@MaryForUo I can agree with you on that Money Makes Money... and I too only have maybe 2 or 300K if I pooled all my gold on all my accounts together...
Now if I actually sold some of the crap I am sitting on maybe I'd have a lot more but I don't vendor stuff... too much of a PITA to go find what things are "worth"... to me it's not worth my time to futz with that... but if I did I could probably make some money... I just don't care. For as little as I play UO these days doesn't matter.
I played a good bit from Sept-Dec but that slowed way down near the end of Dec because I got bored doing the same ole thing over and over... and since I found another game to play for now that is "fun" for me I just don't care... though I can see where the new game will become boring down the road so... not sure what's next for me. Waiting I suppose to see what the "big" announcement is going to be for the future of UO. But I have to say I don't have much hope that it'll be something that makes me excited again about UO.