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I heard a rumour...

  • Thread starter mucous_membrains
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Way to rewrite history drama queen.

In the version I watched Mithrendel recalled in right in front of me. I immeadiately attacked her/him/it but the char ran inside. She went all the way up stairs and hid. I cast bees but I could not get them on the roof and to my knowledge Mithrendel invised and logged off. In any case I never saw him/her/it again. Then elendale logged in and I killed him with bees inside. Then you show up on animocity and see me and run immeadiately inside. Where you stay until a second Elendale (at least I assume it was a second one) char recalls in. At that point you come outside. and the two of you immeadiately attack me. Not wanting to face the multiple BC that I know are coming I left. I got about three screens away and realized I needed a screen shot so I went back and found you too all cozy in front of the house. I got my pic and left again. as far as I know neither of you left the vicinity of the house.



damn mal dont you have a life i tell you what though u must be runnin some bad ass speed hacks cause i was hauling ass when u passed me running twords the server line half lifed

oh well no big deal i was killed by another cheater thats the life of uo

[/ QUOTE ]

Did the performance enhancing tools you accuse me of help me kill you with Bees inside the house?


imported_lady michelle



damn mal dont you have a life i tell you what though u must be runnin some bad ass speed hacks cause i was hauling ass when u passed me running twords the server line half lifed

oh well no big deal i was killed by another cheater thats the life of uo

[/ QUOTE ]

Did the performance enhancing tools you accuse me of help me kill you with Bees inside the house?

[/ QUOTE ] Your character on the side of the tower. I thought it was a scarecrow with the way your arms are setup. then of course I realized it was you,


Those Kingdom Reborn graphics are painful to look at. It almost looks like your character is riding The Roadrunner from Looney Tunes fame.