The way I look at it, the ability to carry 60K+ gold, and send up to 60k per charge with a bag of sending, actually serves as a means to depreciate (if not actually eliminate, via ruining the market) RMT gold sales.
If gold drops to 1 cent per million people will still buy/sell it. Gold being devalued hurts normal players more than it does people who sell it professionally.
Someone mentioned a bulk sale of gold at 25 cents per million. If you work minimum wage you can get 25 million in just one hour! The lower the price of gold the more encouraged players will be to purchase it, the higher the prices of items in the game, the less time spent actually playing the game, etc. Anyone who thinks that it gets better as the price falls doesn't understand the repercussions of inflation.
I see a severalfew factores that effect the gold sale and the price for gold.
Illegal. EA made it illegal to trade ingame items for RL money. The sellers can't post on stratics and other respected UO forums and they can't offer their items/gold for RL cash ingame.
That do make it harder to find the buyers as most players won't want to risk their account and they do not see the offer from the sellers as they won't see the offers here on most known UO forums or ingame at the bank.
Easier to farm your own gold. Changes to gold weight and bag of sending do, that most will choose to farm their own gold instead of risk their account from buying it illegal with cash.
Artifacts and rares becoming less rare. Was there not some changes to Doom too so artifacts become a little easier to get? Also alot do choose factions items and they do not need gold to get them. They may trade gold for silver ingame.
Alot nice items can be brought from uogamecodes. They can also be brought for a fair gold price in ingame.
Runic tools less rare. The changes to bods made it easier to get colored bods and easier for you and me to get runic tools from doing bods. That mean, we won't risk to buy a duped one when we know our own is legal.
Again less busines for the sellers of illegal items
Bag of sending, community box and resources. Also gathering resources was harder, when you could not send it to the bank. Also the community box make life much easier, also for normal players who want to sell ingots, boards, leather as they do not need to get it to the bank first to stock their vendor. It also make it easier to get the resources you buy to your house and make the items you want to sell on vendor.
Better crafted items. More runic tools, easier gathering of resources and the armlore bonus will make the price on crafted items drop as more will try to sell good crafted items.
7. Bigger risk from breaking the rules in UO now where trial accounts are nerfed. I believe less will risk their account when they have to use a paid account for scripting and sale of illegal items.
They can't store all this gold in houses on trial accounts, they have to use their paid accounts for it.
Maybe the drop in gold price do not mean we got more gold ingame, maybe it do mean, that the sellers are trying to get rid of as they have trouble with selling it and with storing it.
Maybe some of our parasites are given up and leaving us, maybe it is a good sign.