Re: Ingredients for Imbuing, I invite the Developers to please consider the following
Do you belong to a guild? Many times guild members are happy to trade ingredients and such among themselves. This may be an option to look into if you can't get what you need for yourself. My next door neighbor's guild apparently has nights where all they do is craft scrappers and burn barbed kits. *daydream* If your crafter has high skills, I'm sure they'd be welcome to take part in something like that. Not everybody has a "mule" or has one they've taken the time to max all the skills in, but they may still get ingredients for items they need, and their guild, as people they trust, are probably the first ones they go to.
I think maybe the developers are not so much trying to not give crafters something new to achieve (obviously, since one of the three new skills coming into the game is a crafting skill), but trying, perhaps in some eyes misguidedly, to bring the need for interaction and trade back into play, in a game where the landmasses are now so much larger than the player base that we may not see anyone all day unless we go out of our way to do so. You - or at least someone did - argue that most people have their own crafter these days. I know some who don't, but if that were true, what measures would you have them take that would make it so only a pure, main-character crafter could possibly create an item? If they made ingredients able to be gotten without any risk, wouldn't everyone just be able to get them by themselves, for their own crafter, and negate the need for any interaction or trade with anyone?