Example.. I craft an Exceptional Leather Gorget & I have 100 Arms lore. The base object (Leather Gorget) starts with
2/4/3/3/3 Resists... Because I have 100 Armslore & the item is exceptional 20 more resists are randomly distributed to the Base item. This resulted in
6/8/7/7/7 Resists... Currently & this is where my Question begins... If I imbue 15 fire resist to this object the ACTUAL result is 19 (Base item + Imbue) instead of 23.. So this means the resists from Exceptional & Armslore are being lost for that one resist category. Is this a BUG or intended ? Ultimately the way this is CURRENTLY If you want to Imbue a certain Resist on an Exceptional / GM armslore item you'd be best off making that item repeatedly until NONE of the randomly distributed resists land on the Resist you intend to Imbue... That way you don't lose them after Imbuing....
2/4/3/3/3 Resists... Because I have 100 Armslore & the item is exceptional 20 more resists are randomly distributed to the Base item. This resulted in
6/8/7/7/7 Resists... Currently & this is where my Question begins... If I imbue 15 fire resist to this object the ACTUAL result is 19 (Base item + Imbue) instead of 23.. So this means the resists from Exceptional & Armslore are being lost for that one resist category. Is this a BUG or intended ? Ultimately the way this is CURRENTLY If you want to Imbue a certain Resist on an Exceptional / GM armslore item you'd be best off making that item repeatedly until NONE of the randomly distributed resists land on the Resist you intend to Imbue... That way you don't lose them after Imbuing....