I don't even think an IDOC looter is logical in all honesty now that I'm sitting here bored thing of UO related scripts..on a Saturday mind you! I think what exactly makes a IDOC looter logical..ok it runs around insta checks boxes chests bag insta loots gold/checks/deeds? I'm confused as to how this makes sense even I know you cannot specify certain things on the forums so please feel free to PM and explain how it makes you a better IDOCer with a script even with the best PVP scripts there are many situational/timing processes that has to be human interacted no AI could ever outsmart a human brain there the software they use isn't built for it..it's impossible for it react fast enough to "know" what I'm thinking it can't track my movements and even if it could which I'm positive it can't other then some follow scripts that are very buggy and just don't work unless multiple instances are run..any "good" pvper or IDOCer will not run any kind of script it just isn't logical in that sense..now gaining skills or farming resources ok I see that it's just on dummy mode..but I thought the devs attempted to solve that by rotating resources veins..which is seeming to work seeing the drop in special resources of late..as for scripting as a whole even breaking it with patches would work for one "major" program I'm sure you all know..but with every patch..there's a much easier one that works just fine and I do admit to using it but I'm never afk I'm never farm resources/gold/special mats/or IDOCs..I use it to save myself from carpal tunnel on some of the more redundant tasks..maybe that's wrong ok but it shouldn't be banned it should be take under the wing..made legal and work together with the bright coders who created these things and have them insert fail safes to stop afk macroing which IS the issue..in case memory fails me but who remembers when UOAssist was an illegal 3rd party program Richard Garriot did the smart thing and said OK and made it work and I'm sure the owner of tugsoft.com made a good amount of money back in it hey day..don't shun those people have them help you to fix the problems cause guess what..those coders are much smarter then most of us and will find the loop hole around whatever they put in wether it be the false punk buster that has many workarounds or any other program or daily patch can offer..