Besides one goes to Fel for a specific purpose and taming pets isn't on the menu I think
Alright, I will try to explain this the simpliest I can.
We have Trammel. And we have Felucca.
They happen to have DIFFERENT rules.
Trammel has some rules which allow for a more relaxed game play (according to some) while Felucca has more "wild" rules which allow for a more "endangering" game play.
So, the Felucca facet has rules and particular dynamics which are MORE risky for any and all players who happen to set foot there, "
regardless of the activity that they may perform.
Be them fighters, crafters, fishermen, tamers, treasure hunters, WHATEVER, for the simple fact that their feet are on the Felucca facet, NOT on the Trammel facet, they face more risk in their activities.
Alright up to now ?
If the above holds true, and we believe in the "Risk vs Reward" argument, since the above holds true and the Felucca facet IS more risky because of its special ruleset and dynamics, then any and ALL activities done there should receive special rewarding and NEVER be like in Trammel.
That is as linear to me as 1 + 1 = 2 and NOT 3.
So, as in regards your comment, Taming SHOULD BE on the Menu as well, and along with taming on the menu should also be all of the other activities when performed in Felucca.
This, or please let's end for good the "Risk vs Reward" justification when talking about anything done in Felucca.