Yeah go ahead and make up any numbers you want, you can take the time to find that EA published the numbers I stated ONLY HIGHER.
Can't find any numbers, huh? Here's a hint: EA ITSELF has never released an OFFICAL number. The best you can find is that MMOGChart, and it's not from EA. They had no survey of "How many people liked tram over non-tram", at least one I have never seen. You'd be hard pressed to get an actual subscription number. The best you get is "We make enough to remain profitable."
And since it's the closest thing to an ACTUAL number you will find is estimated subscription numbers, here you go:
Prior to May of 2000 when Trammel was let lose, you'll see that, low and behold, people were NOT leaving in droves, but actually, it had a rather steady INCREASE.
I'll grant you, yes, population increases afterwards. But at it's PEAK, at best, 2 more players Post tram to every 1 Pre-Tram.
That's numbers you can actually work with. 2 to 1. For every one person who played the game pre-Tram, 2 people played it post tram. I've shown you mine, now show me yours.
And to your inability to perceive anything outside yourself? Well that is your problem to deal with. I mean just how day care psycho babble are you going to be?
Likewise. You can't seem to get around the fact that other people, even though they didn't LIKE getting ganked, found ways around it, and we're quite happy for it. And people weren't leaving in droves.
You know I've heard that before. Might have been from you. Apparently if you use logic and deduction, or reference psychologists who form factual arguments based on research and study, and actually APPLY it to something, or a point you're trying to make, it's "day care psycho babble".
However, you have yet to disprove one of the things I said to be untrue.
Were there NO penalties? There were penalties. Weather or not you think they were severe enough wasn't the question.
Was there NO recourse? Name one of the things I listed as recourse that COULD NOT BE DONE. AT ALL.
Common. I'm waiting. Prove me wrong. FACTS. Sorry if words with more than 2 syllables seem exotic or akin to "babble" to you.
Oh yeah argue the existence of a supreme being by playing exclusively in my reality of NO supreme being exist and religion is NON existent.
Muwhahahahahahahahaha Just how far down that ... hole you going to jump?
Analogy fail.
1) You brang up God. I never mentioned one. You've already made the jump. Have a nice fall.
2)If, in your reality, you could prove there was no supreme being, there's nothing to ARGUE is there?
Care to try again? I've stated options people had and penalties that were in place. These are FACTS: There WERE penalties for PKing, and people DID find ways around it.
Now why don't you do as normal pull a total 180 and say you never ever said that and you 100% agree with everything I said and everything everyone else said.
Why would I do that? You're wrong.
There ARE penalties.
People DID get around gankers and PKS. The existance of UO PROVES this, or was the game completely dead before Tram?
9 to 1 is a BULL**** number you can not PROVE, let alone a GREATER number.
You know when I do a total 180? When someone says "You are wrong. Here is why, and I can prove it." I'm always willing to admit when I am wrong, but only if you can prove it.
You've failed to do so thus far, but please, take your time and show me where you get your numbers, and prove what I'm saying to be wrong. When you do, I'll be happy to say you were right.
I'm not so inadequate that my ego would be bruised if someone proved me wrong, and offered more than conjecture and personal slander.
Mean while feel free to peddle your dreams/illusions that the PKing was NOT the reason they jumped ship day one EverQuest went live and all but a statistically insignificant number have NEVER LOOKed BACK. Peddle your dreams and illusions that Trammel was created to facilitate the statistically insignificant number of NON PKRS. Peddle your dreams / illusions why the Felucca Rules Set is empty. Peddle your dreams / Illusions why the ... try to con, scam do what ever it takes to get the Trammel people to come play with them, according to you the Felluca Group is the overwhelming majority

And while your at it, do some homework, get informed
You have fun reading and rereading everything you post and think how totally awesome you are

Be safe and Have fun
I'd say they jumped ship because it had better PvE and was in, you know, 3D. Something UO still hasn't done.
Peddle your dreams that people would still be playing an outdated 2D game if only that horrible horrible Pre-Tram era had never happened. Peddle your illusions that absolutely NO ONE liked UO pre-Tram, and the ones that say people did are ignorant. And while your at it, why don't you do some reading. Like the article I linked you at the start of the thread. Or perhaps the MMOG chart that has something akin to REAL numbers.
And then prove your awesomeness in the face of my confusing and innacurate "Psychobabble" with your cold hard facts laced with witty repartee. I'm sure all in Stratics will be inspired and awed by your awsome awesomeness, because you before anyone else has proven I'm saying Pre-Tram players are the majority.
Never mind the fact I NEVER said it, except, you know, when I expressly STATED I was MAKING UP THE NUMBER.
Oh, and know why I read and reread why I type? Let me put your E-peen at ease and TELL you why.
1)To make addendums like this one, which are usually expressly noted.
2)To see if it generates any interesting discussions.
3)It's called Proof-reading.