This behavior is of concern : Trolling the spawns legally to make illegal profits? Please note this post ..
The seller of power scroll hired players to patrol the spawns and stop other players from getting ps. I have seen a couple times they work very late at despise, fighting other players until server down.[/QUOTE]
Although this behavior is legal per game rules so far, it is easily unethical and damaging to the game. I I wew the devs of the game or the main pple I would want to eliminate this behavior and SPITE al these CROOKS, by putting 120 PS in Lev 7 T-maps, and lower PS in lev 4 and lev 5 T-MAp boxes. I would make sure the Devs and Messana are aware of this behavior and gthis post specifically. I think this is a real issue and it needs to be addressed, and would tend to ELIMINATE the Trolls terrorizing the spawns, increase and revitalize T-Hunting, and it is something that needs to be done soon. Maybe this will also tend to stabilize the economy of the game that has been changed due to the new pet system.
The seller of power scroll hired players to patrol the spawns and stop other players from getting ps. I have seen a couple times they work very late at despise, fighting other players until server down.[/QUOTE]
Although this behavior is legal per game rules so far, it is easily unethical and damaging to the game. I I wew the devs of the game or the main pple I would want to eliminate this behavior and SPITE al these CROOKS, by putting 120 PS in Lev 7 T-maps, and lower PS in lev 4 and lev 5 T-MAp boxes. I would make sure the Devs and Messana are aware of this behavior and gthis post specifically. I think this is a real issue and it needs to be addressed, and would tend to ELIMINATE the Trolls terrorizing the spawns, increase and revitalize T-Hunting, and it is something that needs to be done soon. Maybe this will also tend to stabilize the economy of the game that has been changed due to the new pet system.