Recently, a few comments from Draconi, the game's LEAD Designer made at the latest UOHoC chat made me worry very much about what the future may have for crafters...
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?
Hunting and Bosses ????
In that regards, I would like the Developers to please consider the following when making up their decision.
Ultima Online was born a "Role" playing game.
That is, a game where players could pick a role and play that one.
Crafters was one of the roles players would pick as the one of choice and, infact, many were enjoying the life and business of a crafter (Myself I started playing the game as a Scribe and spend most of my time at the Bank in Britain selling scrolls and full books).
Then, unfortunately, because of Design changes crafters increasingly became what some players referred to as "mules". That is, not characters used as main ones, but merely to support fighting ones.
The choice of introducing Peerless ingredients as required items for scribing, further damaged the possibility to play a crafter as a role choice.
It has more and more become that crafters are merely in support of fighter characters and not a viable possible role playing character.
If you continue this trend of introducing ingredients' requirements that force crafters to have to fight when their abilities should be in crafting, not fighting, crafters will stay condemned to the life of mules, and not surge back again to be a viable role playing characters.
This, because if role playing crafters have to be subject to fighters selling them the rarest ingredients only obtainable through hunting, then their business will not be viable any longer since the much higher costs (having to purchase extremely expensive ingredients) and the competition from fighters who can do their own hunting AND also have on top of that crafting mules, will make it so that role playing crafters cannot stay in business.
They will have higher costs and not much a market they can live on with.
Remember that while a fighter can acquire gold in many ways, a role playing crafter has the crafting business as the main way to get going. Forcing role playing crafters to have much increased costs by requiring high end ingredients to have to be hunted, not gathered, will force them out of business and make the role playing of a crafter not possible.....
This, as I said, would condemn crafting to stay a mules' activity and never surge back to role playing status.
I can understand the need to make some ingredients rarer, but this can still be obtained making their drops a lower rate when chopping wood or mining ore or, in alternative, you could add them to Treasure Chests and Fishing Nets to offer at least chance to role playing crafters.
All I am saying is please, do not condemn crafting to permanent mule status by making it required for high end ingredients to only be found through hunting.
Please, help crafting be able to come back to the role playing status it deserves.
Thank you for the attention.
"Seriously" considering ?Draconi - We are seriously considering expanding out the ingredient list for imbuing, and making the variety of imbuing ingredients obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?
"Through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses" ??Draconi - Oh, and I should mention that the ingredients would be obtainable through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses
Hunting and Bosses ????
In that regards, I would like the Developers to please consider the following when making up their decision.
Ultima Online was born a "Role" playing game.
That is, a game where players could pick a role and play that one.
Crafters was one of the roles players would pick as the one of choice and, infact, many were enjoying the life and business of a crafter (Myself I started playing the game as a Scribe and spend most of my time at the Bank in Britain selling scrolls and full books).
Then, unfortunately, because of Design changes crafters increasingly became what some players referred to as "mules". That is, not characters used as main ones, but merely to support fighting ones.
The choice of introducing Peerless ingredients as required items for scribing, further damaged the possibility to play a crafter as a role choice.
It has more and more become that crafters are merely in support of fighter characters and not a viable possible role playing character.
If you continue this trend of introducing ingredients' requirements that force crafters to have to fight when their abilities should be in crafting, not fighting, crafters will stay condemned to the life of mules, and not surge back again to be a viable role playing characters.
This, because if role playing crafters have to be subject to fighters selling them the rarest ingredients only obtainable through hunting, then their business will not be viable any longer since the much higher costs (having to purchase extremely expensive ingredients) and the competition from fighters who can do their own hunting AND also have on top of that crafting mules, will make it so that role playing crafters cannot stay in business.
They will have higher costs and not much a market they can live on with.
Remember that while a fighter can acquire gold in many ways, a role playing crafter has the crafting business as the main way to get going. Forcing role playing crafters to have much increased costs by requiring high end ingredients to have to be hunted, not gathered, will force them out of business and make the role playing of a crafter not possible.....
This, as I said, would condemn crafting to stay a mules' activity and never surge back to role playing status.
I can understand the need to make some ingredients rarer, but this can still be obtained making their drops a lower rate when chopping wood or mining ore or, in alternative, you could add them to Treasure Chests and Fishing Nets to offer at least chance to role playing crafters.
All I am saying is please, do not condemn crafting to permanent mule status by making it required for high end ingredients to only be found through hunting.
Please, help crafting be able to come back to the role playing status it deserves.
Thank you for the attention.