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I am fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen (The struggle of being an Xsharder)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get shunned by the players who consider their shard "home" to only them and noone else.
I get screwed over by EMs who intentionally try to mislead us because we aren't "one of them"
I get talked down to, spit upon, and treated like trash

I apologize I don't play the game like you do. I don't play just one shard, that's not how *I* like to play. I pay my subscription fee, I train my characters, I play the game MY way. Yet there are people who continually try to force me to play how "they" think I should.

We sit here and wonder why the population dwindles. Look in the mirror, and this toxic community has itself partially to blame.

You can remove the words Xsharder, and apply it to various other areas of the game (Multi-clienters, pvpers, pvers, RPers, ect) We are always so quick to tell people how THEY should be playing the game, so concentrated on pushing people out from YOUR community.

Its sickening.
You are pretty fast to trow blame around and cause mistrust for minor stuff yourself perhaps you should go have a look in the mirror ?

If you want people to like you you have to earn it and because you are a xsharder you already start at a disadvantage (most people think you only come for the rewards) so you have to be a pretty cool chap to be around for people to like you

nature of the game i guess it is not fair but then most thing are not


Stratics Legend
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The problem isn't text being blocked. It's being crashed right out of the game. There's a reason people are always asking gargoyles to turn off flight mode. The lag created when there are (when I counted last night) 32 flying gargoyles and 18 greater dragons standing on top of the EM, all with wings flapping, is enough to turn the game into molassis, if not crash you entirely. It's rather hard to follow the event when you're spending most of your time missing the text due to lag and crashes.


Supreme Commander
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Stratics Legend
I have characters on every shard and attend as many events as I can. I don’t pay much attention to the journal nor anyone else at the events.

I see people being rude, “x-sharders” and natives both.

I see people scripting.

I see people Multi-Botting.

I see people jacking with the EM and being disruptive.

I see people purposely blocking people/event/EM.

I do my best to ignore them all. I play my game and to hell with everyone else. I do cringe when I see someone just being an ass and purposely being disruptive and desperate for attention. But in the long run what can I do that their parents didn’t teach them in the first twelve years of their lives……..

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love events, but there are so many multi accounts people crash/lag so bad die easily. this happens to a lot of people and the x-sharders get the blame. many have the greed to bring as many chars as possible not to have fun. lets only bring one char per person and have fun. np with x-sharders. I wont go into how many cheat, a waste of time.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Well, on the shard I play, the X-sharders, along with the bots, outnumber the "regular" shard players at least 5:1. To the detriment of the events.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
x sharders are np. if only everyone just brought one char would be great. just because u don't lag or crash, doesn't mean others don't. lets have fun. some of my friends do get very upset seeing 3 chars follow another then all cast same spell a once or get auto heals as needed, or get an easy rez. then one of my friends would crash and they blame all the multis, yes some have quit. theres just as many home shard multi char as x sharders but they get the blame. I know many here will not use one char for they can make a lot of gold. greed is widespread, i bet there would be half the amount of chars if everyone brought one char. so lets bring one char and watch the crying stop lol, have fun. I know the devs wont/cant stop this major issue but u never know. ok waiting for some rocks to be thrown at me lol.


Long Live The Players
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Stratics Legend
I for one am training 4 gargoyle throwers on every shard. I will treat em events like idocs except a whole lot easier and less time consuming. If it works as well as i think it will, be aware i might train 10 gargoyle throwers on every shard.

just kidding, but seriously i am... not really though. :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, on the shard I play, the X-sharders, along with the bots, outnumber the "regular" shard players at least 5:1. To the detriment of the events.
shout out a thankyou to lineman for this :)


the way the "new" (its over a year old now) random system has played out has pretty much lived up to expectations.

I said from the start that id much rather have seen a hybrid system so theres actually at least some benefit from playing 1 fully trained character extremely well.

This system is what people asked for. Yes i hate seeing the program automated bot-pods (who are mostly run by a guild who purely sells drops and has 0 interest in rares or collecting other than the $$)
I'm also very transparent that i run 2 characters per shard. While id prefer playing one, i do also like getting drops, and the competition from those running 3-6 scripted/multibox programed accounts is just to great now to not increase ones odds at least a little.

At least people dont even have to train a character to have a chance. (damn Alexander and his naked noobs getting all the drops :p)

Its not the style of challenging gameplay i find to be the most fun, we are seeing the expected side effects of everyone having "equal" chance without having to fully train, gear, or play a character. It can be frustrating seeing all those multi accounts, but i guess its at least served its purpose by getting more people involved in events.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I have played 17 years and I assume pretty much no one knows me. I started on LS in a guild called the Skara Brae Rangers and one day they had a huge fight and it was torn apart. My husband and I went with the group of people we played mostly with. It was about 12 guys and 1 chick, I made 2. She was jealous of other women and pushed me to the point I started over on Baja. Game was still new enough I was able to be one of the first GM Smiths (Sugar). I had a small house next to the Minoc stables. I ended up with one house per character. When they announed Trammel. I didn't go I kept my 5 houses. That was a mistake. I no longer had to mine 12 hours a day to make armor for people till my ingots ran out. (no color ore then and ore weighted more and packies only carried 400 stones and you mined naked because you got killed alot).
So after 6 months I spent all the gold I had ever saved and bought a tower on Ice Island. I right off got a good amount of customers and then they made the Frost Troll spawn in front of my house killing any perspective buyers. I know its a game but I went into a deep depression and probably been in one since. You would think I had left the game but I went on making a tamer and others doing something different. There is always something different to do. I have tried events many a times and can say the only time I ever got anything was supposedly before they had events or first I knew of. No one believes me when I tell them I got a 1 of 4 cloaks (Royal Guard Inquisitor) on LS. Might have been a GM I don't know. We all stood in Jhelom and they told us 4 HUGE Diamonds out there go find them and everyone just stood there. I looked and found one in the tailor shop of Jhelom and my husband found one some where in Skare Brae. We handed these to the GM and they handed us this cloak (always wondered if I could of kept the Diamond.) I don't know if the other 2 where ever found. Everyone was 2 lazy to go look. But I'm dragging this out. Long story short over the years I attended many a event and never got anything. SO I gave up and just do what I enjoy and try to be friendly and helpful to other. I have scribed for several years now filling books of all kinds for people to get around. I was even given a Luna vendor for free (LS) the owner saying I serve the community. that made me proud. I was Scribbles for years but had to change my name to Opalala due to problems with the community. Too bad because I loved my scribe name and was my cats name. But I was blamed for many things I didn't do. Husband was a sweety and seen the stress and tears it caused me and bought a name change token for me.
Oh no dragging on again. Yes the people that play this game are killing it. Others things adds to this equation also but not as much as the players, like Captn. Norrington stated previously in this thread. I agree with him.
Mean while play on and please try to be friendly and helpful to others. (mutters alot don't even read this to busy griefing)
