Then please send me the regualtions so I can hire workers to work for free.
Specify your classification of "workers," what they're going to be doing, and just exactly how you're going to be using them.
UO Councilor were not "workers." The 6 hours a week "schedule" was to ensure that there were Councilors available at all times of the day. I went from Councilor to Assistant Senior Councilor to Training Lead and Senior Councilor just fine putting in the time I felt was appropriate, and never felt taken advantage of.
Now, I won't say what EA did to the Councilor program in the end -- having us train our own replacements -- was proper. I will say that it was a direct result of the lawsuit though, which, as I recall, never got much of anywhere.
The fact is, Councilors were providing a service to other players, not to Electronic Arts. How can I say that? Because -- exactly as I predicted back then -- EA continues to go on, and UO continues to go on, without the Councilor program in place. Was it better with the program? Yes. We the players were able to benefit other players. Did it affect EA's profitability? Not in the least (except maybe a few pissed off Councilors quit the game, but that's unlikely too, because those of us that were good Councilors were Councilors because we enjoyed playing the game).
And yeah, I personally had to tell a couple of people they weren't cut out for the program; but my standpoint was being able to help out other players in a kind, friendly tone, regardless of how the players were treating them. I have an extensive Customer Service background, and so that was the method of my training.
However, if I needed a week off from Counciling, if I wanted a break, if I missed a shift, no one was there waiting to fire me. Because I did the other end of things people seem to forget to do. I communicated with my team.
This "job" that people complain about did not require anyone to work 40 hours a week. If someone put in 40 hours, it was because that's what they wanted to do. If a Shard Lead put in 40 hours, it was because he or she failed to delegate responsibility. My Shard Lead had faith and trust in his Senior Councilor team, and we Senior Councilors had faith in our Assistant Seniors, and so we definitely didn't see our Shard Lead anywhere near to 40 hours a week.
THe problem with the woman who decided to file lawsuit is that she saw an (AOL) opportunity, and decided to take it because she was about to be let go from her position for other reasons, most of which a lot of us were not privy to, but which any of us at the SRC level were quite aware existed. She took her vengeance out on the program, and it got dismantled. And EA and UO went on just fine without us.