For some unknown reason they wanted to do bedlam after grizzle. Another example of horrible terrain for line of sight. And just an un fun place.
I lored the pet often to see what was going on. Was a Cu.
So I decided to test some line of sight.
When I cast and cant see the target.
View attachment 114664
Told the pet to attack he gave no message, just stood next to me.
I did not try to be out of line of sight, just playing normally in a huge mess.
I found a target that both of us gave a message.
View attachment 114665
This caused no loyalty loss.
Then I told it to attack something, It could not see it so it growled.
The pet lost loyalty and he did not show the message it is supposed to show
according to UO.
View attachment 114666
So if I would have continued telling it to attack that target it would have lost loyalty
over and over and give no message as the game is intended to give.
The pet is supposed to say [ petname] looks around desperately.
So yes we are supposed to get warnings when the pet. That message is supposed to
appear over the pet like it is talking similar to taming messages.
So, there is a bug, the game is not giving messages when pet loyalty drops.
Sad to have to prove what I already know because of all the