I agree that such a power could be abused if not properly balanced and after reading your thoughts I added additional restrictions to make the power very limiting. [Limted Exiling Power to CL and Sub Commander, List of Exiles resets daily, limited to exiling 5 people (accounts) at a time, exiling restricted to the stronghold]Lore, I do not like the idea of a CL or his designees being able to exile other players from faction-related locations. I think it's way too much power for any player or group of players to have and far too easy for it to end up being abused by someone using alternate accounts to rig an election. I think it could easily end up driving people out of factions.
I believe in its current form the frustration caused by someone abusing the power of CL (banning up to five people from the faction base daily) would be less frustration then having a rogue faction guild ruining an 8 hour defense or running around the stronghold killing off allied faction members. Elections for CL's occur twice a week, a bad CL can easily be removed. Rigging an election can be done, ticking off the entire faction and winning the next election is another story all together.
I do a lot of training with Tram based guilds moving into factions. The shift from a tram mindset to a Fel one can be frustrating for people but in my experience nothing has proven to be more frustrating (and caused more people to leave factions) then being killed by your own faction members. Most people can accept dying to an enemy, getting killed by supposed allies has always been hard to explain [particularly in TB].
Another reason I think an alternate way of dealing with traitors is necessary is that I am a strong believer that rank should be tied to Karma/Fame (differently) depending on your faction. For TB/Virtue faction positive karma should be tied to rank. Being forced to kill your own members who are disrupting a defense would damage your rank.
I haven't added my post to the rank system posts because this system was based on the current factions and ranking system and I do not know enough about the new system being tested to adapt it... but here how it would look in theory:
Virtue Faction: [Rank advancement capped by Karma]
The Quest of Virtue is not one of conquest but one of the righteous duty. Only Virtuous Men and Women of the highest moral character can save Felucca and its people from the surrounding darkness.
Karma Level:______Title_____________Max Faction Rank:
[-1<]__________Rude or Lower____________0
[0]_____________No Title_________________1
[1]_____________ Fair__________________2-3
[3]_____________Good _________________6-7
*A red can never achieve a rank higher then 0 regardless of current Karma level.
Free Traders Faction: [Karma and Fame have no effect on Rank]
All men and women who fight for the Free Traders may advance as far as there skill and hard work will take them.
Guardian Legion[Rank is Tied to Reputation]
The Gaurdian Legion does not allow just any lowly soldier to lead, only a Warlord of great reputation, earned through the trials of combat is worthy to command the Guardians Legion.
Fame Level:______Title_____________Max Faction Rank:
[1]_____________No Title____________________0
[3]_____________Prominent _________________4-6
[5]_____________Lord/Lady__________________ -
*Commander of the Guardian Leader must be at least Renowned [Level 4]. If an election for Commander is a tie, the candidate with the higher Fame is declared the winner.