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Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following...



Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

The intent has never ever been that crafters can just sit, gather all their materials and make anything they want with no money or danger involved. This has been stated many many times over the past 11-12 years.

My crafters do just fine, and for the materials they can't gather, they either will ask others to get them or purchase them from those who have them. I can't get white pearls, for instance, so I have to depend on fishers. I can't get peerless at all, so I have to purchase the materials if I want to make certain things.

I'm sorry you don't like that side of the game, but it is a fact of life and you honestly should know it BY NOW.

You've been in and out of this game for years, you know what the deal is, so please stop complaining about this and either 1) make characters to go get those items; 2) make money and purchase the materials. If you think you can't make enough money with a reasonable amount of time spent, you really don't know how to play your characters and should apprentice to someone.


Lore Master
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

hmm poops can feel yah pain took out my pvm character got batch pinks and 105s wasnt hard first three levels you are right poops make it ahrder please :)

also when hunting same toon paragons ish barely can stay awake also make it harder

end result a fe accounts can get arties with toon that makes it work with poops play game

Recently, a few comments from Draconi, the game's LEAD Designer made at the latest UOHoC chat made me worry very much about what the future may have for crafters...

"Seriously" considering ?
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?

"Through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses" ??

Hunting and Bosses ????

In that regards, I would like the Developers to please consider the following when making up their decision.

Ultima Online was born a "Role" playing game.

That is, a game where players could pick a role and play that one.

Crafters was one of the roles players would pick as the one of choice and, infact, many were enjoying the life and business of a crafter (Myself I started playing the game as a Scribe and spend most of my time at the Bank in Britain selling scrolls and full books).

Then, unfortunately, because of Design changes crafters increasingly became what some players referred to as "mules". That is, not characters used as main ones, but merely to support fighting ones.

The choice of introducing Peerless ingredients as required items for scribing, further damaged the possibility to play a crafter as a role choice.

It has more and more become that crafters are merely in support of fighter characters and not a viable possible role playing character.

If you continue this trend of introducing ingredients' requirements that force crafters to have to fight when their abilities should be in crafting, not fighting, crafters will stay condemned to the life of mules, and not surge back again to be a viable role playing characters.

This, because if role playing crafters have to be subject to fighters selling them the rarest ingredients only obtainable through hunting, then their business will not be viable any longer since the much higher costs (having to purchase extremely expensive ingredients) and the competition from fighters who can do their own hunting AND also have on top of that crafting mules, will make it so that role playing crafters cannot stay in business.

They will have higher costs and not much a market they can live on with.

Remember that while a fighter can acquire gold in many ways, a role playing crafter has the crafting business as the main way to get going. Forcing role playing crafters to have much increased costs by requiring high end ingredients to have to be hunted, not gathered, will force them out of business and make the role playing of a crafter not possible.....

This, as I said, would condemn crafting to stay a mules' activity and never surge back to role playing status.

I can understand the need to make some ingredients rarer, but this can still be obtained making their drops a lower rate when chopping wood or mining ore or, in alternative, you could add them to Treasure Chests and Fishing Nets to offer at least chance to role playing crafters.

All I am saying is please, do not condemn crafting to permanent mule status by making it required for high end ingredients to only be found through hunting.

Please, help crafting be able to come back to the role playing status it deserves.

Thank you for the attention.


Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

One very popular game with a lot of similarities to UO - Runescape - allows you just one character, but that one character can raise all skills to maximum. The time it takes to raise those skills is much longer, and the items you can acquire are mostly easily replaceable. However, there is a strong and stable economy and a large player base. It doesn't always stand to reason that having the ability to do all things or the choice to be able to do all things means that you will do all things.


Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

This might be a strike against interacting, but...

Well, yes, not everyone may have a crafting mule but many do.
Too many to my liking.....

I hear often this argument that players should interact and that for crafters it is fine and dandy to buy ingredients from fighters.

Well, you know what, "if" we were in a game where only 1 character could be had, with NO soulstones to swap skills on and off, then I would agree and have no problem with that trading and buying.

Because if a crafter had to buy ingredients from a fighter, then a fighter would have to buy finished products from a crafter and the cycle would close itself.
I'm sure one reason fighters raise their own crafter mules is to avoid having to deal with annoying players like poops here.


Babbling Loonie
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

Recently, a few comments from Draconi, the game's LEAD Designer made at the latest UOHoC chat made me worry very much about what the future may have for crafters...

Draconi - We are seriously considering expanding out the ingredient list for imbuing, and making the variety of imbuing ingredients obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles
"Seriously" considering ?
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?

Draconi - Oh, and I should mention that the ingredients would be obtainable through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses
"Through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses" ??

Hunting and Bosses ????
Perhaps it's how I read things, but before folks start jumping, please consider that maybe your concerns are exactly what the devs hopes to address?

ie instead of a single source of ingredients, the same ingredients will be made available using different methods so that anyone can get them?


1) instead of just unraveling for them, relic fragments can be found as loot on bosses

2) and they may also be made available via quests, t-hunting etc?

3) similar with other ingredients (say they decide to re-add peerless ingredients) that they plan to use, they intend these to be made available via several different methods that touch more playstyles. So you no longer require just hunting peerless to get these


Always Present
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

Of course, then who would the crafters sell to if fighters weren't forced into buying trading or otherwise acquiring those things that they need which will never come from a mob drop.

And if crafters had everything they needed to create this uber stuff that fighters by coming nice and easy, why would fighters not just make their own crafters to do it on a much grander scale.

Well, yes, but that needs crafters to buy from fighters AND fighters to buy from crafters.

Instead, what we have now (using very high end bosses for the ingredients drops), is having a number of high end fighters who also have their crafters and a number of crafters not alike having high end fighters.

The buy/sell cycle is broken, the way I see it, as more fighters have crafters than crafters have fighters.....

Besides, even if we assumed that all fighters had crafters and all crafters had fighters then what would the game have become ?

A bunch of players ALL being self sufficient to their own needs and not selling to anyone or buying from anyone........

Either way we look at it, I think a division of roles is necessary and fighters be fighters and only fighters and crafters be crafters and only crafters.......


Grand Poobah
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

This thread is incredibly pointless.

The good points never get addressed by this person and instead they just sound like a broken record. Saying the same things over and over, the only thing changing is how they word their "points."


Always Present
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

Perhaps it's how I read things, but before folks start jumping, please consider that maybe your concerns are exactly what the devs hopes to address?

ie instead of a single source of ingredients, the same ingredients will be made available using different methods so that anyone can get them?

If that is the case then I would not have a problem with that.

Each play role will be able to get the needed ingredients through their preferred or, if you will, better inclination and skill way.

Fighters through hunting their usual targets and crafters when gathering their resources for their business.

In that case to each their own. I am good with it.

Still, I would like for this game to see a deeper division of playing roles.

I can understand that now it ain't possible to tell to players who have 6, 7 slots and soulstones to go back and just use 1 character. It would be unrealistic.

Nonetheless, "if" there is a desire to bring to Ultima Online again a better division of roles, we could introduce a new resource : "time played most on a given template when in game....."

I will explain this better.

Let us imagine, that Design would like in this game crafters be more crafters and fighters be more fighters. And within that, also have subdivisions like Mages be really Mages, Archers be really Archers and so forth.

So, since we cannot reduce the characters' slots nor take away soulstones how do we get there ?

Trhough incentives........

For example, we take the average monthly time (or if preferred, weekly time) played by a player on a given shard and see how that actually played time is used up as far as what "roles" are played.

The bonus for playing a specific "role" is set, for example, at 70% of played time (but could well be higher if preferred).

If a player played the previous week X hours, then by playing 70% of those X hours using the same template (say an archer but it could be the same with any other template), the player gains a bonus for "sticking to play that role" which could be extra actions unlocked only to those who REALLY play that role, or perhaps a better use of that skill like, in the case of an archer, higher accuracy when shooting, or ability to use special arrows or bolts not available to players not playing that given skill as often, whatever.

Any good incentive which make it worth to a player willing to be an archer AND play an archer most of the time spent in game.......

Of course, swapping skills on and off a soulstone would erase all the time credited so far and one would need to credit it again before gaining the extra bonuses.

Of course, the special bonuses should be received not for merely using 1 skill, but all of the skills pertaining to that playing role.

For example, in the case of a Bard, merely using Musicianship and, say, Discording would not grant a bonus or, perhaps, ONLY for discording.
Using ALL 4 bardic skills and sticking to them (Pure Bard) for that 70% of time when in game (Musicianship, Discroding, Peacemaking and Provocation) would be the best combination for a Bard to get the best extra boost when sticking to play this role for the most part of the time spent in game.

The result of this would be seeing more real roles played in the game like Bards who are Bards, Mages who are Mages and so forth.

By the way, if wanted incompatibilities could even be set for mixed templates through negative effects.

For example, let's say that a Tamer/Bard/Nox/Necro template is not seen as proper as a playing role, this Mix of skills could receive penalties for using it all mixed up.

Players would still be free to use it if they wish so, only with penalties.....

There do are ways to bring back role playing in Ultima Online without touching the number of slots nor souldstones, these ways are through inncentives and bonuses when sticking to playing a specific role most of the time in game.

Same thing with crafters and fighters.

A player sticking with playing crafting roles for 70%+ of the time in game would earn special ability to craft things otherwise not possible to be crafted or increase the success rates and all that.

I would really like to see a division of playing roles back in UO as this game, also because of soulstones, is sliding into having each individual player just be able to do everything on one's own which just kills, IMHO, that interaction among players so many like to speak about so often......


Always Present
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

The good points never get addressed by this person and instead they just sound like a broken record.

Care to identify, to your opinion, what would be these "good points" worthy of being further discussed ??

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

But why should any person be restricted to playing only one character type? I enjoy being a crafter, my 2 Siege characters are dedicated crafters and very very busy. But sometimes I'm not in the mood for crafting, so I log into Europa with one of my less peaceful characters and go hunting. I play the character I'm in the mood for playing.

I totally, totally refute your entirely pessimistic view of Stygian Abyss. But then, I've never quit since I started in late 2000. I adapt to the game changes and work with them, as I have adapted to the set backs and problems that have beset my real life. My Gran used to tell me 'where there's a will, there's a way' I have the will, and I find the way. I don't quit.


Always Present
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

But why should any person be restricted to playing only one character type? I enjoy being a crafter, my 2 Siege characters are dedicated crafters and very very busy. But sometimes I'm not in the mood for crafting, so I log into Europa with one of my less peaceful characters and go hunting. I play the character I'm in the mood for playing.

Using incentives noone would ever be restricted.

It would be sending a message out that, if a player plays a specific role a good chunk of their in-game time, this WILL pay out for them....

Doesn't it also make sense, logically ?

I mean, why shouldn't a player who plays an archer, or a Bard or a Mage some 70%+ of their in-game time be more proficient at playing THAT specific role than someone who puts skills on and off from soulstones as if they were a shirt or a pair of gloves ?

It is diversity which enriches any environment and promoting specific role playing, design would promote diversity in the game thus making it for a better and more interesting environment.

One too many times I heard queries about which template or which combination of skills is THE BEST and whenever one is found, everyone or almost everyone flocks to playing that, making the game dull with most player playing the same thing......

I totally, totally refute your entirely pessimistic view of Stygian Abyss. But then, I've never quit since I started in late 2000. I adapt to the game changes and work with them, as I have adapted to the set backs and problems that have beset my real life. My Gran used to tell me 'where there's a will, there's a way' I have the will, and I find the way. I don't quit.

I am not pessimistic of Stygian Abyss, I think the Developers did some great work both on the client and the new lands. The expansion is a very good one.

I have problems with some aspects of the game but certainly I am not saying that the new expansion is not worth it. And, if I dscuss those aspects it is merely in the hope to be understood as I think there always is room for improvements.

Or are we pretending that UO as it is is perfect and far from needing any adjustements ?

I so much am not being pessimistic about SA that infact, after the kind clarification from Draconi about that Wild WILD West thing, I will proceed and get it as I was thinking to.......


Slightly Crazed
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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

that Wild WILD West thing
That one lead to many speculations. I still twist my mind, what that could be ...
Latest idea of mine is, that it could be something like a duelling pit.(Actually bringing more functionality to Jhelom pit or the bagball stadion) With rules like ...
- everybody is attackable
- free to loot corpses
- no murder counts
- no insurance
- no pots/apples/enhanced bandages

Lord Frodo

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Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following

But why should any person be restricted to playing only one character type? I enjoy being a crafter, my 2 Siege characters are dedicated crafters and very very busy. But sometimes I'm not in the mood for crafting, so I log into Europa with one of my less peaceful characters and go hunting. I play the character I'm in the mood for playing.

Using incentives noone would ever be restricted.

It would be sending a message out that, if a player plays a specific role a good chunk of their in-game time, this WILL pay out for them....

Doesn't it also make sense, logically ?

I mean, why shouldn't a player who plays an archer, or a Bard or a Mage some 70%+ of their in-game time be more proficient at playing THAT specific role than someone who puts skills on and off from soulstones as if they were a shirt or a pair of gloves ?

It is diversity which enriches any environment and promoting specific role playing, design would promote diversity in the game thus making it for a better and more interesting environment.

One too many times I heard queries about which template or which combination of skills is THE BEST and whenever one is found, everyone or almost everyone flocks to playing that, making the game dull with most player playing the same thing......

I totally, totally refute your entirely pessimistic view of Stygian Abyss. But then, I've never quit since I started in late 2000. I adapt to the game changes and work with them, as I have adapted to the set backs and problems that have beset my real life. My Gran used to tell me 'where there's a will, there's a way' I have the will, and I find the way. I don't quit.

I am not pessimistic of Stygian Abyss, I think the Developers did some great work both on the client and the new lands. The expansion is a very good one.

I have problems with some aspects of the game but certainly I am not saying that the new expansion is not worth it. And, if I dscuss those aspects it is merely in the hope to be understood as I think there always is room for improvements.

Or are we pretending that UO as it is is perfect and far from needing any adjustements ?

I so much am not being pessimistic about SA that infact, after the kind clarification from Draconi about that Wild WILD West thing, I will proceed and get it as I was thinking to.......
OMG Why do you even play a game, that since it started has always had more than one char allowwed on an account? Did you try the open beta? You need a fragment (3 diff types), jewels that you can get from NPC or monsters and jems that only can be mined. Right now you get the fragemts from unraviling loot from monsters, maybe that will be what we can get by other means. Jewles and jems are already in the game. You have three choices.
#1 Make a char that can help get you these resources.
#2 Buy the resources that you need.
#3 Go to another game that suits your playstyle.

UO has always been this way and if you have played as long as you say you have, then you know it.

And just to let you know, I have had a Legend Smith/Tailor from the start of powerscrolls. Before that he was a GM Smith/Tailor. Lord Frodo of Baja. First and only shard. 11+ years and still going.

PLZ stop all this whining and play the game as it has always been or go find another game.