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Losing Connection every 10 mins..



Not sure if this is a factor or not, but last night I was in New Haven for a good hour or two (working on Inscription) and not a single noticeable problem. The INSTANT I stepped out of the town proper, lag->disconnect. Day before, I kind of noticed something similar: was in the "Old Haven" part of the island and getting lagged and/or disconnected every few minutes, but had no troubles when I went to New Haven part of the island. Any chance it's a problem with some of the subservers? Anyone know if there are server lines through the Haven island? Seemed suspicious... or may just have been coincidence, but it DOES seem like I have problems or not depending on WHERE I am. Just some more info to throw on the fire.... err, at the problem. :D

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dug back through some old patch notes and about a year ago, there was a patch note for the classic client (patch from around July 22, 2010) that said, "Client crash reporting is now done automatically. The pop-up window to that instructs the user to e-mail the crash details to the UO staff has been disabled." (The crash reporting dialogue box that they refer to was added to the CC October 22, 2009.)

So, if you're using the classic client, crash details should be going to EA automatically.

If you're using the EC, does it still show a gump or box after you crash that asks you to report the crash, or is that gone now too?

I'm wondering if this is a similar issue to the one they supposedly fixed for the EC with the July 6, 2011 patch (EC patch that read as follows in the notes: "Fixed an issue that would eventually cause the Enhanced Client to crash if played long enough."

Or maybe we're sharing server space with another game on a temporary basis, or lost some server space and have been crammed into a smaller space, or maybe there are just more people playing? They'll never tell us!! I just hope they fix the situation soon because I suspect that between this issue and the accounting issues, a lot of people are losing their desire to even bother with UO.

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One crash tonight on Siege.. at the bank.. unloading my pack into the bank box.

12:56 am

I think we should list times. I'd like to see if it's happening at the same time for everybody.
If I made a new post everytime I had a lag spike my post count would be in the 5 digit range in no time :thumbdown:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah.. playing with some friends.. on Cats.. I'm using Comcast, they are using CenturyLink.

We're all freezing at the same exact time (using Vent). Sometimes recovers in 28 seconds or so.. sometimes we get "Network error' windows and crash. Doing stuff with containers seems to elevate the problem.

Happening too often to actually list every time.. but based on what clues I have I feel very confident that it's a problem with UO's servers. Any other cause has been eliminated here.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EC Client, Comcast, usually Atlantic. Connection freezes for half a minute, then the connection catches up. Rarely get disconnected and have to log back in though.

It almost feels like one of their routers is resetting now and then. Their servers themselves seem to be running fine (i.e. after the freeze you can tell the monsters were continuing to function as evidenced by the occasional grey screen that I come back to.)

Pretty much unplayable though, I hate dieing all the time to stupid sh*t.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
There have been a few announcements on the Japanese UO site that seem to say the housing server(s) are down (which is also affecting vet reward info and availability). I wonder if there's any connection to these issues if indeed those servers are down or being worked on or whatever is going on.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The vet reward server is down as part of the accounting migration. They won't bring that back up until they think all the account stuff is complete. The lag spikes started way before the accounting migration.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been happening to me at least once an hour since last week (not sure which day it started) on Pacific and Atlantic in CC and I use comcast as well.
When it happens, I close UO (red X in the corner), reopen UO, and I haven't had an issue with it STILL being frozen when I get logged back in...until about an hour or so later when it decides to hic-up again.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same problem here, Central Calif. Comcast. Just a note, I lose every 10 min or so in the afternoon. Two computers go down at same time, one on EC, the other on a misc. web site. I suspect that comcast has their movie server prioritize the movies over normal traffic. My latency is good all the time, even when experiencing the disconnects. The disconnect rarely lasts more than 1 minute.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are the disconnect times I've had so far this afternoon/evening, all on Siege and while connected via Comcast:

4:01 pm EDT on Siege. Lagged and then lost network and disconnected from UO when trying to attach a filled small bod to a large bod.

8/16 7:18 pm EDT on Siege. Froze and then got disconnected after putting a BOD in a book, putting the BOD book in a chest with other BOD books, hiding, and then trying to access the guild listing.

8/16 8:43 pm EDT on Siege. Froze when casting gr heal on a fighting pet. Logged off before I could be disconnected and logged right back on again.

If I get anymore tonight, I'll just add them to this post. Wondering if other people can try keeping track of their freeze/disconnect times to see if multiple people are being affected at the same time and doing similar activities.


Deal with the game crashing every 10 mins.

Thanks for leaving us hanging wile the game crashes every 10 mins for half the people that play. Typical EA


Received and email from EA Support indicating that my video driver was out of date and suggesting that I upgrade it. I have a ATI Radeon HD 4350, and now installed latest drivers 07/27/11.

Afterwards, I played the game for about 90 minutes from 9:30 until 11:00 pm EST and did not have any problems other than the usual lag in Luna, and no disconnection.

I am not sure if the video driver update solved the issue, but it may be worth a try for others here to explore doing the same as this will be suggested by EA Support if your driver is out of date.

Good luck to all of you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Humm.. No problems here.

I logged into most shards today, then spent the rest of my time doing fishing quest or digging up treasure maps on Atlantic.
And all went well, no lag or disconnects... all ran fast and smooth.

Oh I am a dedicated CC player, Only rarely use EC for some crafting as I hate the way it looks.

Don't Know if it matters but:
I do run a Win. 7 64 bit gamming system.
An Area-51 from Alienware with dual 2GB GDDR5 ATI RADEON HD 4870 X2 with crossfireX and Quad GPU TEC. graphics processors.

Hope you can find a solution to your problem.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Deal with the game crashing every 10 mins.

Humm.. No problems here.

I logged into most shards today, then spent the rest of my time doing fishing quest or digging up treasure maps on Atlantic.
And all went well, no lag or disconnects... all ran fast and smooth.

Oh I am a dedicated CC player, Only rarely use EC for some crafting as I hate the way it looks.

Don't Know if it matters but:
I do run a Win. 7 64 bit gamming system.
An Area-51 from Alienware with dual 2GB GDDR5 ATI RADEON HD 4870 X2 with crossfireX and Quad GPU TEC. graphics processors.

Hope you can find a solution to your problem.


Definitely a Comcast issue, keeps happening every day to me and a guildie and we are a couple of states apart. Not sure how and to who we can report something like that though.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Received and email from EA Support indicating that my video driver was out of date and suggesting that I upgrade it. I have a ATI Radeon HD 4350, and now installed latest drivers 07/27/11.

Afterwards, I played the game for about 90 minutes from 9:30 until 11:00 pm EST and did not have any problems other than the usual lag in Luna, and no disconnection.

I am not sure if the video driver update solved the issue, but it may be worth a try for others here to explore doing the same as this will be suggested by EA Support if your driver is out of date.

Good luck to all of you.
Ha! The response I got from EA Support (possibly from some front-line support person overseas who has little familiarity with the game) was to please uninstall and then reinstall the game. Guess I'm stuck with the issues for now then because I have no interest in spending the hours that will take.


Edited to add: Just added another note to my reply to CS and asked if they could please make sure Supreem is made aware of these request as they seem to be affecting multiple people at once and ask if he can at least acknowledge he's aware of the issue and looking into it via an announcement on the Herald. Maybe the additional info from me will at least get my request and the info that was provided from their scan of my machine when I made the initial request bumped up one tiny level.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Deal with the game crashing every 10 mins.

Humm.. No problems here.

I logged into most shards today, then spent the rest of my time doing fishing quest or digging up treasure maps on Atlantic.
And all went well, no lag or disconnects... all ran fast and smooth.

Oh I am a dedicated CC player, Only rarely use EC for some crafting as I hate the way it looks.

Don't Know if it matters but:
I do run a Win. 7 64 bit gamming system.
An Area-51 from Alienware with dual 2GB GDDR5 ATI RADEON HD 4870 X2 with crossfireX and Quad GPU TEC. graphics processors.

Hope you can find a solution to your problem.
Which ISP do you use and did you play at all during the late afternoon/evening/night hours on the US East coast? That's when I seem to have been experiencing most of the freezing and disconnects.


Some more info (fwiw) that occurred to me: When the lag spikes first started for me last week (only been playing UO for about 2+ weeks lately) the first thing I did was check for problems on MY end. Ultimately I found that for many of the lag spikes there was a corresponding DoS attack against MY router at the exact same time (ACK scan, iirc; the one where you get flooded with packets that don't get ACKed, whichever that one is.) After rebooting the router (and presumably getting a different IP from my ISP) the DoS attacks against my router have not shown up again.
We also know that it's not a matter of the UO Servers themselves freezing up since, as someone mentioned, all the actions still take place, mobs keep moving, fighting, etc. It's a COMMUNICATION problem. SOMEWHERE.
So my question is, is it possible that there's a virus (or, if you prefer, Evil Entity/Person/etc.) or something that's actively causing a lot of DoS attacks, maybe even just in certain areas of the country, or along certain communications routes. (Hence why certain isps would be affected and not others, or why some areas and not others.)
Just throwing all this out there to see if anything sticks. In any case, I hope that the EA people are investigating because whatever it is, it is widespread, and it IS affecting a LOT of people playing UO. And ultimately, if it isn't resolved, it will cost the game players. Last night I suffered my 2nd untimely demise because of lag spike (lots of OTHER untimely demises that are MY fault, I can ... live... with, pun intended.) Between the lag spikes and the account stuff (Help! I'm STUCK on trial, and can't get a house, or gargoyle, or SA, or.... etc. but that's a different thread. Or threads.)

This lag spike thing is a KILLER. :-/ Literally.

P.S. For the player who updated their video driver, did you have to REBOOT in doing so? Maybe THAT's what cleared up the lag spike problem, and not the video update itself. You might've gotten a different IP, different connection route, etc. upon rebooting. Just a thought.


having the same issue in Ga.
I'm not on either, but in doing speed checks today, Mine drops down/out only when going thru Atlanta - there's a huge hub there I think. Seen them re-route thru Dallas just to get across town before

Saint of Killers

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These spikes started Sunday 8-7-11.

I think the solution for pvpers is to make sure your group has twice the numbers of the group you're fighting against. That way, the half of your group that remains unaffected by the spikes can take care of business during the 15-30 second spikes.

On Great Lakes, DC* has mastered this technique!

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess the reason this has gone on for so long is because the Devs have a lot more important stuff to worry about, like spring cleaning. :mad:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey all,

We're going to go a step further with this and try to forward on more compiled and organized information.

If you are having connection issues like stated in this thread, please reply to this with the following (even if you already have):

My shard:

My facet at the time:

My client:

At what time(s) this happened:

What OS (xo, win7, etc):

Your provider (Comcast, Charter, ect):

Any relevant info you can provide (these programs were open at the time, ect):

Thank you!


(Sorry that lots of this has already been posted in my other posts, but since she asked for us to specifically re-enter info in this form, I am repeating myself.)

My shard: Chesapeake

My client: Enhanced ("beta"?) client

At what time(s) this happened: evening (EST) (which is mostly when I can play, so no idea if it happens other times of day)

What OS (xo, win7, etc): Windows 7 64-bit

Your provider (Comcast, Charter, ect): Comcast

Any relevant info you can provide (these programs were open at the time, ect):

No add-ons, straight UO, only other program running was Firefox, (and Avast anti-virus.) The system is very clean with minimal services running, Windows updated, recent drivers for everything. (Actually entire machine was set up about a month ago.)

Problem exhibits itself as communication "lag" -- most UO activity stops, but animations, etc. do keep moving so client is not "locked up" or anything. Depending on how long it stays lagged, it may recover after 10-20 seconds, or give a "connection lost". If you immediately log back in, everything is okay (although you may very well be dead, of course) and the "game" (i.e., the server) has been going the entire time. On those occasions when it DOES recover, you oftentimes see things "zoom around" for a second to catch up, as if packets had been all held up someplace and a whole bunch got delivered at once. It is as if the entire time the server has been fine, and the client is fine (other than being frozen waiting for the server) but they are unable to communicate.

Once this problem starts happening, it seems to recur every 5-10 minutes or so, doing the same exact thing (sometimes recovering, sometimes disconnecting, seemingly random, probably dependent on whether the client times out or not.)

Also, I have noticed (perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not) that it may be location-dependent insofar as where you are in the game world (which "subserver" you're talking to?), for instance, one evening I was in New Haven proper for a good hour or two with not a single problem, but the second I "left town" (and there seem to be server lines going through that island) I got the lag problem and got disconnected.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Sorry that lots of this has already been posted in my other posts, but since she asked for us to specifically re-enter info in this form, I am repeating myself.)

*****very detailed information*****

This is exactly what we want. Please use the post I quoted as an outline. The more data we gather, the more quickly a root cause can be found and addressed.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: Deal with the game crashing every 10 mins.

Humm.. No problems here.

I logged into most shards today, then spent the rest of my time doing fishing quest or digging up treasure maps on Atlantic.
And all went well, no lag or disconnects... all ran fast and smooth.
Oh I am a dedicated CC player, Only rarely use EC for some crafting as I hate the way it looks.
Don't Know if it matters but:
I do run a Win. 7 64 bit gamming system.
An Area-51 from Alienware with dual 2GB GDDR5 ATI RADEON HD 4870 X2 with crossfireX and Quad GPU TEC. graphics processors.
Hope you can find a solution to your problem.

you run a tec on both your cards ? can you send me a pic in pm


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This also happens to me. Per request for info:

My shard: Siege

My client: EC

At what time(s) this happened: Every evening but not at the same time

What OS (xo, win7, etc): Win 7 Ultimate

Your provider (Comcast, Charter, ect): AT&T DSL

Any relevant info you can provide (these programs were open at the time, ect):

Ventrillo; Nostromo n52 keypad software; Vipre virus protection; Weatherbug; Microsoft Outlook 2010; Internet Explorer (latest version)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still have to organize my freeze/disconnect info, but wanted to pass along some information.

I submitted this issue through the EA support site Monday evening and received a relatively quick response that suggested I uninstall and reinstall the client.

I replied back to that suggestion as follows:

"Thanks for the reply. I'll have to think about doing an uninstall and reinstall since download and then patching are likely to take several hours. Did you by any chance check which drivers I'm using? Other people are reporting similar issues for the last few weeks and there seems to possibly be some commonality in that many, but not all, with the problem use Comcast as their ISP. Also, several people have reported that while they are out in a group together, EVERYONE in the group experiences the same freezing and eventual disconnect.

Would really rather not have this problem dismissed so lightly and just be told to uninstall and reinstall if perhaps there is something that changed with the client. Can you guys please at least have someone from the EA development team acnowledge that someone is looking into the issue, e.g., ask Derek Brinkmann to respond in the UO Herald that the issue is being looked into?"

I received this response earlier this morning:

"Thank you for writing back to us at Electronic Arts.

I am transferring this request to my senior level for further assistance and they will update you next.

Due to the nature of your issue, more time is required for investigation. I apologize for any prolonged delays this might cause, but please rest assured that we are trying to handle your issue in a timely manner. During this time, you may still update your incident with additional information that might help us resolve your issue without causing any additional delay."

So the issue seems to have bounced up the chain of command at least a little bit.

Now to dig up my freeze/disconnect notes....

(Note: Derek = Supreem. He's UO's Lead Engineer.)

Sally MacLennane

My shard: Atlantic

My client: CC

At what time(s) this happened: Roughly every 5-10 minutes for at least 10 days (not sure exactly when it started, though I know I've skipped two guild activities because of it, so I have some rough sense of the timing).

What OS (xo, win7, etc): Windows Vista

Your provider (Comcast, Charter, ect): Comcast

Any relevant info you can provide (these programs were open at the time, ect):

Sometimes it's a 10-15 second lag spike, with all actions happening after the spike (chat suddenly goes through, doors open, spells cast), other times I flat-out lose connection. It seems that during the lag spikes data is still going both directions, I'm just not seeing it. With the disconnects no data goes through immediately prior to the "connection lost" message - anything I tried to type in chat, for example, does not transmit.

I often have UO Cartographer and Mozilla Firefox running at the same time. I have tried closing them and seen no change in the disconnects. I have noticed that the freezes/disconnects (I get both) seem to be more pronounced in the evening - I had a weekday afternoon off last week and played for an hour or so with no issues. That evening they began again. Significant-other has often been playing other MMOs via the same router and has no issues, lag, etc. at all, while I freeze up.

At first I thought the freeze/disconnects had some relationship to number of people around, as they always seemed to happen at the WORST time, like during a champ spawn bump, the boss spawning, or recalling into a crowded area. However, since avoiding things like this I have found I can be on a boat, fishing in the middle of nowhere, all alone in the woods, in a deserted town, etc. and they still happen just as often. So I've ditched the idea of crowded areas being a problem.

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know it would be nice if the Dev's at least posted saying "Hey thanks for the info, we know about the problem, and are trying to solve it." Instead we get nothing. Not a peep from them since the migration debacle.


I was prowling around Camelot and Warhammer forums to see if their dev teams are talking and came across this this Camelot thread on IGN from a day ago:
Greetings fellow DAOC'ers. I have some new information on the link death issue that many of us are suffering from, and because you can't seem to find it anywhere else I thought I'd post the latest here:

1) The link death issue that appears to be occurring around peak hours (5-8 pm for pacific and east coasters) HAS been acknowledged by MYTHIC tech support. In the last two days I have called 2 - 3 times and the representatives (different each time) I have spoken to said that MYTHIC IS aware of the issue and IS working to fix the problem.

2) The Problem: While tech support was not exactly forthcoming with information, they stated that it was some kind of technical problem with their gateway server, perhaps linked to the account maintenance they have been conducting as of late. Tech support further said that the issue DID NOT have an E.T.A. on when it would be fixed. They also said they "hoped" it would be "two hours to a day" before the problem will be fixed. I have my doubts about that but there you have it, straight from the proverbial horses’ mouth.
Link Deaths used to be exactly what it sounds like, and I believe it's still the same - losing connection. It used to be a problem with some ISPs.

Now a bunch of Camelot players are having it occur around the same time that you guys are, and possibly linked to the account migration, especially since this thread started 5 days ago and the Camelot players seemed to have had noticeable issues popping up around then.

Maybe that information is useful to somebody.

(Thanks to Petra Fyde for pointing me to this thread)


Wow, that is good to hear, Woodsman!

For me, I don't care WHOSE problem it is, as long as I know that SOMEONE has acknowledged that there IS a problem and is working to fix it!


Good they said something.

Having the same problems that were listed in that DAOC post.. primetime, losing conn or hanging up real bad, UO only as vent and pingtests run fine throughout the times it's doing this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just an educated guess. EA has gone on the cheap and is using a $1000/month link instead of a $10000/month link. You get what you pay for, and hence the dropouts.

And since Kai our Community Manager who started in Feb 2011 is not posting here, it is good that Woodsman is taking the time to keep us all up to date.


And since Kai our Community Manager who started in Feb 2011 is not posting here, it is good that Woodsman is taking the time to keep us all up to date.
While I think you're being sarcastic, in looking at a bunch of sites for Mythic employees who are still actively posting, I did find Kai:

Mythic Entertainment | Warhammer Herald
Kai Schober | General News | 08/17/2011 @ 01:21:08 EST


The press day of GamesCom 2011 in Cologne just ended and tomorrow the gates will open to public. Although Warhammer Online will be presented in the Business area only, we'd still like to discuss with those of you who have the chance to visit Cologne.

Similar to last year, we have reserved a room in one of the serveral breweries of Cologne and would like to meet you on Saturday, 07/20 at 8 pm CEST in the Brauerei zur Malzmühle, Heumarkt 6.

See you in the brewery!
Any German UO players, please go meet with Mythic in that brewery tomorrow. Just print them out several pages of posts from Stratics and give it to them.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I got a request via the Support website to run UOTrace and provide the results. I went to the page on the site that the request sent me to and downloaded UO Trace (replaced my old copy) and have been trying to run it. It never seems to finish the Trace Route process. Following the instructions, I've put in siegeperilous.owo.com, siege.owo.com, atlantic.owo.com, pacific.owo.com and I get nowhere. Bumped up the number of hops to 100 now and all I get at the end is a whole lotta lines saying Unknown Host, as if the program isn't able to find the shard server.

Does UO Trace even work anymore???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it absolutely hilarious in a sad kinda way that SUPPORT told you to punch in those old owo addresses.. they haven't worked in quite some time..

I saw a post here bout a week or so ago listing all the new ip addresses for the servers and directions on how to ping them. Couldn't find it in a really quick search, but I'll look harder after breakfast if you haven't found it already.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it absolutely hilarious in a sad kinda way that SUPPORT told you to punch in those old owo addresses.. they haven't worked in quite some time..

I saw a post here bout a week or so ago listing all the new ip addresses for the servers and directions on how to ping them. Couldn't find it in a really quick search, but I'll look harder after breakfast if you haven't found it already.
Thank you. The EA person who contacted me didn't give me any clue what to use for an address. I was just going by the instructions on the page where you download the UO Trace program. It says to put in the server name like this: servername.owo.com with an example of "Lakesuperior.owo.com."

Hmm....before I clicked Submit for this post, I checked my outstanding Support questions again and I have a reply to my question about the format for the server name. The response says I was using the correct format and please submit the results. (It also says they're using UOTrace for all their games now.)

At least someone is looking at this and seems to be taking it seriously! When I submit my results, I'll ask if they want more people to submit a support request and attach UO Trace results. Will post the answer to that question here if/when I get one.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Tina for posting your updates.

Shamus is also working on compiling the information on client/server/issues so we can forward that on as well. Every little bit we can all do helps!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread has all the new IP addresses and detailed instructions on pinging and running a traceroute.

Thanks, Ludes. However, even using the IP listed for Siege (i.e., using instead of siegeperilous.owo.com), I still get the same results, i.e., a whole lot of Unknown Host hops until the trace stops because there are too many hops.

I sent a reply back to EA with my results and pointing them at that thread and the Stratics page with DNS and IP info for the shards. We'll see what response it generates.

Old Man of UO

Thanks, Ludes. However, even using the IP listed for Siege (i.e., using instead of siegeperilous.owo.com), I still get the same results, i.e., a whole lot of Unknown Host hops until the trace stops because there are too many hops. ...
Not sure this will help you, but you can change the number of hops before UOTrace times out under the Options/Settings menu. You can also change the "Traceroute Ping retries" to speed it up a bit on those hops that don't report a ping.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure this will help you, but you can change the number of hops before UOTrace times out under the Options/Settings menu. You can also change the "Traceroute Ping retries" to speed it up a bit on those hops that don't report a ping.
Yeah, I tried that. Had it up to 100 hops at one point with no difference. It still ended saying that the number of hops had been exceeded.

Lord Raven

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amazing. Not one post indicating the shard that's having this issue, except one mentioned not having a problem on pacific.

There is some basic information needed that might help to determine if this is a problem affecting only one shard, all of them, the east coast shards, etc. Also, is the problem only occuring with the classic client, enhanced client or both.
It might not even be a problem with EA/UO. Remember your information is transmitted over the Internet and even if you're from different areas a significant series of DDoS attacks could disrupt tranmission of your info.

Lots of hacker stuff going on lately so don't point the finger at UO until you're sure it's really their problem.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I ping that IP I just get repeating request timed out messages.. Obviously the IP is wrong cause I'm in the game right now on Catskills and not even seeing any sign of lag at the moment.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's my disconnect info from the last couple of days. All were experienced while using the Classic Client. In addition to my home network software, typically I also have Internet Explorer open and Notepad for writing down the disconnect info. Sometimes I may also have ICQ or Excel open. I don't use UO Assist or anything similar, or UOAM or UO Cartographer.

8/16 4:01 pm EDT on Siege. Lagged and then lost network and disconnected from UO when trying to attach a filled small bod to a large bod.

8/16 7:18 pm EDT on Siege. Froze and then got disconnected after putting a BOD in a book, putting the BOD book in a chest with other BOD books, hiding, and then trying to access the guild listing.

8/16 8:43 pm EDT on Siege. Froze when casting gr heal on a fighting pet. Logged off before I could be disconnected and logged right back on again.

8/17 2:30 pm EDT on Siege. Froze when I was in the process of opening up a bunch (15) of newly crafted wooden chests to take the keys out of them and throw them in the trash. Froze, stopped clicking any keys, and eventually the client seemed to recover and catch up with displaying freshly opened chests without actually crashing and disconnecting the character.

8/17 7:54 pm EDT on Siege. Froze, got disconnected, and lost network connection after clicking on a set of 2 stolen liquor bottles (in my house).

8/17 10:33 pm EDT on Siege. Moving items inside of a crate inside of another crate. Froze and got disconnected.

8/17 11:29 pm EDT on Siege. Said hello to someone in general chat and then froze and disconnected. They probably replied and I missed it.

8/18 1:52 pm EDT on Siege. Froze and then disconnected while mining.

8:18 8:32 pm EDT on Siege. Froze while applying a bandage to a pet and simultaneously getting RoT gains in lore and vet skill.

8:18 8:46 pm EDT on Siege. Froze while dragging loot from a monster into a bag in char's backpack.

8/19 2:07 pm EDT on Siege. Froze while dragging a piece of jewelry from one chest to another. Had a lot of containers open at the same time to do some organizing.

If I have any additional disconnects, I'll just tack them onto this post rather than adding another post.