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Imbuing Armor Question....[BUG] or [Intended] ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Example.. I craft an Exceptional Leather Gorget & I have 100 Arms lore. The base object (Leather Gorget) starts with

2/4/3/3/3 Resists... Because I have 100 Armslore & the item is exceptional 20 more resists are randomly distributed to the Base item. This resulted in

6/8/7/7/7 Resists... Currently & this is where my Question begins... If I imbue 15 fire resist to this object the ACTUAL result is 19 (Base item + Imbue) instead of 23.. So this means the resists from Exceptional & Armslore are being lost for that one resist category. Is this a BUG or intended ? Ultimately the way this is CURRENTLY If you want to Imbue a certain Resist on an Exceptional / GM armslore item you'd be best off making that item repeatedly until NONE of the randomly distributed resists land on the Resist you intend to Imbue... That way you don't lose them after Imbuing....


You are correct on the above presumtion and i believe if it is not a bug then i should be a bug and be fixed quickly :)


The way imbuing works with resists is frankly a mystery to me. Sometimes I'll have a base resist of 4% and be able to imbue all the way up to 20%. Sometimes I'll have a base resist of 11% and still only be able to imbue up to 20%. Sometimes I'll have a base resist of 8% and for some reason be able to imbue up to 22%. I'd really love to hear a dev clarify what the mechanics are for this and whether they're currently borked.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
It'd be really, really stupid if you could imbue +20% resist on top of say 10% resist already on the item. In theory you could imbue 5x resists and have like 25/30/30/25/25 resists on a single piece..

EDIT: And yes, it's intended :)


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
My understanding is it basically replaces the resist, so your arms lore benefits are lost because you're basically swapping out whatever your crafter put on the item with whatever you intend to imbue it as.

What I would like to see is a cost reduction in gems based on how close the crafter has already gotten you to where you want the resist to be. This way all the crafter's hard work is contributing to the creation of this magical item.


It'd be really, really stupid if you could imbue +20% resist on top of say 10% resist already on the item. In theory you could imbue 5x resists and have like 25/30/30/25/25 resists on a single piece..

EDIT: And yes, it's intended :)
I'd agree if the behavior were at least consistent. But it isn't a hard 20% max...sometimes it goes as high as 22% or as low as 17%, and if there's a correlation between the max imbuable resist and the base resist, I haven't been able to figure it out. So some clarification from the devs would be good.


I looked into this extensively while crafting amd imbuing a suit for my crafter. The OP is correct in that you can only add 15% to the base material. So you have to choose your materials wisely for your planned outcome.

My suit goal was a simple one. Make a max resist suit with 100% LRC for my crafter. I used plain leather and a spined runic kit. I crafted a piece for each slot concentrating on one slot at a time. I looked for the piece to have 1 weak slot which was still 1-3 points over the base material. That's a key point, because your arms lore bonus on that slot won't count against you as an imbued property. That leaves the other 4 slots as imbuable and the 5th property can be something else, LRC in my case. Also since I used a spined runic some of the other 4 were high enough already that I didn't need to wast imbuing ingredients on them. Typically I had to imbue 2 or 3 of the resists and then the LRC. When I was done I had used about half the 45 charges on the kit and produced the following: 85/85/70/85/75 100+ LRC.

It just takes careful planning so that each piece only has 1 weakness.

IMO, this is working as intended and is not a bug. It does not need a fix.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I guess it is a workaround for a logical/technical problem.

How should an exceptional bonus (GM armslore included) count, when it comes to imbuing?
It is simple on weapons: 40% di ---> 1 property with 80% intensity
But on armours?: 20 % resists (11% on runic crafted ones) randomly distributed ---> 5 properties with around 135% intensity (worst case)

Actually any imbued resists on an armour piece simply replaces the corresponding bonus resist from beeing exceptional.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i dont know, i think there is a bug..
ive tested making armor with runic kits, it seems 12% is the max you can go while not using up one of your properties..

that means if you make some armor, with 12% and you wanted it 12% but you wanted to add 5 other mods, you cant, because the piece will already be 1/5 with the 12%
of course you can max out the 12%..

altho.. some armors i made had invisable properties.. these are ones i had to junk because they were crafted, 3/5 or even 4/5 but had nothing i can tell on them..
they were like,
9, 10, 11, 7, 5 but had 3/5 properties taken up.

im guessing the 9, 10 , 11 took up properties with runic even tho they were very low end.

so my conclusion is, if you want to control what your making start with a regular crafted piece and add stuff to it. dont use up runics they are too unpreditcable.


Another way of looking at it is if you're not imbuing for resists, you get them free.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It'd be really, really stupid if you could imbue +20% resist on top of say 10% resist already on the item. In theory you could imbue 5x resists and have like 25/30/30/25/25 resists on a single piece..

EDIT: And yes, it's intended :)
You can only imbue +15 to one resi, 45 i default for gm leather with armslore i believe, if you only imbue resis you get maximum 120 which in theory is obtainable by a runic sewing kit as well, i do not see the unreasonable in that since armor will not be able to do anything else usefull anyways.

25/30/30/25/25 is 15 to much ^^




Yet more requirements for a skill to perform complex algabraic formulae in order to play a damn game. Personally, I'm about sick of it. Playing UO shouldn't require a degree in quantum physics in order to understand how it works.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend

Yet more requirements for a skill to perform complex algabraic formulae in order to play a damn game. Personally, I'm about sick of it. Playing UO shouldn't require a degree in quantum physics in order to understand how it works.
But but but, then all we'd be able to do is play and enjoy the game :confused:



Yet more requirements for a skill to perform complex algabraic formulae in order to play a damn game. Personally, I'm about sick of it. Playing UO shouldn't require a degree in quantum physics in order to understand how it works.

You don't have to understand it at all. You seek out a legendary crafter that does. I see this as a small rebirth to the crafters that really know their stuff. You can deal with an apprentice and get one quality or the master and get another.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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When I was done I had used about half the 45 charges on the kit and produced the following: 85/85/70/85/75 100+ LRC.
i have no idea how you did that, i have read WHAT you did, but have no idea what your talking about.... but im stranglly turned on and want that suit for my mule.


Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

Yet more requirements for a skill to perform complex algabraic formulae in order to play a damn game. Personally, I'm about sick of it. Playing UO shouldn't require a degree in quantum physics in order to understand how it works.

And the main reason I ahvent even worked the skills. When they started with the drop weapons named Vanquish, Power, etc., I had real hopes that they were about to introduce simple things again, instead, SA brought us more math,more formulae, more more more, I so wish they would have used this expansion to provide a road out of the AoS system, instead, we go deeper into it.


I'm sick of it too, and one of these days Alice...One of these days...


i have no idea how you did that, i have read WHAT you did, but have no idea what your talking about.... but im stranglly turned on and want that suit for my mule.

Poo here's a link to the other thread where I listed the suit pieces.

imbued spined runic suit

Note that I still have room for mods on ring, shield, weapon, book, clothing.


You don't have to understand it at all. You seek out a legendary crafter that does. I see this as a small rebirth to the crafters that really know their stuff. You can deal with an apprentice and get one quality or the master and get another.
My character IS a legendary crafter. As I said, it shouldn't take a degree in quantam physics to understand how to play a damn game. It should be easily understandable without having to perform complex math equations.


My character IS a legendary crafter. As I said, it shouldn't take a degree in quantam physics to understand how to play a damn game. It should be easily understandable without having to perform complex math equations.

Come on Connor. Adding up resists surely doesn't qualify as complex math for an adult.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
See when this was all first being talked about, I thought "oh cool!!"
In my mind, I had a simple scenario where if I had a useless ring with only one decent mod on it, say, LRC 18%, I could simply pull that off the ring, and put it on a piece of armor or decent ring I had, as long as I didnt go over 4 mods, or whatever.
Imbuing would be kinda like a soulstone for mods LOL

And no, I don't remember where I got that idea from...or who had told it to me.
A lot diff tho, from the way the reality worked out.
Weights, percentages, too much for my little crafter to think on in his limited play time.


Can somebody point me to an "official" explanation of how many mods you can add, what weights are etc? I have found nothing in Stratics or the UO site that explains these basic issues.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I said, it shouldn't take a degree in quantam physics to understand how to play a damn game. It should be easily understandable without having to perform complex math equations.
If you think that any of the trivial addition and multiplication you have seen in UO is "complex", you haven't studied much quantum physics :)


Can somebody point me to an "official" explanation of how many mods you can add, what weights are etc? I have found nothing in Stratics or the UO site that explains these basic issues.
I don't have a link to anything "official". I can only tell you what you can find out for yourself looking at the imbuing menus. You can only imbue 5 properties on an object, including those already present. The menu will also show you the weights. Weights are just a multiplier applied to a property that is considered to be more powerful/desirable.

So look at this example of a sword you might find as loot with the only special property being 94 luck.

When you open the imbuing menu and choose luck as the property you want to make better it will begin at 1% and show a total weight of 1/450. 450 is the max weight you have on looted items and 1 is what it would have if you imbued it right then without altering the menu. If you run up the menu to 94 you will see 94/450 and that would match the current value. Note also the weight multiplier is 1.0x. Luck isn't one of the powerful mods. Ok you decide to max out the luck. It only goes to 100 and you see 100/450 and a success rate in the lower right that's probably pretty good so you do it and bam you now have 100 luck.

Now try the same thing with damage increase and you'll see there is a weight multiplier higher than 1.0x. Also damage increase doesn't go from 1-100, it has a max range. So each bump you give it will be an increment to the percentage of the max damage increase. Because it is weighted you will see a corresponding but higher increase in the total weight.

Play with the menu comparing what you see on mods that already exist on the item with mods that don't. You should soon realize what it is doing.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yet more requirements for a skill to perform complex algabraic formulae in order to play a damn game. Personally, I'm about sick of it. Playing UO shouldn't require a degree in quantum physics in order to understand how it works.
While I agree with your statement, you should remember that it is the players, not the system.

Why do we care about such details anyway? If I decide to imbue +15 Fire Resist to an item, my goal is to increase its fire resistance. Why should I care whether it is 4 points more or less? Just do it, try it, and if you don't like the result, unravel it and try again.

If it was up to me, I'd make every system in UO a little more random anyway.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It'd be really, really stupid if you could imbue +20% resist on top of say 10% resist already on the item. In theory you could imbue 5x resists and have like 25/30/30/25/25 resists on a single piece..

EDIT: And yes, it's intended :)
You know...saying something is intended when you have no clue is frigging ********. This expansion is still new, still buggy, and still needs some attention to get right. This is just another bug...one that slipped through the cracks in a similar manner to the mage armor bug on gargoyle jewels.


I don't have a link to anything "official". I can only tell you what you can find out for yourself looking at the imbuing menus. You can only imbue 5 properties on an object, including those already present. The menu will also show you the weights. Weights are just a multiplier applied to a property that is considered to be more powerful/desirable.

So look at this example of a sword you might find as loot with the only special property being 94 luck.

When you open the imbuing menu and choose luck as the property you want to make better it will begin at 1% and show a total weight of 1/450. 450 is the max weight you have on looted items and 1 is what it would have if you imbued it right then without altering the menu. If you run up the menu to 94 you will see 94/450 and that would match the current value. Note also the weight multiplier is 1.0x. Luck isn't one of the powerful mods. Ok you decide to max out the luck. It only goes to 100 and you see 100/450 and a success rate in the lower right that's probably pretty good so you do it and bam you now have 100 luck.

Now try the same thing with damage increase and you'll see there is a weight multiplier higher than 1.0x. Also damage increase doesn't go from 1-100, it has a max range. So each bump you give it will be an increment to the percentage of the max damage increase. Because it is weighted you will see a corresponding but higher increase in the total weight.

Play with the menu comparing what you see on mods that already exist on the item with mods that don't. You should soon realize what it is doing.
Thank you for your most helpful explanation.