have apparently come up with a fantasy about how the Original UO became the Current UO. I do NOT need to prove anything, the proof of my statement is the CURRENT UO.
Scripters are rampant in FELLUCA NOT TRAMMEL.
I can go anywhere in FELLUCA and never see a player, but a LOT of Scripters. I see players in TRAMMEL ALL THE TIME and NO apparent Scipters.
When Trammel went Live Felluca became a GHOST FACET within a month. The non stop incessant whining about "Oh, my Felluca is Dead now UO force them DIRTY TRAMMIES TO COME BACK TO US", began on the Formal UO forums and has continued NON STOP on Stratics.
Just how far in that whole do you need to stick your head to be able to deny that which is all around you if you just take the time to look.